Paecia, Outer Rim Territories
The wisest of men have said: "Troubled is the head that wears the crown."
For years, the former Emperor of Paecia uttered that saying until it was ingrained in the mind of his successor; yet she did not understand its meaning until now. Sweet naivety had blinded her eyes, and for some time she had deluded herself into thinking that ruling the masses would be easy. How mistaken she had been...Now, that to which she was blind danced before her in plain sight. Now, she was beginning to understand the tribulations that came with wearing the jeweled crown of Paecia.
And she, the White Empress, would endure them all.
The man before her was exceptional, of this there was no doubt. However, he had become infected by a disease that had settled within the Imperial Court. Complacency. The essence of Sloth itself settled into the Emperor's bones and prompted him to do the most atrocious crime of all: Nothing. He, ruler of what remained of the glorious Paecian Empire, whittled away his last years without taking a single step towards reclaiming his birthright. The Galaxy was his to conquer and his to rule...yet he sat on his hands and did nothing. So too did his generals. So too did his advisers. So too did everyone...
When the day of his passing came, the crown was then set upon the White Empress' head. All eyes were placed upon her, and the expectation was that the trend would continue. Yes, the Court anticipated some bold ideas and perhaps a mobilization here or there; but their complacency had slain their ambition. The Galaxy around them was in Chaos: the timing was right for resurgence...and that was what the White Empress pushed for. She shattered the expectations of her Court and readied her people.
The Paecian Empire would reclaim its birthright.
However, that devil of Complacency reared its ugly head. It stirred within the hearts of those her sire had trusted the most and caused them to move against her. Gentle chiding and attempts at dissuading the Empress' ambitions quickly turned into dissension. While smiles were worn whilst the Sun was high, schemes took place in the shadows. Only whispers of dissent reached Her Majesty's ears, but that was enough to guide her hand. Treachery would never be tolerated, and the Court reeked of it.
Troubled is the Head that wears the Crown.
To remedy the virus of Complacency, the White Empress was forced to act with the same guile as her Court. Ignorance was feigned, but a single plan was put into motion. The upper echelon of Paecia was now corrupt, and so a new generation would need to be forged; one befitting the goals of its monarch's aspirations. As opposed to turning to the "perfectly" groomed younglings of her treacherous Court, the White Empress set her eyes upon the Galaxy she sought to rule. Thus, she boldly proclaimed to the stars that Paecia had returned. By Force and By Net, her summons went rippling out into the heavens.
The White Empress sought those who hungered for power and lived by ambition. She invited them to her realm and showed them the way to the world that was thought lost. To the Outer Rim, her call beckoned, where a reception awaited those who came. The Great Hall of Castle Albast was adorned with its finest luxuries: a veritable feast prepared for the "new generation." Yet this was but a prelude, for greater things were in store for those who arrived. The seed of corruption would need to be snuffed out.
And only the Champions of Paecia could achieve this task.
Adorned in gems and draped in alabaster, the White Empress waited. Seated upon a troubled throne, her gaze was set forward towards the towering doors. The arrivals would be escorted from landing to the Hall, where they would be welcomed with open arms by the monarch herself. They were free to make merry and meet their fellows; but soon the real fun would begin.
[member="Ailyn Cyar'ika"] | [member="Arctica"] | [member="Count Morcus"] | [member="Darth Kentarch"] | [member="Darth Praetorias"] | [member="Horde Mother Kyriss"] | [member="IT-0001 Brutus"] | [member="Jarek Deram"] | [member="Kit "]| [member="Kitsune"] | [member="Lilith Engelis"] | [member="Lisa Ticon"] | [member="Meric Nadun"] | [member="Odysseus"] | [member="Shadowheart"] | [member="Slade Zambrano"] | [member="Syn Zimadir"] | [member="Ta'ra Kenja"] | [member="The Devourer"] | [member="Tyuk Asha"] | [member="Vladkione Dawnpierce"]