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Rina-Jan Getchell

Rina-Jan Getchell

Rina-Jan Getchell

Just speaking your mind can get you far.
Doing it with a gun gets you a lot farther.


Age: 34 years old
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Sexuality: Pansexual

Height: 5'10" (1.75m)
Weight: 185lbs (84kg)
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue

Force Sensitive: Yes
Faction: Independent
Occupation: Bounty Hunter

Residence: Transient



People have a bad habit of using "good" and "kind" as if they're the same thing. They never quite realize that "goodness" is an issue of morality, while "kindness" is an issue of personality. An evil person can dote on those they love and care for. A good person can be callous and rude even to friends. Rina-Jan most certainly falls into the latter category.

"Abrasive" is one of the kinder words used to describe her. She can hardly ever be convinced to utter a "please" or "thank you" to others, she swears and drinks far more than is likely healthy for just one person, and almost every person who has thought they were an "item" has ended up heart-broken in the end. She isn't the sort of person you would turn to for a suit-and-tie event or for soft and gentle words in a hard time. And when you come to her with a complaint, you can't be surprised when she is too busy providing a solution to cry along with you.

She's hard working to a fault. She was the eldest child of a Mandalorian family, and Force-sensitive atop that. That meant she was always told that more was expected of her than those around her. She had to work harder than others, to be everywhere first, to have the answers for her siblings, and to always be working to improve herself. Now while adulthood may have tempered this to some degree, it can still serve to make her come across as rather abrasive or demanding of others, and she'll sometimes work herself into the ground without a second thought. A good tell for when she's reaching that sort of point is when she starts burning through tabac cigarras at an almost alarming rate.



Every good Mandalorian knows that looking tough doesn't matter if you can't back it up. But it doesn't hurt if you can. Under this guiding principle, Rina-Jan is an odd mixture of hard and soft-cut.

Through much of her childhood and adult life she has been able to gain access to, and afford, quality medical care and a healthy diet. This comes through in her physique and overall constitution. But at the same time the signs of hard living and a rough profession have begun to show through as well: wrinkles coming in at the corners of her eyes, tell-tale signs of a complexion turned raw from sandstorms, and the metal limbs that she keeps so well-hidden and the scars that came with them.

If armor and cloth were taken away, she'd reveal a myriad of scar and scorch marks from blasters and slug-throwers. More decoratively, intricate ink-work runs from the shaved side of her head, down her arm, over her chest and side, and ending around the mid-point of her left thigh. Where her attire is concerned its almost always utilitarian and simple in nature. Either she sports her armor when on a hunt or when she's expecting a fight, or she is simple clothing such as durable trousers, simple shirts and hoodies, and heavy boots. One of the few accessories she allows herself besides a blaster and a knife is a pair of sunglasses. And of course she'll happily wear a coat or other clothing appropriate to the local weather.


As pervasive as it is in all of life, its surprising how rarely two people sensitive to the Force will come together in a union outside of the larger orders. Baz Getchell and Aayla Getchell were brought together by the two things they held most in common: they'd both found their sensitivity to the Force early in life, and they had both been taken in to the Mandalorian culture as outsiders at near-infancy. Their paths first crossed when their hunting parties crossed paths and agreed to pool their resources in search for some of the larger and more dangerous local prey. The two ended up working closely together and it was a short path in the transition from fast friends to intimate lovers. Inside two years, Aayla married into clan Getchell.

Rina-Jan would come into their life only a few years later. The entire pregnancy was preceded with her father's vocal and ardent desire for a boy. He would go on at length about how he planned to raise a son into a proud Mandalorian, how the two would come to hunt together, and how he was absolutely certain that it was a boy without even getting any tests to see. Of course that meant his friends and family enjoyed poking fun at him to no end when Rina-Jan came into the world. Then he showed he hadn't learned the lesson just two short years later when Aayla was again pregnant, and once more his foot was in his mouth with the birth of the twins: Taia and Satra. Come the third time, he'd learned to keep his mouth shut and just wait. He was happy for a change of pace with his young son, Ghent.

