Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Reserve of the Damned (Sitara)

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
[member="Sitara Qin"]

Sawa continued to watch and judge her progress as slowly she was letting the energy prickle along her skin. The feeling as she watched the strands of water intertwining was enough to tell her the girl at least had the basics. She'd be able to remember this and work the skills on her own in time. Now though a smile tugged at her lips revealing them into a sinister smile as she spoke shifting her stance and with her foot sliding along the floor she slowly started changing the strands from water shimmering to ice that gleamed and hung there suspended. The ship was well on its way home and in space but the artificial gravity would do much.

"Observe how the ice hovers for a moment, when one shapes they need to know how to adapt. How to flow like water but be able to hold themselves solid and firm, one of the greatest accomplishments is a change of state from soft to solid. From water to ice and its power continues to do just that." She slowly let the ice descend into the buckets again. "And you can no more control where it is going to go then hold it in your hand. It will douse fire, carve through rocks, wipe away life and yet it is not sapient, it does not kill because it is evil or angry, it does not hate. It just is a force of nature, something that can only be altered through dangerous and destructive means."

She let the ice drop into the bucket and stood there for a moment as her hand came up. Not saying anything but the ones on the ship were hers.. well not all of them just some who could feed her as Sawa stood there. "Do you understand? It is not about your anger or your hatred there is a place for that. Shaping is about taking the emotions within you, taking the emotions of the world and bending them to your needs. You can't break them, you can't mold them into something that violates the laws of nature but bending them. I can make the water hover while gravity still exists but I cannot make it into wine, or fire or blood."

She remained there as one of the attendants stood in a black gown with her hair tied in a braid. Her neck, arms and legs exposed as Sawa motioned the others away speaking and looking over her. Evidence of old bites dotted her neck, the curves of her arms in little pricks of white where they had been healed. Sawa slowly stood in front of her speaking. "Time my sweet sister will teach you control and patience for this, not always a sith trait but even they know the value of waiting for the right moment. Letting your prey, your enemy ripen on the vine until they are ready to be plucked, until they are ready for the killing."

She kept right there looking into the girls eyes as the silver glowed with her words coming out. "Be in me, I have always kept you yes, be in me, I will always protect you." The girls pulse quickened, her heart racing, her blood pumping under the skin as it flushed red and Sawa knew Sitara would be able to hear it. Smell the change in the girl in the air as her lips pressed against the girl with the servants eyes closing and Sawa spoke for a moment. "Flesh of my flesh.... blood of my blood. Now until the day I give you release." The twin snaps came as her fangs extended from inside her mouth and her silver eyes had blackened.

Sawa buried her face in the girls neck as she gasped opening hr eyes and melting into it. The emotions shifting in colors and shimmering across her skin like a liquid fire in shimmers. Sawa continued to drink as the warmth and energy flooded into her mouth, slowly she wrapped her arms around the girl who started to go limp and the colors continued to shimmer in brilliant shades of green as her willpower to resist slowly dissolves, yellow with her fear being replaced by lust as the small moans of pleasure came where it felt good to be bitten, blue with her hope and glistening violet as her love seeped away into nothingness.

Sawa stopped just shy, as she had told Sitara before to stop when you hear the heart slow as she came away from the girl and her neck showed two crimson lines trailing down as Sawa licked them. The two small punctures healing and leaving tiny dots before the girl fell away into the arms of attendants who were taking her away. Slowly she stayed there for a moment feeling the sensations and turning as she spoke a new bit of color to her skin almost rosy, her eyes back to their silver and looking more like pools instead of just rings. "Ah now we can continue, I want you to start by grounding yourself and standing perfectly still."
When one shapes, they need to know how to adapt.


The ice dropped into the bucket, splashing small trickles of water into her feet. This was something she learned from Valdra as well. She had to get rid of her ideologies here because it wasn’t the place for that. Her eyes scanned [member="Sawa Ike"] ’s as she listened to her wise words. This was how she was going to learn shaping, not through Sith ideas but through the masters of Kro Var.

She was an emotional person, though acted on her thoughts.

But today, she would learn how to give in.

As an attendant was brought out, Sitara felt as though she knew what exactly was going to happen. She look disheveled, as though she was used for various purposes in her lifetime. Her limbs, her neck were all exposed and Sitara could tell that there were various reasons why this woman would be brought towards her.

She wasn’t sure if she liked that.

