Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rise of the Behemoths

Expansion Region
Behemoth class Colony Vessel - Tarasque
"Thus the beast shall lumber from whence it slumbered. It's form beholding those of legion that shall wash across the galaxy. Yet it shall arrive in all its splendor not by itself alone, fore it shall hath lead its brothers, and three shall arrive. Fore behind them they bring many, and those many shall defend those three."
~ The Deuterocanon of Annihilation 13:1 ~

There it lumbered out of hyperspace, the massive vessels crawling forward through the void. With it came two others, the trio of vessels that were the only ones of their kind. Thus as they appeared they were rapidly surrounded by many others. Cruisers to guard their lumbering Behemoths.
Standing on the bridge, a soft sigh escaped the woman's lips as red hues fell upon the world before her. Though it was not the world she was interested in, rather it was the shipyards that lain in orbit. With a soft smirk crossing her lips she nodded softly, her arms pulled behind her back as she clasped her hands together. Long locks of silver hair flowed down her back as if a river flowing.
"All vessels converge on the shipyards."
The command was given as the lumbering vessel slowly crawled forward. It was a gamble that had to be made, a dangerous one at that. The three vessels were not meant to be taken into combat, and yet they were here. Their compliments of starfighters would aid, yet many would be held in defense of the Behemoth vessels. The bulk of the fleet was comprised of Amarok class Cruisers, taken from the fall of the Avidonian Dominion. This gamble was to ensure the future of the Raulynate fleet for a time.
Remaining standing still, and quiet, her eyes focused upon the world. There had been much history, and had she been striking a few hundred years ago she was sure that she'd not have made it to such a close range. What she knew of Gyndine was from ancient books that spoke of its once status of a fortress world. Now though much of it looked as if it had been left out and forgotten.
"Keep the shipyards intact, all other structures are to be considered expendable."
[member="Jaster of clan Awaud"]
Ultimatum had been uncertain about this attack. Not for fear of failure, but more of an attack on organic life. Of course it was easy, for both organics and artificials, to take life. Organics tended to do this as if it were a requirement of life, artificials simple obeyed their organic masters by destroying others. It was intriguing to Ultimatum then that his mind seemed to shy away from the thoughts of killing organics. Had he become squeamish? No certainly not. He couldn't have. He was a droid designed for war, designed in fact to destroy organics for no other reason than personal pleasure. Since his initial activation though such pleasure had never been found. He still could not understand how he could find pleasure in killing other beings.

With all that, he did understand that this was necessary. He knew what he could accomplish. If he could get to a main command console for the droid workforce, he could potentially turn the droids into a small army by taking over their programming. The issue was that he would have to find said command console. It was likely well guarded on a command bridge, or if he was lucky in a maintenance area. Either way, it would take work, but he was willing to fight his way there.

He noted that [member="Almira Magrath"] was mainly concerned with the shipyards. That probably meant that they had a long life ahead of them, probably just building ships under a different management. That seemed to be the organic's very way of life, doing something but the management constantly changing.

He stood next to the exit from the bridge. As a droid with a sense of politeness he was going to wait until the woman was finished speaking to her troops. He didn't know if she wanted to try and accomplish some speech before battle to encourage her troops.

Jaster could not muster his armada in time for the attack, a monumental attempt on an old fortress world. Jasters fleet only comprised of his 3rd company escort group, 2 Crusader class Corvette, and 2 AA-9 Coruscant Freighter, though he was able to muster up his Corperate Police Force for thee attack. This provided 3,000 police officers who were light shock troopers, accompanied by 500 umbrella scientist and 2,000 Umbrella staff to secure much needed data.

The escort group aproched from the opposite side of the station providing a pincer manuver to spread the already thin defences even more. Jaster had his 200 marines suit up for boarding and hanger override for shuttles and drop ships to start fairing soldiers over. Jaster was heading with them.

He held a radio set and spoke to [member="Almira Magrath"], "This is Jaster Awaud of Umbrella Interest, we have arrived at the planned posistion, we shall commence the boarding attempt and radio you when we have captured the Hanger Bay of the central ship yard."

Jaster gave the radio phone back to the operator and entered the boarding room of the crusader class, modified to eject 200 Madalorian Marines into space and using their jetpacks to manuver onto the shipyard. Jaster looked at his men, "Bring honor to this battlefield!" After that the room slowly decompressed and Jaster stood waiting with his men.

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