But to focus on Rina-Jan's story in particular . . .

The eldest child in a Mandalorian family gets no mercy or preferential treatment. Of course some of the more natural things came to her first: walking, talking, and starting into schooling. These were milestones any parent would expect and her parents were proud enough of them as they cared for their children. The more unexpected development came when her parents soon came to realize they could sense the energy flowing through their eldest child. The very moment they realized their daughter was in tune with with the life-energy of the universe, their demands and expectations would only grow. Her parents, her father Baz especially, had always been of a mind that a Mandalorian sensitive in the Force was required ten-fold to work for the betterment of their vod.

She was grilled and pushed in her academics. She was always expected to know and have answers for her younger sisters before they even knew their questions, and to teach them how to do the same in turn for their brother. The young girl was pushed to learn faster and more comprehensively than her peers. Of course it was a pressure that children weren't really meant to deal with, but some part of her internalized it as the demands of her culture and birth. Other training came as well: how to track prey, how to hunt, skin an animal, maintain your armor, and to wield a blaster or blade as if it were nothing more than an extension of her body. The breaks were rare, praise seldom, and the demands always growing.

In later years her parents finally decided she was old and capable enough to spend the next few years alongside her father on some of his bounty hunts. She learned how to take what she learned tracking animals in the wild to learn more readily how to track a person in a city or through a space station. She'd learned how to aim for the weak spots on an animal and it carried over well into how to quickly fire off a center-mass double-tap on a moving bounty.

She wasn't even eighteen years old when her father gave her the honor of chasing down one of his bounties to tackle the man to the ground for a live grab. By the time she was eighteen her parents decided that she was competent enough to take a final test to see if she could handle herself. Her father got in contact with one of his regular contractors and had a bounty pulled for her to pursue. He came along of course, as did one of her sisters who had begun her own path to becoming a bounty hunter under their father, but this was her hunt.

Who was this first bounty of hers? A nobody Rodian, Bring Munkii, who ran spice for a Hutt.

Even if it was a nobody who would never come back into her life - or anyone else's life for that matter - he marked the last milestone of Rina-Jan's childhood years. Her parents gave their blessing: she was ready to go make her family proud. Her career started small through her parents' contacts who would be willing to give an untested gun a chance at some of their jobs. As she proved that she was talented enough to meet a client's demands from a live capture to nothing but scorched earth, more and more contracts were opened up to her. Her name grew and she gained a reputation as the Mandalorian woman who wouldn't ask questions, wouldn't quit out on a contract once she took it, and she was mainly in it for the credits. Of course her parents had instilled a love for the thrill of the hunt and respect for worthy prey, but a Hutt is never happy to be told a mark was let go because they "proved their honor". That began to develop a rather harsh and uncaring amoral stance in regards to the lives and safety of others.

Her bottom line became the primary focus. Everything else followed after.

She did contracts alongside her parents from time to time until they got gray-haired enough that they weren't anywhere near as quick or sharp-eyed as they had been. Then she ran jobs alongside her sisters. Her brother Ghent, interestingly enough, found his calling was not in bounty hunting but instead in the mechanical fields. So while she wasn't working alongside him as she did her sisters, she was still sure to drop in and spend time with him. Family was important after all. But for much of her career she worked separately from her family to pursue her own growing wealth of contacts for work. This lead to her eventually discovering that crime of a less sanctioned short paid rather well. What began as a few less sanctioned assassinations would escalate into more intense and organized crime by the time she was twenty eight years old.

Eventually she would find herself contacted by a Rodian: a woman by the name of Mi Yemeenpo. She was interested in assembling a crew for a job, and as with many clients Rina-Jan's reputation had preceded her. A mercenary bounty hunter who didn't ask questions so long as the credits were good. Of course Mi explained that the job was so sensitive in nature that she wouldn't just assemble any old team and send them out for it.

First they had to prove that they could work well together - and at the same time help finance the job the various experts had all been called together for. So a ten-man heist crew began a string of dockside and in-transit ship-raids, armored transport hits, and bank jobs across the rim to pool up money and gain experience working together until their employer finally decided they were all ready for the grand finale: the freighter 'Puffee'.

