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Retaking What Was Lost[Imperial Dominion of Valc VII]

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[member="Julius Paceus"] [member="Ikki Ike"] [member="Aurna Vern"] [member="Felicity Simmons"] [member="Tiberius Saye"] [member="Kraz Bavelc"] [member="Decimus Meridius"] [member="Vasily Rurik"] @Titus Gothicus [member="Vanja Khronos"] [member="Maxis Vellum"]
((If I've missed anyone I'd thank anyone who can tag whoever I've missed so they know this is started))​
Major Fayor was a charismatic man, an ambitious man, a competent commander, and brutal man true to imperial doctrines. . . . . . and a traitor.

In the mysterious catastrophe in which the denizens of the galaxy were plagued by the disappearances of many of its inhabitants through unknown causes, the Imperial Remnant found itself struck a hard blow. With few systems securely under the faction's control of course the loss of military strength and the mass vanishing act of the citizens among the population they held the duty of protecting they were frantic enough just maintaining order and operation of the worlds towards the heart of their territory.

It was during this time Major Fayor decided that this sudden front of what seemed like weakness to him, who was quite vocal of Imperial Dominance and aggression over the rest of the galaxy, that he was of course more fit to rule. Taking up a mantle of a warlord much like those in the time following the defeat of Palpatine's styled Empire at Endor, Fayor used the charisma he was born with and his status to rebel against the Remnant's forces station on Valc VII, the primary Imperial Military installation and fortress world.

While his so called coup took control of the planet, he did so while the Imperial Emperor and Empress, along with their personal guards, had departed, leaving much of the regular troopers remaining open to being swayed by honied words, along with threats made by his compatriots and mercenaries bought with his family's fortune. What little resistance did fight back was unable to coordinate and all that remained of them were several distress calls made just before the end of Fayor's rebellion.

Now Fayor smiled to himself standing next to the window of the primary military complex on the planet's surface, looking out at the forces arrayed in drills below. Stormtroopers clad in their white armor, and standard AT-ATs and AT-STs milling about in basic operation testing and perimeter control. In orbit sat three older ISD II models backed by double the number of Carrack class light cruisers, complete with TIE Fighter compliments. Oh yes, he was quite smug and secure in his ability to revolt and maintain control for the last few years.

But what he didn't know was that his time was at an end.

"All pilots report in, this is Captain Calvrona of the 181st Skull Squadron. Double check your systems once more before drop. Command wants all bombers with their payloads ready and anyone in a TIE Seeker, Hunter, or Interceptor ready to engage the enemy orbital defenses. Remember, the Star Destroyer III Tears of Calamity ​along with our Crinan Heavy Cruisers will be leading the assault on the ships that Major Fayor has been purported to have deployed alongside several older Imperator models. Hound and Valkyrie squadrons don't forget you're running escort for those dropships. Make sure we don't lose anyway, the Storm Commandos and Crinan First Royal Company are all itching to gun down the traitors to the Crown, any of them that die before they even get to fight might just haunt us if we don't do our jobs right. Plus I doubt the General will be pleased if we lose any of the AT-FATs or Bixi Walkers. We'll be needing them to break down the enemy gates if the commandos don't reach the command center and open the doors for the infantry. Plus recon units say the rebel fool managed to dig up functioning AT-ATs, it would be a great test for the new Walkers to break a few and show just what modern technology and know how can do. . . . . .command's come through people we drop out of hyperspace in ten minutes. Set your clocks and prepare to launch from the bays as soon as they open."

Changing her channel's frequency to that of the soldiers, both Imperial Storm Commandos and Crinan Royal Infantry, in the dropships and shuttles, Alva Calvarona, Second Princess of Crina, Captain of the Imperial Navy and current commander of the 181st Fighter Wing, grinned knowingly as she left a message for those in the new special unit whose performance she was particularly interested in witnessing. "Hey, by the way. All you folk in the Crinan Knight division, tell me how the power armor works. I might just pester someone in R&D to make me one or ask for a transfer bootside if I hear you guys have the highest combat rating down there."

