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Ringmistress Ludia


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NAME: Ludia
FACTION: The Freak Show
RANK: Ringmistress
SPECIES: Albino Zeltron
AGE: Twenty Three
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.8 meters
WEIGHT: 50 kg
EYES: Silver
HAIR: White
SKIN: White
SEXUALITY: Pansexual.
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral
LANGUAGES: Basic, Shyriiwook, Sullustese, Huttese, Ewokese, Gamorrese, Jawaese.


Performer- She has put herself on display her entire life, and has become a master of spectacle.
Pheromones- Being a Zeltron, she produces powerful pheromones that make her more attractive to those around her.
Empath- As a Zeltron, she has a natural ability to sense the emotions of those around her.
Unpredictable- During her career, she has recognized that being impossible to predict is the best way to gain audiences.

Freak- As an albino, she is seen as both an abomination and an exotic prize by her audience.
Disdain For Money- She hates money, and demands her payment in other extravagant means.

Volatile- She is very emotional, and often reacts without thinking.
Soft Spot- She has a weakness for freaks, which is why she started the Freak Show.

Her appearance has always been one of the most controversial things about Ludia. Her white skin and hair have sparked much animosity towards her, as well as interest. She is never seen without her signature red outfit and hat, along with her baton.

Throughout her life, Ludia has always faced hate for her appearance. An albino Zeltron was unheard of, and those on Zeltros feared her. Her parents were ashamed to have her, and when she was six years old, she was sold into slavery by her own parents. Her master was proud of his pet, and paraded her around for others to see. As she grew older, she began to put herself on display for her master's entertainment. She earned him a lot of money, and she got better at performing as the years passed.
When she turned nineteen, Ludia grew sick of her horrible life and choked her master to death in his sleep. She fled his associate's wrath, and just to survive, she kept performing. She realized that she use other's view of her as a freak as an advantage, and put on a one-woman act she called 'The Freak Show', and called herself the Ringmistress. As time went on, she decided to expand her business, and recruited other freaks into her act.
They traveled the galaxy, putting on performances where ever they could, and Ludia was finally happy.


None just yet.


lol glad to help. Only other things I can think of, aside from two headed animals and maybe a species that should have hair somehow grows a full beard. Maybe something like a contortionist and someone with highly durable skin. Just look into actual circus freaks from history to add in.


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