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Private Relief Efforts: The Greenhouses

The Bloodsucking Philanthropist
Wearing: This

Arrived with: Royal Mobile Greenhouse Of Alderaan , Breath of Lysandra , (Both Lysandra-Class Greenhouses )

Armed With: Good Looks, Charm.

Objective: Travel to Alderaan, introduce new starships to Alicio Organa Alicio Organa .

Kytrand, four days after her first meeting with Alicio...

Sera stared at the endless Clone Army, that would not be awakened until the heart of the Trade League was invaded by the Sith.

How serene they looked in their stasis chambers.

Alicio had gone for Nathan's idea... introduced to him via Sera of course. She suspected had Nathan been the one to present the idea, he would have been far more hesitant.

"You did well on the Windu's Hand, Sera..."

Sera turned and saw Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl , wearing his black biker gear. He leaned against a wall in the vast preservation chamber.

"Thank you, Nathan." Sera replied.

"Nate will do." Nathan said. "You have impressed me. Our success is tied to one another's actions now. You're a vital part of this ongoing operation."

Sera blinked. Nathan had never been even that informal with her before. She only nodded in acknowledgment before turning back to the tubes.

"How many Clones?" Sera asked.

"Fifteen our last count. Your Mother says it could easily be twenty million by the end."

"That's... that's more than what was available to the Republic at the start of the Clone Wars..." Sera said in surprise.

"Worse. It's more specialized..." Nathan explained grimly, stone faced. "I've been digging through the records on this station's computers...lots of them say a good portion of this army was engineered for Force Sensitivity. some sort of emergency Jedi Order..."

"Why would your family have created this army?"

"I don't know..." Nathan said emphatically, tired green eyes glancing at all the Stasis tubes. "My father never said a thing, not one thing about a Clone Army. Let alone an emergency Clone Jedi Order. I'm as baffled by its existence as you and your Mother are."

"Are you going to wake them?" Sera asked.

Nathan looked at the tubes.

"Waking them could be potentially disastrous to us. But if we don't wake them, we condemn them to an eternity of Imprisonment...which may be even worse. I...I don't know what I am going to do...not right now, anyway.

"If you free the army and don't use them, they will run to the arms of those who will..." she cautioned. "To free the army will mean someone uses them. They are a threat. Perhaps... perhaps we should consider pulling the plug."

Nathan stared at his soon to be adoptive step daughter.

"Killing possibly twenty million clones? What if it was twenty million Biots, many of whom possess feats of strength and intelligence many times more dangerous than a common Clone?" He asked.

Sera folded her arms. "I'm not saying it's an ideal situation. My answer, I think, would be the same. More so, because as a Biot myself, I can appreciate how absolutely dangerous a Biot is.. We don't even know what this army is for."

"People burn in Hell for less, Sera." Nathan warned sternly. "Even your Mother, who likes killing, knows she wouldn't come back psychologically from doing something on that scale."

"Well we need to think of something. Otherwise when people start to settle Kytrand in larger numbers, when the Alliance becomes aware of Kytrand? We will not be able to hide such an army." Sera replied. "I don't hate any of the people in these tubes. But this is about our survival as an organization. Cloning is illegal, Nate."

"I'm well aware of that... That's why I am still thinking." Nathan replied. "But I am taking your concerns into consideration. You are right to fear this Army. And you are right to fear the consequences of waking it up.

"As long as you're as afraid of the consequences as I am..." Sera trailed.

"I don't experience fear the way you do, Sera..." Nathan replied calmly, walking up to stare at a sleeping Fett Clone.

"But I sometimes wish I did."

Later on.

Sera, Nathan, and Vera Mina Vera Mina , using her red headed espionage guise and a skin tight metallic silver gown. Vera seemed to have settled on this appearance as the one she would use when being Nathan's wife openly.

Vera sipped on a treated solution of blood from a goblet. being an Artificial Vampire (Yeah, the Background Lore was fairly wacky by this juncture). Sera did much the same, but all were eating Atrisian Fugu. As in, the meat that's so hard to prepare that cutting it improperly could risk trace amounts of Tetrodotoxin onto the meat, resulting in possible fatal lung paralysis. Vera had convinced him to try it. It was served in a chrysanthemum pattern as Sashimi by the chef droid.

