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Rittenhouse Station

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Second King of The Elysium Empire


  • Intent:
    • IC: Create a defensive station for The Elysium Empire
    • OOC: Create a new location to outlive The Empire for RPers to utilize for years to come.
  • Image Source: DeviantArt
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: Mandal-Elysium Arms
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Mandal-Elysium Arms
  • Affiliation:
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: NA
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: almost any and all standard manufacturing material, but primarily;
    • Durasteel
    • Beskar-durasteel laminated armor
    • Quadanium steel
    • Titanium

  • Classification: Defensive Station
  • Length: 15,000 meters
  • Width: 20,000 meters
  • Height: 50,000 meters
  • Armament: Extreme
  • Defenses: Extreme
    • Overlapping (x4)deflector shields
    • 4x Huge Gravity Well Generators
    • 1x Central Missile Deactivation Transmitter
    • 1x Central Crystal gravfield trap
    • Case-hardened Beskar-durasteel laminated armor hull in critical points (Shield Generators, Weapon Batteries, Munitions Storage)
    • Case-hardened durasteel-quadanium laminated armor all over the station
    • 12x powerful tractor beams
    • Hundreds of Point Defence Lazers
    • Robust Anti-hacking/malware defenses
    • Internal Ray Shields
    • Internal Security Droids
  • Hangar Space: Extreme
    • 4x "Arms" that can house 2 battlecruisers each
    • 12x Cruiser-sized hangars
    • 18x Starship hangars capable of holding dozens of fighters, or bombers
  • Maneuverability Rating: None
  • Speed Rating: None
  • Hyperdrive: None
  • All standard features
  • Gravity defense - this station is protected by 4 large gravity well generators that create a protective field when powered on, keeping enemies at a distance

  • Weapons Platform - An extreme amount of weaponry makes Rittenhouse station capable of competing with entire enemy fleets.

  • Defensive Behemoth : Rittenhouse station is nearly impenetrable. When weapons don't do the trick, overlaying shields, titanium and beskar plated critical points, gravity wells, and point-defense lasers keep the station well protected.
  • Immovable Object: Rittenhouse Station does not and can not move, meaning enemies can bypass it

  • Low staff: The massive amount of weapons and defenses mean there is very little living room on Rittenhouse Station, meaning the station is running on minimal staff.

  • Energy Hog: Unlike Damascus Station, Rittenhouse station doesn't have special generators to harness the energy of two planets. If Rittenhouse station loses even one power generator, its' systems will suffer.

  • Harsh environment: The energy usage makes life on Rittenhouse station harsh for its' limited inhabitants. The station is very hot, all the time, and there are no luxuries such as swimming pools, air conditioning, etc. There are limited showers and water sources, very few holoTVs, etc. to minimize power and space usage.
The Defender of The Empire, Rittenhouse station was built to defend against the looters and raiders in The Western side of the galaxy after The Confederacy fell to the same forces. However the station also protects against The Eternal Empire, and the inevitable rise of The Ascendency.

Rittenhouse Station is made purely for defense of The Empire. It is not Damascus Station. It has no market stalls, production areas, etc. and has minimal living areas. It's cramped, offers no luxuries, and is despised by those that work there, resulting in multiple shift changes per week to give the workers a break. However the station is armed to the teeth and is nearly impenetrable.

The station cost millions of credits, nearly bankrupting The Empire of its' galactic credits following the previous, much more expensive, Damascus Station. However The King felt it was a smaller risk than leaving the Western border unguarded against pirates, The Eternal Empire, and The Ascendency.


  • Classification: Defensive platform
  • Location: Western Border Arm of The Empire (X)
  • Affiliation:
  • Population: Low, 10 Million
  • Demographics: Comprised of the species/races of the Elysium Empire, most notably:
    • Humans (about 60% of the populace)
    • Chiss
    • Wookies
    • Trandoshans
    • Mon Calamari
    • Dorneans
    • Mandalorians
  • Accessibility: Extremely High External and Cyber Security. Low Internal Security.
  • Traffic: Congested
    • Internal transportation is always slow:
      • Tight spaces
      • Minimal space used for transportation
      • Very few bathrooms
      • Hangars are always full of ships and repair crews
    • External Traffic is endless and requires heavy intervention by flight controllers
      • Docks and Hangars are always occupied
      • Patrols are always on routes around the station
  • Description: At a glance, Rittenhouse station is not the military powerhouse that it is. But upon further examination, passerby's will notice the amount of weaponry the station brings to bear. With hundreds of lasers, turbolaser, and ion cannons, Rittenhouse Station strikes fear into enemies of The Empire, and makes its' civilians feel safe and protected.
  • Generator Room: In the center of the station, the generator room holds all four shield generators, and all power generators.
  • Hangars: The station has multiple hangar bays.
  • Docks: The four docks around the station are capable of holding 2 battlecruiser-sized ships each.

T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun

This is an SSD/Dreadnought category or a Superweapon? If yes, please decrease the size to 10km. The dimensions for military ships and stations are the same. So if you want to keep the current dimensions, please remove the armament.
And if this is an SSD/Dreadnought, please add the 3 dominion to the thread.
If we clarify these, I'll start to judge the sub as well.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun

You have 1 valid sub in February not 3, only the junction, the dominions are not good, the started in January. If you want an SSD/Dreadnought all threads need to be start and end in the same month. And the requirements are 3 dominions or 2 dominions and 1 junction.

So I archive the sub.
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