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RI 12.7x99mm Thermite Slug

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Marcus Tritum

Source: google images​
  • Intent: To provide a round that is capable of taking out armored targets.
  • Development Thread: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Rahvin Industries
  • Model: 12.7x99mm (.50) Thermite Slug
  • Affiliation: RI
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Minor
  • Material: durasteel, thermite

The thermite slug can only be fired from the RI-SRRG, therefore it contains no propellant. It is a .50 caliber round made of durasteel. A thin layer of thermal gel lines the slug. This layer cools the thermite inside, preventing the thermite from igniting from the heat of the slug being fired. Once the round impacts the target, the durasteel and thermal gel ruptures, igniting the thermite in the hollow core. Thermite burns at 4,000 degrees and is capable of burning armored infantry clad in phrik or beskar as it does not attempt to penetrate the armor, but rather heat it up to unbearable levels. In addition, thermite more or less never stops burning. In order to stop it one would have to carve a chunk of the armor out. Due to using such a large round, much more of the thermite is able to be used enabling a single round to potentially set part of an armored target on fire, while easily igniting an unarmored one.
[member="Dak Canton"]

I value interesting concepts, and this is certainly new.

However…I think you believe thermite is some sort of magical item.

Thermite is a mix of compounds which does indeed ignite when set on fire. However, it doesn’t work like you describe.
  • No amount of gel would prevent the heating caused by the firing of this weapon. Since you don’t link the weapon it’s fired from and I can’t find it, I’ll need to look into that too.
  • The amount of thermite that can be packed into a bullet is very small, less than 50 grams, less if you have the coating and such. Considering it’s a powder, impact would disperse the powder as well.
  • Thermite requires extremely high tempratures to ignite. It’s not stated how you intend to ignite it. Usually magnesium or other burning metals are needed for ignition.
  • Thermite does indeed burn hot, but you’ll notice that it works best when on a flat, horizontal surface. A round hitting armour would scorch it, but then fall to the ground. Great for distractions but not so good for penetrating combat armour.
  • Phrik and Beskar can resist lightsabres, and with the above mentioned problems, it wouldn’t have the chance to heat up armour enough before it’s removed.
  • I doubt how useful this would be, overall, as a bullet. Since bullets are fired in large amounts, the fiddly qualities of this ammunition would make it prohibitive in cost.

Traditionally, the military uses of thermite have been used against stationary targets like artillery, equipment and other such things where you can place charges. They have tried to make thermite explosives but they’re not very effective.

I’d like to hear your ideas, but this is close to denial on intent, logic and science.

Marcus Tritum

In discussion with a friend of mine who used to be heavily involved in tank operations I developed this, however he pointed out to me that I basically got it wrong. We're working on a different project.

I could edit, but I think I'll just scrap this entirely and go with a different type of incendiary round.

Please deny.
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