"Why, Vera, this up there with pizza..." Nathan remarked quietly. "I should try this more often...thanks for suggesting it."

"You're welcome..." Vera replied, sipping her goblet of blood, before daintily placing a piece in her mouth with jeweled chopsticks.

They were within Nathan's quarters aboard the Centurion Class Battle Cruiser Atrisian Sunset, the official warship of Clan Li-Ves. One of many recent experiments Nathan and Vera were conducting at living together.

Sera for her part, passively observed Nathan and her Mother, the quiet little muscle twitches on Nathan's face, how he had to struggle to hold back faint smiles as he used chopsticks to take a portion of white meat, dip it in soy sauce, and then eat it, were more emotion than she had ever seen in him before.

Nathan was happy, for once.

"So, did you put away anyone interesting behind bars?" He asked Vera.

"A racketeer, actually! He had a brilliant little defence attorney, but unfortunately for him, someone knew were to look for where the receipts were heading. I almost didn't get him..." Vera answered as she ate a piece of Fugu.

"And I am very proud of you, Sera! Closing the deal with such a notoriously cautious politician! I doubt I myself could have done a better job! You bring great honor to Clan Li-Ves with your success." Vera added as she turned to her daughter.

"Thank you, Mother." Sera replied and then ate a piece.

"You know, Sera, if this goes as planned..." Nathan trailed, sipping his tea a bit before continuing.

"You're gonna be in the spotlight a lot more often. And when you are in that means those who would see you harmed can target better.

"I already have round the Chrono security..." Sera replied.

"I'm talking about the media. About rival companies...about anyone with the kind of reach similar to what we are attempting to develop." he clarified.

"Those people use hitmen too..." Sera countered.

To her and Vera's shock, this actually got Nathan to burst out in laughter for a few moments before composing himself.

"You're right!" He admitted, still chuckling a bit, and for a second he seemed like a completely normal human being. Sera watched that little glimmer shut tight beneath his psychological armor a second later.

"But seriously..." he said, suddenly all business, as if he had never lost his composure. "There's more ways than bloodshed to destroy another. Keep it in mind..."

"I will, Nate..."

Vera turned to him.

"Nate?" she asked. "You do nicknames now?"

"You want to give me a nickname?" Nathan asked.

Vera considered it.

"I dunno...what would you nickname me?" She asked.

"Uhhh...Bite Master 3000?" Nathan offered.

Vera raised her eyebrows .

Nathan shrugged. "I'm bad with nicknames."

Vera suddenly smiled.

"I love it." she said and they continued eating quietly.

Weeks later, just days before the attacks on the Trade League and Tython...

Two ships, both ten kilometers in length, came out of hyperspace near Alderaan's system.

Both were the first two ships of their line, dagger shapes reminiscent of SSD's slowly came to a halt, in communication with Alderaan's Navy. Naturally, two 10 kilometer vessels with SSD grade shielding would have been cause for concern had they not called ahead. They still approached slowly, at the lowest speed possible.

They were projects long in the works. Four currently in Existence. Alicio was being given the first two. Bacta-Works had the latter two. More were planned.

They were greenhouse, relief vessel, and hospital all rolled into one. With many other applications.

Sera had told Alicio she had something incredible planned. Something that would give His government, his wife's Enclave, and the Alliance itself massive reach on a humanitarian level.

It was intended today be a day of celebration, with The King of Alderaan to inspect these massive vessels, ones that would grow or make nearly anything a recovering populace could need.

Not just Alicio, but Amani Serys Amani Serys , and their children had happily been extended an invite as well...these ships were meant to be used, often and actively, abroad or at home, by the King and his subjects...

...or however many Jedi he or his wife thought they could get away with stuffing aboard it and still not calling it a temple or Enclave.

Sera waited in one of the many Hangar bays of the Ship titled Royal Mobile Greenhouse Of Alderaan, which had an eco architecture style similar to Nytesmyth Academy on the interior. It was in lead of its sister vessel, Breath of Lysandra...

Chef droids waited nearby, preparing tea...