Sawa’s teeth were hidden beneath the woman’s peachy skin. Sitara wanted to shield her eyes, but she couldn’t… She had to marvel in the beauty and excitement of this moment. Sawa was powerful, and Sitara lusted for that exact same power. She wasn’t quite sure why…Perhaps it was because this whole ordeal was addicting.

She held her breath as the woman pulled away.

She could smell the blood, and Sitara licked her lips as the wound was still fresh. She looked away fora moment, allowing herself to calm down.

Yes, sister.” She obeyed, relaxing herself and standing perfectly still.

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
[member="Sitara Qin"]

She looked upon her, the movements she was showing now more fluid and still riding the small bliss that came from a fresh feed. Her hands touching along the length of the woman while she moved her. Feet spaced apart, fists clenched and tucked in close with elbow at her hips. She slid her hands to her head to make it face forward and spoke. "Earth is varied, from the strongest stone to shifting sand, it is harsh and unmoving. Rooted in deep traditions that create a sense of self and being grounded. To shape the earth you must be able to feel a connection to it, on this ship it is no harder then anywhere else. Metal is refined from the earth and it holds traces within it."

She was standing there and looking over it while her foot dug into the ground and slowly the pebbles started to rise that had been brought in. "The shapers of the earth know how to be as varied as what they move. From the immovable juggernauts who are able to moving sand runner who can drift between everything becoming rigid and rooted when he wishes to attack." She moved back a little and tapped at Sitara, once... twice. "To understand and shape the earth you need to know when to be rigid and rooted as something comes at you. You face it head on and pull the earth towards you." She looked at her while mirroring her stance before pulling the small stones to her.
She was very thankful towards [member="Sawa Ike"] for teaching her how to shape. She swore she’d be an easy student, despite the fact that she was lusting over tasting some more blood. Perhaps it was simply because the act itself was erotic, and Sitara was a well-known hedonist in the humblest of regards. She needed to be grounded but her heads were up in the clouds.

She watched as Sawa’s foot dug into the ground before pebbles began to rise. Suddenly, the small rocks began to flail at her. She flinched, moving away before they could bruise her porcelain skin. She gasped as the blood definitely heightened her reflexes. She drew in a deep breath and assumed the same stance Sawa had.

I’m sorry, that wasn’t facing it head on. Please, try again. I promise not to dodge.

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
[member="Sitara Qin"]

Sawa looked her over, the girl was trying and as she moved a little to make sure her stance good. "Very well we shall try again." She moved in front of her and held her hands out as she pushed. "Keep at it and face what comes at you head on." Her smile remained as she was pulling the stones in and pushing towards the girl to make her stand and control them. "You can do it." The smirk on her face though and her eyes were looking towards her while she looking into Sitara's face for that hunger and sense of enjoyment. She pushed again and again sending what energy she could through the force to excite her, to get the hairs on her arms rising up and tingling.
Sitara had to learn how to face things head on instead of simply side sweeping around them. Perhaps that was the difference between the shaping techniques. Sometimes it involved thinking of alternative ways to get things done, and other times it involved facing whatever was hurling at you. In this case, it was pebbles that would probably bruise.

It occurred to her that shaping was more than a technique; it was a lifestyle. [member="Sawa Ike"] was teaching her to become adaptable to the various scenarios she was given, and for that, the younger woman was more than grateful. She drew in a deep breath as the rocks hurled towards her.

Some of them hit her, and they’d probably leave a few scars later. However, towards the last few, she managed to move them slightly, only so they wouldn’t hurt her. She cringed from the sudden impact but remained in her position.

Hnggg..” She groaned.

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
[member="Sitara Qin"]

She was doing it better now and as she moved some of the pebbles back to protect herself Sawa was watching her. Slowly she was growing her smile to show teeth while looking at the small bruises and scraps. "Careful my dear." She stood there standing tall while hearing her groan before Sawa was touching her cheek. "There you see, you know how to do it. How to stand and face what is coming at you." She moved her hand to put it over one of the places she had been hit while starring at her. "It is not always easy to fight your instincts but you can change the process. As you ground yourself more and have more earth to shape you can turn it into a shield to defend you." She brought up her finger. "Come here, you are getting closer to what you wanted to know. Fire and air is next and you are doing so well... So delicious as I feel you right behind my eyes. The blood rushing through your veins, the beating of your heart. I love it."

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