Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Return to the Dust

When Droug disappeared on Imahalyan, he had done it willingly in defiance of Ra. While they had never exactly gotten along, she had hoped to part some of her knowledge onto him. To teach him to control his chaos better. You just change people unless they want to be changed and he apparently did not want that.

Ra knew where could find him. On their mutual home of Coruscant. She went there alone like she always had to find him. This would be their fourth and last time. After today one of them would not be walking away. However, the doubt lingered in her on if death was the last option for him.

Taking the path to the ruined Jedi Temple they met in last time, she was better prepared this time. Having now further training within the Force, she had no doubt she would be beat him if they got into another battle.

She wore no cloak this time, but bore her double lightsaber on one hip, blaster on the other. The ball at the end of her braid, sabers up her sleeves and knives in her boots. Along with those, she had the Force. A small army built into one person and a sith lord. He had doubted her before, he would no longer.



Drogh, returned to dust as it were, not as if he had ascended much, but he defied him self the one chance to be some thing more then just dust and a empty shell. But Drogh hated him self, he could never allow him self to achieve anything, and there were always those nibbling voices, those two voices always echoing at him. Was he mad? Perhaps. Drogh festered as he always did in his hole in the underground, living off what he could, stealing what he could, retreating down into the chemical stone swamps, as street lights pathetically flickered in contrast to the great unyielding dark that was the underground. The further you went down, the worse it got. One level you had poverty and simple crime, on another you had cannibalism and people that have never seen the sun. So was the dark place of Coruscant, and so Drogh festered here like plague, he was happiest here and yet he hated it. Truth be told, Drogh was a storm because he was never at peace, not a moment of comfort or calm, he was indeed a storm, but a storm suffers.

Crouched down, shuffling though the rubble of the underworld, looking though scrap like the rat he was, something to sell or eat, a horrible siren came. It was no siren of police, but that of a sith. He could sense her, like a great thorn inside his head, burning away at his mind. Drogh feared and hated her, the darkness in him grew and blossomed, but then he was happy.

Drogh had achieved what he sought to do, drive her over the edge. Drogh knew he had almost done it, so close to snapping the lost bastion of light in her. Drogh knew of her little secret, a girl. A orphan girl, he knew not her name and only had mere glimpses of her, but he saw them together and he knew. A cold sadistic grin burnt under his mask, perhaps he could kill the girl? No, let the love blossom and bloom, then strike. Drogh wanted to teach Ra, something he thought she knew but was almost completely ignorant of. True and sound suffering, her love was holding her down, like leeches it drew the power from her. And she could not even see it, love is a weakness, it blocks the truth. He might not have power she does, in both the force or in assets, but Drogh believed him self far smarter then Ra, far wiser. Perhaps what Drogh hated the most about Ra, was her unyielding and unending ego, she of course never believed she has one, but any one who can suffer mere moments with her can smell it like a dead body.

Drogh looked up, looking up towards the dark abyss that she waited at. Drogh had always had an inherit ability to block his presence from other force users, his deep fear of not being seen and his sheer will to be invisible aided in that. One voice called to run, hide let Ra wonder, another called to meet her former master. Drogh for all his fear, could not let this chance go to waste, to simply see her angry was enjoyment enough for him to go. Leaping from the rubble he laid in, Drogh rushed towards Ra with the speed of a shadow the grace of a wraith. In the darkness Drogh will see her, in the shadows he will laugh at her, and when the crimson lights glare, he will strike her.

Waiting in the same open courtyard that had once been the interior of the ancient temple. She had beaten him here and then could have left him for dead. Against her better judgement, Ra had saved his life then. It was for the second time, there would be no third. This time, she might be the one getting left behind for dead if not really dead.

Like Drogh, she could hide herself within the Force. In addition to that though, she could also hide herself from being seen. However, that was not what she wanted today. Ra wanted him to know she was here and allowed herself to show and the power within her.

Like a moth to a flame, it would draw Drogh. Call to him and Ra knew he would answer. Now the fire waited to consume the moth and that not so blindly headed her direction.



Drogh followed the flame, his hatred his guidance and his maddens his motivation. Why was Drogh doing this? Why? Drogh could no longer answer that any more, he didn't quite understand, was his death really worth to see a twisted face of rage on Ra? Perhaps, perhaps not, yet again Drogh didn't truly believe Ra would kill him, he always doubted her, and he hasn't been wrong yet. However, the twisted presence of Ra was not that of a stoic calm wave, but rather a growing storm, she was angry, openly so. Chaos will swallow chaos this day, as madness enrolls in madness, the darkness will do what it always does, destroy it self.

The old Jedi Temple, ruined and wrecked, perhaps Ra wanted to pretend this place held any value to the pair. As Drogh came forth from the rumble, seeing Ra like a thorn in his head. "Hello." A tone of wrenching laughter was hidden behind a stoic glare.

Turning as he walked in through the almost familiar rubble, Ra watched him approach. Her hand rested on her lightsaber hilt, but didn't draw it. Unless things had changed, Drogh didn't have one of his own. She had the advantage here and she would use it when the time was right. Her master had taught her patience, over the course of years he had worked and passed it onto her. Ra could wait a little longer before fighting him.

He gave a simple hello, filled with a touch of laughter that didn't reach his eyes.

"Do you know why I am here, child?"

In her eyes that is what he was. He may be physically older, but she had more power. Drogh was a child in the Force. Natural ability and all. He was chaos and she was control. Fire to her ice.



"Child?" Drogh scoffed under his mask. "Are you not here to throw a tantrum because I did not obey?" Drogh's words were weaved with spite and hatred, yet masked with smugness and a sense of superiority, although he knew fall well she could kill him with ease, but doubted she'd do more then give him a beating. Drogh knew, he could see it in her eyes that she didn't want to kill Drogh, not really. She was far to weak for that, far to weak. Yes she could show him how superior she was in the force, how she had grand wealth and power far beyond Drogh could ever hope to muster, and Drogh knew she'd be right. But, she was weak, she could never kill Drogh, threat to, beat him to a inch of his life? Perhaps, but what did pain mean anymore to Drogh? Very little, very little indeed. "I know exactly why you're here, little Ra, you want me dead, you want to beat me and hurt me for my disobedience, you hate the fact that I wasn't scared enough, don't you?" "Come on then."
His words brought a laugh from Ra, but it wasn't full of humor.

"You know, maybe you're right and I am. However, I don't think of it as a tantrum, apprentice. In the grand scheme of this great galaxy, you could have been so much more than a rat hiding in a gutter. I offered you that chance for power and you threw it back at me."

She heard the hate in his voice, but he also included that he somehow felt superior to her. In his mind because of what he did naturally, he was better than she was. What Drogh didn't know was that Ra had actually learned very little from her master. What skills she had possessed, she had learned on her own. Fighting was self taught on these streets...where he had probably been at the time. Yet they had never met prior to a few years ago.

Shaking her head as she remembered their past encounters.

"I always knew it was a mistake to try and teach you. You're nothing but a rabid animal and need to get put death before you can pass your disease on to somebody else."

A cold chuckle came from her at his last words. He was more afraid of her than she knew even, the false bravado he wore fooled her.

"Are you so ready to die?"


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