Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Return from the Dead (Character Introduction)

Dyre felt himself return to consciousness, the sickening sensation of emerging from cryosleep overtaking him as he pushed the door to his 'chamber' open. The blaring of the ships emergency sirens did nothing but exaggerate his already painful headache. As he forced himself upright he saw several of his men doing the same. In spite of their weakened condition they were doing their job and, no matter his condition, it fell to him to lead them. “We are being boarded” he roared “get suited up.”

A man near him had fallen to the floor and was vomiting bile. He grabbed his arm and helped him to the feet and aiding him in getting to his equipment before returning to don his own armor and take hold of his own rifle. When the men in his immediate vicinity were fully armored he motioned for them to form up by the entry to the door. He looked around himself, his men's arms were fixed upon the door. No less than 30 of them and with every few seconds another trooper moved forward to join them. In time the sound of footsteps on the far side of the door could be heard as well as indiscernible voices while he an his men remained as quiet as possible.

While he had managed to force himself to work through the effects of coming out of stasis, he was far from immune and though he suppressed the urge to vomit doing so made each moment extremely uncomfortable and he knew that his men felt just as poorly as he did. Three agonizing minutes passed until at last, with a his the door slid open. On the other side stood three trandoshans. Dyre saw their eyes go wide in terror as his mouth opened and he yelled 'Fire'. A wall of red beams shot forward, colliding into the unfortunate trespassers, their bodies, now smoldering, falling to the floor lifelessly.

Dyre motioned for two of the younger officers who had managed to join them before the the doors had opened. “Lieutenant Danesbaugh, take half of these men and clear the ship down toward engineering, and Lieutenant Tanner, take the remainder and clear a way to the bridge. If either of you discover where they are boarding inform me immediately.” The two young officers give quick salutes and make quick work of organizing the men as Dyre turns to begin assisting some of the men who are still coming around and need assistance getting to their feet.

Dyre began helping his men while listening to the communications of the two junior officers as they declared several rooms clear. He kneeled to help a medic who was vomiting on the floor to their feet, offering them a bottle of water. Though they immediately regurgitated the water, it seemed to help them and they were soon able to stand. “Help me with the others he said motioning to the dozens of other ill men.” the medic nodded and still undressed turned his attention to some of the other miserable looking troopers.

As he assisted those he could until he heard his name over the com system. It was Lieutenant Tanner. “Captain Redwave, they are boarding through the secondary hatch near droid and maintenance storage.”

Dyre looked around himself to see that nearly two dozen more men appeared to have gotten into fighting condition in the past few minutes. “Lock them in, we don't want these bastards getting away to tell anybody we are here, I will be there shortly with a boarding team.” Lieutenant Tanner acknowledged his statement. Dyre sighed as he looked at the men in the room. These men and himself needed a meal and a chance to rehydrate. They weren't fit for combat, not yet anyway but this was an emergency and they would need to make do with what they had.

Dyre pointed to twelve of the men wearing the armor of marines. “You men are with me, the rest of you continue to get these men onto their feet. We might need reinforcements, we will need as many of you as possible.”

Still fighting the urge to fall to the ground and vomit, Dyre grabbed his own rifle which he had set aside earlier to lead the men down the long dimly lit hallway before them. The clank of their armored boots against the metal grating paired with the stifled groans and pained wheezing of he and his men as they rushed down the hall was all which could be heard though this was soon interrupted by an electrical hum as the ships light soon began to come online and over the intercom Dyre heard Lieutenant Danesbaugh informing all that Engineering was secure and primary power had been restored to the ship. Dyre prepared to respond but was delayed by a clenching feeling in his abdomen, when it passed he acknowledged the lieutenants statement.

Wasting no time, when they arrived to the the tethering bridge between their own ship and that of their attackers they charged forward. A hail of fire from his men forcing a few trandoshans guarding it to take cover. Unable to contend with the firepower of Dyre and his men the two Trandoshans threw down their weapons and raised their hands when Dyre and his men reached them though they had no thoughts of prisoners in the present situation and fired at them several times leaving their dead bodies on the ground with smoke rising from their charred torsos.

Dyre had never seen a ship of this type before and it was only from use of some badly faded signs that they managed to determine how to make their way to the bridge. After a few short gunfights they took a stairway up to the ships bridge where they were confronted by several beings, some of which he had never seen before. Though there was a momentary pause during which both sides seemed to look at one another, confused by what they were seeing the two groups opened fire upon one another. Taking advantage of this moment Dyre fired his rifle squarely at the largest of the beings, a heavily scarred Trandoshan, his shot striking the unfortunate being squarely between the eyes. Wasting no time, his men followed suit and soon their foes lie dead.

“Bridge is secure Captain Redwave” the voice of Lieutenant Tanner said over their com relay. Dyre removed his helmet, holding it under his arm as he turned to one of the men who had come aboard with him, a sergeant, and instructed them to carry out a sweep of the enemy ship. Sealing the bridge behind him as they commenced securing the ship, he turned to the bridge making his way to the captains console to look over the log as his team aboard the attacking vessel occasionally reports over the coms that rooms are systematically being cleared. As he looks at the script on the screen his nausea returns and his vision blurs a bit and he takes a seat in the captains chair, exhaling deeply. Finally able to respond he replies to Lieutenant Tanner. “Good work Lieutenant Tanner, I am checking out this ships logs.”