Amani could not be in attendance, busy with everything happening on Coruscant, and Alicio didn't feel comfortable watching his two children by himself while also keeping up airs for a megacorporation big-wig. So he had planned to arrive alone, as before, to inspect whatever 'incredible' thing Sera was bringing.

But then, Alderaan's defense force contacted him. About massive ships in orbit above the planet. And August just so happened to be in earshot.

"Now, Auggie," Alicio said, kneeling in front of his son with a stern look. "We're meeting with someone very important."

"Like the herdship people?" The toddler was practically bouncing on his heels, inexorably excited.

"Kind of." Alicio adjusted the prince's little suit, making sure he looked presentable. "Ms. Mina and I are trying to help a lot of people. So if you're nice, maybe she'll tell us more about the big ships."

"I want to fly the big ship!"

"You can fly ships when you're older, bud."


The Alderaanian shuttle finally touched down in one of the massive ship's hangers, it's exit ramp touching the ground with the same grace as before. As before, Alicio's honor guard were the first to exit, followed by the King, and the Prince, hand in hand. Alicio wore his usual black, with his flowing cape behind him, while his son wore a little white suit, which made his splotchy fair-and-green skin pop.

Alicio was far less graceful in his exit this time around, as August was yanking on his arm, immediately trying to dash away. "Woooow! Big ship!"

"Yeah. Big ship indeed." Alicio couldn't hide his raised eyebrows, either. It was impressive.

Seeing Sera nearby, Alicio waved, and started walking her direction.

- Sera Mina Sera Mina -
The Bloodsucking Philanthropist
Sera rose up from the table to greet Alicio Organa Alicio Organa , now the King, and Alicio's son, August. Sera had chosen a long green gown and polished black heels for the occasion.

"Your Majesty..." she said, bowing to the king, and then a smaller bow to August.

"King Organa, a delight to have you all aboard today. I had some tea prepared. Welcome aboard the Royal Mobile Greenhouse Of Alderaan, a Lysandra-Class Greenhouse. It's sister ship is called Breath of Lysandra.

"These vessels you see have been in the works for a long time. Part of what we discussed in providing the kind of relief that can help many at once, efficiently. It's a ten kilometer garden, Hospital, and many other things." Sera explained. "Four are currently in Existence. Alderaan now possesses two of them..."

Sera gestured happily to the table.

"Would you all like some tea? Or would you prefer getting the inspection underway? I'm certain you must have many questions..."
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Alicio walked up to Sera, holding his son's hand tightly to keep him from darting off in an excited frenzy. Alicio returned the bow with a slow head nod of respect, while August, seeing his father's response, tried a similar motion, that ended up more like a head-bang. "Thank you for receiving us, Ms. Mina. Though I will say, your visit was... unexpected, to understate things."

"This is my son. August, introduce yourself."
The splotchy half-Mirialan waggled his fingers at the Bacta Works CEO. While being positively terrified of small animals and bugs, the boy had grown absolutely fearless in meeting new people. "Hello! I'm August!"

Alicio gave his immediate surroundings a once-over, letting a frown overtake his face. "I have many questions. And I'm sure the prince does as well. So... inspection first, please."

"How big is the ship? Is it big? Big big? Big big big?" Each word the little boy said seemed to grow faster, and more frantic. "Can I turn the big wheel?"

The King of Alderaan passed along an apologetic smile. "August really loves starships."

- Sera Mina Sera Mina -
The Bloodsucking Philanthropist
"Of course, I do apologize for the surprise of the visit. I tend to play my cards close..." she admitted.

She smiled at August. "An honor, Prince."

She giggled slightly at his hyperactive questions.

"Yes, it is big. To be precise, each are exactly ten kilometers in length. That's the length of your "average" Super Star Destroyer. And while it has no weapons, it's defenses rival such ships. You'd need a whole large fleet to take it down..." she explained to them both. "But let's get the inspection underway...and maybe the Prince can turn the big wheel."

Ten minutes later...

The Greenhouse section was basically a simulated environment. It had actual grasslands in parts. As this had been built for Alderaan, banners of the Royal family were draped in important checkpoints on the internal tram they had used.

"To help keep the vessel hidden, we have added stealth systems such as a Gravitic Amplitude Modulator and Optical Camouflage Field to thwart pursuit. We also possess a full compliment of Droid Security, most controlled from a central computer..." Sera explained to both King and Prince as the tram rode past many Eco-Architecture structures.

