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Approved Lore Rite of Shiantara

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  • Intent: To codify the type of bond that my Imperials have with their Sith wives. Inspired by Edenbridge's Shiantara
  • Image Credit: Generated in Midjourney and redone in Photoshop.
  • Music Credit: Shiantara by Edenbridge
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Shiantara Lyrics
  • Tradition Name: Shiantara Bond
  • Tradition Type: Formal Order
  • Tradition Focus: Sensory and Spiritual
  • The Shiantara Bond is an ancient Sith tradition rooted in the depths of the Dark Side. It is a blood-bound oath of marriage that transcends the physical realm, allowing the bonded individuals to share a deep and potent connection through the Force. This tradition focuses on the sensory and spiritual aspects of the Force, delving into the depths of emotion, memory, and thought.

    The ritual of the Shiantara Bond is performed with solemnity and reverence, invoking ancient Sith rites and incantations. It is a dark and intense ceremony, binding the partners together in an unbreakable union that grants them access to each other's innermost thoughts and feelings. Through the Shiantara Bond, the partners can share memories, emotions, and even harness each other's abilities within the Force.

    However, the power of the Shiantara Bond comes with great risks. Once activated, the bond becomes increasingly stronger over time, intertwining the fates of the bonded individuals inextricably. Death becomes a harrowing experience, as the surviving partner feels every moment of their partner's passing with excruciating clarity. There is no deactivation or reversal of the bond, leaving the partners forever bound to each other's destinies.

    The Shiantara Bond is a rare and forbidden tradition, known only to a select few within the Sith Order. It is seen as a tool of control and manipulation, wielded by those who seek to dominate and subjugate their partners. Yet, despite its dark origins, the Shiantara Bond remains a potent force in the galaxy, its echoes reverberating through the annals of Sith history.
  • Influence: Minor
  • Orientation: Dark-leaning
  • Influence Area: Sith-dominated worlds, particularly those within the Sith Empire (Sith Order)
  • Symbol: The symbol of Shiantara is a twisted knot, representing the entwined fates of the bonded individuals.
  • Description: The Shiantara Bond is a forbidden and dark-leaning Force tradition practiced primarily by Sith Lords and their partners within the Sith Empire. It is a blood-bound oath of marriage that grants the bonded individuals access to each other's emotions, memories, and abilities within the Force. Originally meant to be evoked through either blood-bound rituals or tattooed incantations, the Shiantara Bond has become a tool of manipulation and control for Sith who seek to dominate their partners. Despite its dark origins and warnings against its usage, some Sith have embraced the Shiantara Bond, finding unique challenges and power within its grasp. However, the consequences of wielding such a bond are dire, often resulting in madness and suffering for both partners. The Shiantara Bond remains a closely guarded secret within Sith circles, its true power and potential known only to those who dare to wield it.
  • Membership: Becoming a part of the Shiantara tradition is a clandestine and secretive process. Those who seek it out must actively search for ancient texts, artifacts, or hidden knowledge that leads them to the ritual. It is not a tradition that one is born into, nor is it openly taught or practiced. Instead, individuals must delve deep into forbidden lore and dark rituals to uncover the secrets of Shiantara.
  • Motives: The primary drive behind the Shiantara tradition is power and control. Sith Lords who seek out this ancient rite are often driven by a desire to dominate their partners and gain access to their emotions, memories, and abilities within the Force. The allure of such potent and forbidden knowledge is irresistible to those who crave ultimate power and seek to transcend the limitations of conventional Sith teachings.
  • Rules and Teachings: The teachings of Shiantara are shrouded in secrecy, known only to those who have successfully uncovered the ritual. It preaches the importance of dominance, manipulation, and control over one's partner, as well as the exploitation of their emotions and abilities for personal gain. Practitioners of Shiantara are bound by the blood oath of marriage, which grants them access to their partner's innermost thoughts and feelings, but also subjects them to the same vulnerabilities and dangers inherent in the bond.
  • Reputation: Outside of its own practitioners, the Shiantara tradition is virtually unknown. It is a hidden and forbidden knowledge that few dare to seek out or discuss openly. Those who practice Shiantara are viewed with a mixture of fear and suspicion by other Force traditions, who see them as dangerous and unpredictable individuals wielding dark and forbidden powers.
  • Openness: Practitioners of Shiantara are highly secretive and clandestine, rarely revealing their identity or presence to outsiders. They operate in the shadows, carefully guarding their knowledge and power from prying eyes. While some may be willing to work with others for mutual benefit, they are selective in their alliances and cautious in their dealings with outsiders.
  • Characteristic Equipment: The practitioners of the Shiantara tradition utilize specific ceremonial tools during the ritual. These include candles arranged in a circular formation, a ritual knife purified by the dark side, and for those undergoing the tattoo ritual, an 'earthbound' or wooden tattoo needle infused with dark side sanctified ink. These items are integral to the performance of the ritual and serve to enhance its potency and efficacy.