Captain Redwave sat back into the captain seat. His head pounding, his muscles throbbing and he nausea escalating. “Damned pirates” he muttered as he fought back the urge to vomit. He breathed in and out slowly while forcing himself to work through the discomfort. He looked at the computer screen his eyes not able to focus clearly on the bright lettering. He blinked several times attempting for the image to become clearer, this was successful and soon he set about reading through the logs. He read through a detailed log of a slaving expedition near Ryloth his eyes at last resting upon the date that the expedition had transpired. He blinked again, believing that his eyes must be playing tricks upon him, certainly this had to be an error. “Lieutenant Tanner, can you verify the present year for me.” he said into his com set.

Whether it was Lieutenant Tanners's confirmation of the present year or the effects of cryosickness simply proving too much for him to bear any longer, but after muttering only “Son of a” he fell to the ground heaving.

Dyre blinked and wiped the sleep from his eyes as he stared blankly at the ceiling of his apartment. This awakening was vastly different from that a few days prior as now he was well rested, well fed and relaxed. His accommodations felt odd though he didn't dislike them and had begun to come to terms with them. The steel walled furnishings of his previous quarters aboard imperial warships was vastly different from those in which he presently found himself. The wall was pale blue stained adobe, the ceiling was of a similar material though was simply off-white. The floor was covered in tiles carved from some manner of purple stone with occasionally speckles of black and white. It was not the only purple 'décor' of note in his quarters however.

As he forced himself from the bed he turned to inspect the other 'decoration' which lay asleep on the bed where he was rising from. A young twi'lek girl lay upon the bed, draped only in a small portion of the bedsheet they had shared and clad only in a 'slave education' collar about her neck. The attire which she had been clad when she was gifted to him, although 'attire' might have been too generous of a description, lay upon the floor by the bed along with his own which he gathered before walking into the bathroom and tossed his worn garments into a mesh bag.

After relieving himself quickly he turned on his shower and let the hot water run over his body. It was a pleasant sensation, and though simple, after so much time in space he had a genuine appreciation for such simple luxuries. As the water ran over him his mind settled upon the events of the past week.

Six days past they had woken up and seized the ship held by the Trandoshan pirates which had attempted to board them. Three of his men had been wounded, one grievously, but all were expected to make full recoveries. Though he had tried to work through the cyrosickness, he had pushed himself too hard and fallen victim, awakening some hours later with the medic he had helped encouraging him to remain in bed for another day.

The next day he had held a meeting with his officers to discuss a plan, ultimately deciding to travel to Nar Shaddaa as while governments came and went, if nothing else, the Hutts were reliably greedy and they could at least sell the goods that were aboard the Pirate's vessel.

After three days of travel they had arrived in Nar Shaddaa, with he, his officers and a few trusted men looking to offload their goods. There had been a substantial quantity of glitterstim which they offloaded for 141,000 credits, a few crates of weapons of dubious quality which they were able to sell for 85,000, four of the pirates had have considerable bounties, though dead they only managed to collect 12,500 credits. An elderly collector of antique arms and armor had offered them 15,000 credits for an extra suit of armor they had aboard. They had managed to sell the majority of the slaves that were aboard though two, being human, he had released and offered them their freedom as well as jobs as cooks aboard the ship. This transaction had netted them another 38,000 credits.

Just yesterday he had been able to find a buyer for the ships in the form of a slaving outfit in service to one of the hutt clans seeking an upgrade. Offers and counter offers had been made back and forth with ultimately a three way trade being brokered resulting in a gain of 125,000 credits along with the acquisition of an armored personnel transport ship.

“416,500 credits... almost half a million” He said as he thought about the money they had to work with. That was not an inconsiderable amount of money, though given that he needed to provide for a small army, it was woefully insufficient.

He then reminisced about the earlier evening. In thanks dispatching of the pirates which had long interfered with their operations, he had been invited to a nightclub owned by one of the Hutt clans where he and his officers were wined and dined by their staff... and when at last he felt it time for him to leave for the evening, they had insisted he keep and make use of the young lady that was presently in his bed.

She had been 'uncertain' as he recalled. Appearing as if it had been the first time she had been compelled to do what she did the night before, perhaps even the first time she had engaged in such activity at all. He felt some sympathy for her but brushed it aside for now. He had more pressing concerns, primarily, how to see to it that his men had warm beds, food and a roof over their heads. For this they would need credits, far far more than they presently had.

When he had finished washing himself he turned off the water and stepped from his shower. He made quick work of drying himself and exited the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. The young twi'lek girl had risen from the bed and was startled by his sudden entrance covering her body. Dyre smiled at the nubile young lady and turned his head in the hopes of that it would put her a little more at ease. “You can get a shower if you want” he offered “help yourself to some food and drink if you like.” She did not speak but nodded as she with her clothing in hand, still covering her naked body, made her way into the bathroom to get a shower.

When he heard the water begin to pour he put on casual civilian acquire and took a seat at his computer to check his holomail. He had, the day prior, posed the question to his men. “We need somewhere to call home.” he had told them. “To get that we need money, and a ton of it at that. If you have any ideas, please reach out to me.” As he poured over the messages he had received he immediately realized that firstly, his men had no idea how well guarded a major bank would be and secondly, watched too many heist films in their spare time.

Dyre sighed... he wanted to return to Coruscant, and based upon what his men had sent him, they appeared to want to do the same. They needed money and there was only one things to do. After a long pause he began to type. “Available For Hire: Full Company of Professionally Trained Military Contractors....”

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