What she failed to mention was that the 'Puffee' was the property of her former employer: a Hutt by the name of Klustaybag Grohl. A Hutt who had managed to infiltrate the ranks of Mi's closest associates and catch word of the operation. Things were already in motion to rig the job against them before it even started and nobody involved had any way of knowing at the time what was coming next.

The plan was to intercept the 'Puffee' while under disguise as a local customs vessel. They had the ship, the transponder code, and even the uniforms to pull off the job. Maybe if it didn't have an insider from the very start it would have been fine, but the moment Rina-Jan and the others had come down into the cargo bay as part of a "routine inspection" they came under attack from the ship's crew. At the same time unbeknownst to her or the others, Mi's safehouse was coming under attack from more of Klustaybag's hired guns. The ship had been an imposter vessel transmitting false transponder codes and the loss of communication either way threw the entire heist into disordered chaos. Rina-Jan and the rest of her crew only barely made it back to their ship by the skin of their teeth and even then they weren't free from danger as the 'Puffee' turned its guns on them.

In a rapid-fire bombardment they lost engines, life-support, and then were sent plummeting down to the surface of Tatooine. Many of the crew were dead before the ship even breached atmosphere. Rina-Jan had been in the middle of dragging one of the more badly wounded members of the team to the medical bay when an internal explosion threw her from her feet and a second caused an internal support strut to come down onto her legs.

She passed out from the pain and was totally unaware of the chaos that followed as they tumbled to the ground. But at the end of it only she and the group's computer and technical expert were left alive. The tech expert was a Lethan Twi'lek woman by the name of Coc'vulo who came to consciousness not long after the wreck. She came to and searched among the bodies in a desperate home that she wasn't alone to find only Rina-Jan showing any signs of life.

When the bounty hunter came to she found that she was on her chest and pinned just beneath the knees with Coc'vulo over her. The other woman explained the situation. Explained that they were the only ones left alive. And explained that there was no way just the two of them could lift the beam on her legs. But she assured her that the bacta tank in the medical bay was still running well enough to stabilize her. And that if she was willing to put up with the pain then the Twi'lek had what she needed to get the Mandalorian out.

Suffice to say that the pain was blinding and Rina-Jan nearly busted her teeth when she bit down on the simple piece of metal she'd been given as a gag. When she was finally 'free' from the wreckage she was dragged to the bacta tank and dumped in to heal - the tied off remains of her legs leaving a trail of blood that showed her path.

Thankfully some of the consumables that had been aboard the ship survived and with a little scouting the duo had found they weren't more than a day's walk from a small village of moisture farmers. They used scraps from the wreck to fashion a crude sled for both Rina-Jan and some of their supplies before setting out just before the sun that next day. When they arrived in the village it was met with a clamor and confusion from the locals who wanted to know why two strange women who looked as if they had just been through hell were coming in from out of the desert. So they admitted to a partial truth: that they had been part of a crew of mercenaries and their ship had 'suffered a major malfunction' that caused them to crash-land in the desert. That the two of them were the only survivors from the event and they were in desperate need of help.

Nothing individually notable happened after that. The villagers were more than happy to first take them in to one of their houses where a local doctor could tend to the both of them - Rina-Jan especially. Then they were given warm meals and beds to sleep in. So long as they were willing to pull their weight around in whatever ways they could manage the two weren't required to pay a credit for their accommodations.

Coc'vulo was handy with anything that sparked, whirred, moved, or connected to the holonet so she made herself a niche as the town's rising resident expert on such things, while Rina-Jan made it known that a loss of legs hadn't made her hands too shaky or her eyes too dull to hold a rifle. And at first the two told each other this was temporary and that soon they'd go back out there. They kept saying that they would recover enough that the two of them could go back and get revenge for what was so obviously a set-up.

