Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rising From The Shadow {Open, Preferably friendly or theatrical scenario)


Lids lifted to release deep yellow hues from captivity, and his maw opened to release an ominous howl of discontentment. His hand fell upon his torso, where pain seemed unbridled to its existence. Clutching lightly, he twisted his form and lifted from the small pallet which he had laid in.

I am ready...

The devaronian, who had succumbed completely to the darkside into his quintessence, gathered his belongings as he felt fit enough to travel again. His master had left him, betrayed him--he had failed ultimately. Silus' intention was to either talk his way onto a ship, or much preferred, kill anyone who stood his way from getting off the planet.
The devaronian slipped into the crowds, the whispers of the force lingering within his senses as he moved through deftly. His form, now concealed within the refuge of a concealing cloak, almost seemed imperceptible or insignificant enough to where glances did not move in his direction. He was on the far-end of the city, and so it would take some time before he reached the ship port. As he moved through, he pondered the whereabouts of his old master, though inevitably--such thoughts were cast away as he knew at this very moment any attempt to claim vengeance upon his former teacher would prove futile. He had to find the sith, as their establishment would provide the stepping stones he desperately needed.

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