Julius Paceus

[member="Alva Calvarona"] Ikki Ike Aurna Vern Felicity Simmons Tiberius Saye Kraz Bavelc Decimus Meridius Vasily Rurik @Titus Gothicus Vanja Khronos Maxis Vellum

Julius grinned as the message came in that the task force was nearing Valc VII, finally some action and a chance to prove himself. His father had disappeared into the Nether, never to return, but he had a family name to live up to. As a Paceus, it was his duty to Crina and the Empire to fight against those that would disrupt order.

He had foregone his Imperial Knight attire, the organization was in such disarray from many of their Knights disappearing that Julius had decided to serve in an all Crinan unit, the Crinan Knights. Designated a special unit for the operation, and also having access to a prototype armor, Julius rotated his shoulders in the power armor. He had made his only stipulation be that it was painted silver with the Paceus family crest next to his rank badge and the Imperial sigil.

He placed the helmet onto his head, the advanced HUD coming online as he heard the message from the Princess.

"This is Lieutenant Paceus, we will see if these fancy suits really live up to what you are hoping for, your Highness," he said, earning some chuckles from the men around him, all clad in similar armor. "Just don't wait up for us when we blow through that traitor's forces."

"Alright men, our objective, beyond testing the new armor, is to be the spear point for the ground assault. Fayor is holed up here, with plenty of troopers and defenses. We're going to show him what it means to try and become a warlord of old. Hooah?"

"Hooah!" the men and women around him chorused, bashing their fists against their chest plates. It was going to be fun time.
Ikki kept her head low in her seat, the small zipper as it went up her wrists with the gloves tightening into place. Her bustier outfit leaving her mid section exposed while the flatness of her stomach left open for display a blue saber crystal. The only sign she had any force attunement as the kyber crystal glowed with latent force energy. Her diamond tipped fingers designed for protecting from the spools of slice wire while it went down to her skirt held on by tight hip holsters for her net launcher and multi-weapon. The cudgel gleaming where it had been waxed to be more reflective. Her gunbelt loaded with more nets and cartridges before she went to her boots with a single blade. She had her equipment and as they were getting the information she secured her headband letting the frills of it present for the rest of her outfit. Valkyrie squad was there to fight and the Crinian soldiers.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
[member="Alva Calvarona"] [member="Julius Paceus"] [member="Ikki Ike"] [member="Aurna Vern"] [member="Felicity Simmons"] [member="Tiberius Saye"] [member="Kraz Bavelc"] [member="Vasily Rurik"] [member="Titus Gothicus "] [member="Vanja Khronos"] [member="Maxis Vellum"]

Star Renders Regiment:
1st Assault Regiment:

2 Mechanized Battalions (512 troops, 121 assault craft, 40 speeder bikes each)

1 Armor Battalion (500, 30 tanks, 20 heavy walkers, 55 light walkers/tanks/assault speeders)

1 Infantry(Line) Battalion (512 troops, 100 officers) 4 companies: Aurek(infantry), Besh(infantry), Cresh(heavy weapons), Dorn (Reconnaissance)

2nd Regiment:

2 Infantry (Line) Battalions: (512 troops, 100 officers) 4 companies: Aurek(infantry), Besh(infantry), Cresh(heavy weapons), Dorn (Reconnaissance)

1 Special Missions Battalion: (512 troops, 100 combat officers, Equipment varies as needed)

1 Mechanized Battalion: (512 troops, 121 assault craft, 40 speeder bikes each)

3rd Regiment:

1 Armor Battalion: (500, 30 tanks, 20 heavy walkers, 55 light walkers/tanks/assault speeders)

1 Artillery Battalion: (96 light artillery pieces, 48 heavy artillery pieces, transport craft, 1 Heavy weapons company (128 troopers, 24 officers))

2 Infantry (Line) Battalions: (512 troops, 100 officers) 4 companies: Aurek(infantry), Besh(infantry), Cresh(heavy weapons), Dorn (Reconnaissance)

