Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Resetting Nessa


So I joined the board a few months ago and kinda tried to incorporate Nessa into the settings and it didn't really work out, leading to a loss of muse. But people here are awesome and all of that (well, most of you :lol: ) and I wanna be around, so I've decided to retcon Nessa into how she got to this timeline.

The bad side is that older threads are not gonna get replies... But I'm getting a new thread open soon if anyone wants to join in and help me re-get her into swrp!

♥ ♥ ♥

ETA - the thread is here:
[member="Darth Shara"] I've been writing Nessarose for 4-5 years now. I utterly love her to death and she's my favourite character out of all those I've written in the past, including her mother, who I mained for over a decade. I don't want to create a new Nessa, I just wanna make some changes with the hopes of rekindling my passion for writing her.

[member="Daichi"] Squee! *licks*


[member="Nessarose deWinter"] fair enough. I suppose for everyone the experience is different. For me it is simply more enjoyable to write new characters i suppose ^_^
[member="Nessarose deWinter"]

*Pats* Where shall we begin?

Also, it's not always good to have such a connection with a character. I have Krest (He exists elsewhere too) and Ivve had him for six years or so. I learned a year or two back having such a connection with a character makes it hard to deal with the bad. I mean, if you can separate IC from OOC keep Nessa and keep on trucking. If you reach a point you can't, take a break from her and make a new one.

Stephanie Swail

[member="Nessarose deWinter"] Well lookie here! I think we can try to start off on the RIGHT foot this time.... ;)

Welcome back you.

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