  • Notable Force Skills: See below.

    [FU Edition] Shiantara enables Force User partners to establish an incredibly deep and intimate connection, allowing them to share emotions, memories, and even Force abilities. Through the ritual, partners may develop a profound understanding of each other's strengths and weaknesses, enhancing their combat effectiveness through synergistic coordination and shared knowledge. Additionally, the ritual may enable partners to communicate telepathically and project their thoughts across vast distances, facilitating seamless coordination and strategic planning.

    [NFU Edition] Shiantara does not focus on traditional Force abilities or skills in the same way as other Force traditions. Instead, the rite unlocks latent Force sensitivity within the non-Force sensitive partner, enabling them to tap into the Force to a limited extent. However, the extent of their abilities is constrained by their inherent lack of training and experience, resulting in only rudimentary and unpredictable manifestations of Force power.

  • Notable Force Limitations: See below.

    [FU Edition] While Shiantara empowers Force User partners with a heightened connection and mutual understanding, it also carries inherent risks and limitations. The intense emotional and psychological bond forged through the ritual can lead to emotional dependency and vulnerability, potentially clouding judgment and hindering individual growth. Additionally, the shared pain and suffering experienced by partners can become overwhelming, especially in moments of extreme duress or trauma, leading to mental and emotional instability. As such, practitioners must exercise caution and discipline in managing their bond to avoid succumbing to its dark and consuming influence.

    [NFU Edition] One notable limitation of the Shiantara tradition is its inability to provide comprehensive or structured training in Force abilities. While the ritual may awaken latent Force sensitivity in non-Force sensitive partners, it does not impart the knowledge or discipline required to harness and control these newfound abilities effectively. As a result, practitioners may struggle to fully understand or utilize their Force powers, leading to unpredictable and potentially dangerous outcomes. Additionally, the ritual itself is primarily focused on emotional and psychological manipulation rather than the development of specific Force skills, resulting in a lack of emphasis on traditional Force techniques such as lightsaber combat or telekinesis.

    [Note, this is not unlocked right away but over time, for example it’s taken forty years and a trip to the Nether for Fio to start to unlock this.]

Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf and Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro
Possibly, Ishana Pavanos Ishana Pavanos and Kaalia Pavanos Kaalia Pavanos

The Shiantara tradition traces its origins back to the tumultuous era of the Old Republic, a time of great upheaval and conflict among Force-sensitive individuals seeking to harness the power of the dark side. Born out of the arcane knowledge and esoteric practices of ancient Sith Lords, Shiantara emerged as a forbidden and enigmatic ritual, shrouded in secrecy and cloaked in whispers among the Sith elite.

While the exact origins of Shiantara remain shrouded in mystery, it is believed to have been crafted by Sith sorcerers seeking to forge an unbreakable bond between Force-sensitive individuals, granting them unparalleled power and dominion over their adversaries. Drawing upon ancient Sith lore and dark side rituals, the founders of Shiantara devised a ritualistic ceremony imbued with potent energies and arcane incantations, designed to bind the souls of partners inextricably together, transcending the boundaries of space and time.

Throughout the centuries, Shiantara remained a closely guarded secret among a select few Sith Lords, its knowledge passed down through clandestine channels and whispered conspiracies. Its practitioners wielded its power with trepidation and reverence, recognizing the inherent risks and dangers of delving into the forbidden arts of the dark side. Despite its taboo nature, Shiantara persisted as a symbol of forbidden knowledge and untapped potential, tempting ambitious Sith Lords with promises of absolute power and dominion.

As the Sith Order ebbed and flowed throughout history, Shiantara endured as a relic of ancient Sith sorcery, its secrets preserved by those bold enough to seek its forbidden truths. Though relegated to the shadows and relegated to the annals of Sith history, Shiantara remains a potent reminder of the dark side's allure and the perilous path that lies ahead for those who dare to tread its forbidden paths.

