Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Restricted Material Planets On Map

I think GUIDE could come up with something to help with this. Would make for a nice LORE article. If someone comes up with a full list of what RM is on what planet, I'll work on collecting thumbnails of the map to show where the planets are located and getting them into an article.
I like this. I've thought of it several times, just never got around to implementing. Despite the arguments against it, as one of the two map editors, I feel like this will be relatively easy to implement and maintain.
Tefka said:
I like this. I've thought of it several times, just never got around to implementing. Despite the arguments against it, as one of the two map editors, I feel like this will be relatively easy to implement and maintain.

The Tyrannical Leader©™ agrees with us lessers!?

Lmao but honestly I'm glad this was noted. The request, or even just the other potential options, are not difficult. Its good to see that noted.

BUT, now to make things simpler for the person who may do the editing, we should take the RM list and add where each planet is located. This will also make this less time consuming for them.

If I can manage to get in front of my com for a bit soon, I'll do it just for the assist. Otherwise I hope someone else might.
Matreya said:
we should take the RM list and add where each planet is located. This will also make this less time consuming for them.
The .psd for the map has each planet as an individual layer and properly named, so it's relatively easy to look up so long as we know what planet it is. I'd advise against doing more work than required, because I'm lazy not only for myself but also you.
[member="Sanya Val Swift"]

If you want, sure. Just post it up in the Codex Discussion forum and have the CJs approve it before it gets funneled up to me.

If it went straight to me, I'd be liable to make mistakes. :(

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