4th Regiment :

1 Artillery Battalion: (96 light artillery pieces, 48 heavy artillery pieces, transport craft, 1 Heavy weapons company (128 troopers, 24 officers))

1 Mechanized Battalion: (512 troops, 80 assault craft, 41 light walkers, 40 speeder bikes each)

2 Fighter wings: 10 flights of 4 fighters each (3 flights of bombers(12), 6 flights of fighters (24), 1 flight of recon/spotter craft (4), personnel 40 pilots, 25 sensor techs, 25 controllers, and 60 ground crew, 150 total), 2 Infantry (line) companies each.

The lights of the Imperial dropship turned from green to red as the silent warning of their impending arrival. The sound of her royal highness' voice on the intercom was welcomed to the tall man's old ears. He had seen to many lost in these last few years for comfort and the fact that the royal family remained relatively intact was a blessing to be sure. His eyes scanned his tactical readouts and he looked to his under-officers.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you heard the captain, when we arrive the third and fourth regiments will deploy outside of the enemy fortress at a range of twenty kilometers to avoid immediate assault from artillery pieces while the first and second regiments are being deployed 30 minutes after at 10 kilometers." he said as he paced across the durasteel deck plates, "That gives our artillery pieces 30 minutes to get dug in and begin preparation to lay siege to their facility. I want the air support flying top cover for the duration and awaiting orders. There is no room for error here. Dismissed."

He walked to his spot in the command walker for his legion and prepared himself for deployment as well. It would be a hard campaign if not a long one. It was best to be prepared for whatever may come.
| [member="Decimus Meridius"] | [member="Ikki Ike"] | [member="Julius Paceus"] | [member="Alva Calvarona"] | [member="Aurna Vern"] | [member="Felicity Simmons"] | [member="Tiberius Saye"] | [member="Kraz Bavelc"] | [member="Vasily Rurik"] | [member="Vanja Khronos"] | [member="Maxis Vellum"] | [member="Taeli Rae"] | [member="Eobarda Tarkin"] |

Outer Rim Territories.
Perinn Sector.
Valc system, Valc VII.

Following Akala's devastating attack on galaxy, the Imperial Remnant had lost key regions, leaving only the Crina and Kalee systems under it's domain. It was push and go time for the Empire in Exile. They would need to react and strike fast if the tenants of the New Order ever stood of chance of being erected once more in the Core and beyond. Alicia Drey was a business entrepreneur from Chandrila, who had made contact with the Imperial Remnant months before sudden disappearances across the galaxy and destruction of Corellia. Back then, the Valc system had been one of a few dozen systems that the Imperial Remnant had managed to annex. One galactic disaster and a secret pregnancy later, she found herself in the middle of a civil war.

Mayor Fayor had decided to seize the chance to take the Valc system for himself, naming himself Warlord and it's ruler. Unfortunately for him, he had bitten off more than he could chew. The Imperial Remnant had consolidated it's assets and had formed a response to Fayor's betrayals. Furthermore, the secret Order of Sith Lords had placed it's fingers into the Imperial pie. Darth Ayra, under the alias of Alicia Drey, required Fayor to be deposed if her relationship with the Imperial Remnant was to become viable. Not only from a economical sense (she required the Valc shipyards for Imperial Arms Incorporated) but for the completion of the Grand Plan. Unknowingly, Fayor had provided himself as an obstacle to the will of the Sith Lord and thus his life had become forfeit.

The Invictus E-Class Star Destroyer had been in service to the Sith Empire, before it's destruction in 837 ABY. Subach-Innes, now known as Emeritus Industries, had refitted several of these ships back in the days of the Empire. It would be one of these vessels that Darth Ayra would lend her support to Alva Calvarona and her force. It paid to be friends with a Sith Lord (even if Alva did not know Alicia to be one) and it would be through their combined strength that the Valc system would once more serve the Imperium.
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