A few months to recover and lay low became the year. Became two. Became living as if they weren't outsiders anymore. They weren't "those girls from the wreck" anymore, but instead were just locals like any others: you went to Coc'vulo if your speeder was on the fritz and you came to Rina-Jan if you and some friends were looking for shooting lessons or wanted to trade a watch as a sentry for the village at night. At some points the two of them slipped into something that at least one would have described as being lovers. At others they just lived peacefully with one another. For her part Rina-Jan used the time to ponder and think when she so often found herself with little else to do.

Some part of her realized that a large part of what had left her so seemingly ruined and crippled - eventually on shoddy prosthetic legs built with parts Coc'vulo had purchased in the city two days away - was her own choices in life. She didn't come to that conclusion any slower from her Twi'lek friend drawing a similar conclusion about herself and being far more open about it when they were in private.

Some part of her still wanted answers though, and years of being a bounty hunter had made her get used to a life of wandering and roaming wherever she pleased. As the middle point of her fourth year 'stranded' on Tatooine drew near she worked with her friend to assemble a more sturdy and reliable set of prosthetic limbs for her. When she mentioned that they'd have to be able to stand up to the rigors of combat the other woman realized almost instantly what she was planning to do. She protested and argued that they both had a good thing going for them now and didn't need to go back out into a galaxy that was likely home to a very pissed off Hutt who'd happily kill the both of them were he to find they were still alive. But the promise to hunt down and kill the slug as soon as she got word on where and what he was up to was enough to assuage the other woman's concerns. Once her new prosthetic limbs were ready she wished goodbye to the people who had become good neighbors and friends over the last few short years and headed off for the nearest space-port with her credits and the clothes on her back.

The next two years were hectic. She purchased new gear to make up for some of what she had lost and almost immediately contacted a few of her old more low-key contacts to try and reach out to her family as discretely as possible. To find out that her father had passed away a year prior, that nobody knew where her former employer for the ship raid had wound up if she was even still alive, and that her family was ecstatic to hear she was still alive up until the point where she mentioned she might be hunted by a Hutt.

She took minor contracts until she could build up her funds enough to acquire the resources she needed to keep herself save and on the move again. Like a true bounty hunter that mainly consisted of guns, ammo, and a ship to call her own. All acquired in a variety of ways with various levels of legality - depending on what system one was in when it happened.

And now?

Well, now she's back on the market.


- Operator-Class armor
A DN-1 PDW -
A SHB-12 heavy blaster -
A HG-54 'Vora' hand-cannon -
A Deck-Sweeper shotgun -
A LD-58 modular rifle -
An Outback revolver, something of a back-up gun -
- *TBA*
- *TBA*
Placeholder -
- None
A set of Gunray-Bans -
A simple pair of macrobinoculars -

Social Connections

Baz Getchell | Father | Deceased
Aayla Getchell | Mother | Alive
Taia Getchell | Sister | Alive
Satra Getchell | Sister | Alive
Ghent Getchell | Brother | Alive

Coc'vulo | Friend, former lover | Alive
Mi Yemeenpo | Former Employer | Unknown

Klustaybag Grohl | Hutt Crimelord | Alive

Thread History

*Thread Name* | *Thread Summary* | *Link* | *Progress*
Bounty Contracts
*Bounty Target, Value* | *Hunt Summary* | *Link(s)* | *Progress*
*Character Name* | *Thread* | *Summary* | *Link*

Image References
-+ Reference 1 +-
-+ Reference 2 +-
-+ Reference 3 +-
-+ Reference 4 +-
-+ Reference 5 +-
-+ Reference 6 +-
-+ Reference 7 +-
-+ Reference 8 +-
-+ Reference 9 +-
-+ Reference 10 +-
-+ Reference 11 +-
Music References
Ask Me Anything - S.J. Tucker
Bank Job - Barenaked Ladies
Blood In The Cut - K.Flay
Hanging Tree (Cover) - Peter Hollens
Honor For All - Jon & Daniel Licht
Roads Untraveled - Linkin Park
Too Many Tears - Celldweller

Voice Sample: Natalie Dormer / Cressida
Face Claim: Natalie Dormer as Cressida


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