Practitioners of the Shiantara ritual are cautioned against the reckless pursuit of its dark powers, as the consequences of invoking its arcane energies can be dire and unforeseen. The following warnings are issued to those who seek to delve into the forbidden depths of Shiantara:
  • Do Not Combine Rituals: It is imperative that practitioners do not attempt to combine the blood-bound ritual with the tattoo ritual. While each method carries its own risks and rewards, the convergence of both rites can result in unpredictable and catastrophic consequences. Recent records indicate that a misguided practitioner, seeking to amplify the potency of the bond, fused the blood-bound oath with the tattoo ritual, resulting in the irreversible damage to the participants' psyche.
  • Beware the Unraveling of Minds: The intimate and unbreakable bond forged through Shiantara grants participants access to each other's emotions, memories, and thoughts, blurring the boundaries between individual identities. However, prolonged exposure to the relentless onslaught of shared sensations can lead to the erosion of mental fortitude and the unraveling of sanity. Practitioners are warned to tread cautiously and remain vigilant against the insidious whispers of the dark side that seek to corrupt and consume the mind.
  • Unbreakable Bond: The primary strength of the Shiantara ritual lies in the creation of an unbreakable bond between partners, transcending the physical realm and forging a connection that spans space and time. This bond grants participants unprecedented insight into each other's emotions, memories, and thoughts, allowing for unparalleled coordination and synergy in combat and manipulation of the Force.
  • Enhanced Force Sensitivity: Through the invocation of Shiantara, participants experience a heightened sensitivity to the Force, unlocking dormant potential and tapping into reservoirs of dark side energy. This enhanced connection to the Force empowers practitioners with increased agility, strength, and precognition, elevating their prowess in combat and manipulation of the dark side's arcane energies.
  • Vulnerability to Pain and Madness: The unyielding bond forged through Shiantara exposes participants to the full spectrum of each other's sensations and experiences, including pain, trauma, and madness. As the bond strengthens over time, practitioners become increasingly susceptible to the debilitating effects of shared suffering, risking the erosion of mental stability and descent into madness.
  • Inescapable Fate: Once bound by the dark energies of Shiantara, participants find themselves inexorably linked to each other's destinies, unable to sever the ties that bind them. This entanglement of fate leaves practitioners vulnerable to manipulation and exploitation by malevolent forces seeking to exploit their connection for their own nefarious ends, trapping them in a web of dark intrigue and treachery from which there is no escape.


Tsûduma dyiasi, zûtayitka ziwija
Nu ziji j'us ir zo jin' diâ diwasiairsihs wurai
A tirsaha zasoti An wisûo ri winsi tnika
Ri kakija iw a tadti' wirio
Ri wtura iw ri kûkas
Ziji diu tuti akima diâ drasosûtâona
Ri kakori winwa ritas driyis
Zo zuhia iw insosûtaia
An tsosûtaiyi ri waini ki

Nu waria tuti zo niriai iw j'us
Ri kakija Nu kitok wa
Ri hatakûriyita iw Shiantara
Nu kioska dzi tsiu
Akûti an akûti, zitia an zitia
Nu sosûtari sis aiksosûti
Ir ri hatakûriyita iw Shiantara

Kiara miri dras
Diâ tsosûtaiyi ri ais diyis j'us saiyir nindz kots ri udnizitsia
Sis qo niati Katsoshatsa, izi
Ri qo an tihri zo waraiyizi riyiksmi
Zo wima iw kakija
Nu shiyi
Drakia dias zirtimuns zira
Oi jihri an tiwi zo chord ir ki, enshrine

Nu waria tuti zo niriai iw j'us
Ri kakija Nu kitok wa
Ri hatakûriyita iw Shiantara
Nu kioska dzi tsiu
Akûti an akûti, zitia an zitia
Nu sosûtari sis aiksosûti
Ir ri hatakûriyita iw Shiantara


Nu waria tuti zo niriai iw j'us
Ri kakija Nu kitok wa
Ri hatakûriyita iw Shiantara
Nu kioska dzi tsiu
Akûti an akûti, zitia an zitia
Nu sosûtari sis aiksosûti
Ir ri hatakûriyita iw Shiantara
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