The tram took them to a cordoned off section where the Bio Bacta Trees, large and glowing in soft blue light, were tended to by droids in terrariums. Sera led them to one of the larger trees, to see the droids fixing special faucets to the trunk of the blue and white glowing tree in certain places, with cannisters beneath, and they could watch as Bacta was extracted from one part of the trunk, while another, thicker liquid substance, colored very dark blue, was also extracted.

"The resin of the tree..." she pointed out. "Research continues here on the substances industrial and medical applications..."

She turned to Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

"They can dock with the Vonnuvi Herdship at any time." she added. "The Herdship itself should be getting it's own small versions of these trees in a day or so, but these ships can provide replacements should something happen to the ones we deliver. They are also more than capable of evacuating thousands, or treating them, or, um...harboring Jedi..." she added rather quickly, basically letting him know on the sly that they could serve as an emergency Enclave if need be.

"Would you both like to wander the area some more, or would you like to see the Research and Development Section?"
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"Ooh!" August hung on everything Sera said, even though he likely didn't understand half the words. He knew enough to understand the ship was awesome. "Is... ten kimometers a lot?" He looked to his dad.

"Yeah. Yeah, it is." Alicio sent a tiny smile August's way, before to the BactaWorks CEO. It was about time they saw what this new ship had to offer.


Alicio had to keep a firm grip on August as they traveled through the Royal Greenhouse.

With the House Organa security detail close behind, the little boy kept trying to make a break for it. Not to escape his father, but just because he was dying to see everything quicker. Eventually, Alicio resorted to picking up the overactive toddler, who still tried to craned his neck around to see everything.

As Sera explained various sections of the ship, Alicio nodded along. Every once in a while, August would whisper "What does that mean?," in his ear, and Alicio would do his best to return an answer a child could understand.

It was the first time Alicio was seeing the Bio Bacta Trees being utilized and tended to. He took special note of it, watching the busy droids went from tree to tree. August, too, took special note, smiling wide at the pretty plants. "Good," the King offered, at the news that the Vonnuvi would be getting their grove soon. "Hopefully these trees... bear fruit. Metaphorically speaking."

Sera asked if they wished to continue the tour, or stay here. Alicio pondered it a moment, before responding. "Let's keep moving. I can take in the sights later, but... I would like to see what is in the works." He let the tour continue a moment, before posing a question.

"What is the primary function of these vessels?"

"What does that mean?"

"Ah... What is the ship's main job?" Would it lose any efficiency, trying to do too much? Then, he added to Sera. "What do you imagine the Royal Mobile Greenhouse of Alderaan doing, when fully realized?"

- Sera Mina Sera Mina -
The Bloodsucking Philanthropist
"The Primary function of these vessels is to--ostensibly--provide vital supplies to worlds affected by invasion or refugee influx..." Sera explained to Alicio Organa Alicio Organa and his son as she circled the Bio Bacta Tree.

"In this case, Bacta, which is also being tested in small samples aboard this very vessel for use in other medical and industrial products. It's also designed to project the ideals of the Alliance, that it's greatest strengths are not in how many ways it can assert dominance, but the countless other ways it can leverage it's sheer economic and scientific knowledge to restore property, health, and livelihoods. That it can change far more lives with a hand of peace than a blaster..." she elaborated to them both.

"I imagine these vessels being used at critical periods just after invasions that have been fended off, or at natural disasters. You have to aggressively tackle a lot of the problems as early as you can. Most stack up in the first few hours of such aftermaths so much that they can overwhelm typical relief agencies. A Brain and a regenerative system for a damaged body, metaphorically speaking, is how these ships function, taking the pressure off local governments once they arrive, allowing the Alliance to free up resources in other vital areas." Sera added gesturing them to follow her to the tram.

"As the vessels are meant to be as self sufficient as possible, it would be desirable to send them to the edges of Alliance borders as a first response to ravaged planets that have otherwise still been successfully held by our side. It's not a perfect solution, of course..." she admitted as she got in, waiting until they were aboard before starting up. "Even as mighty as the four currently in Existence are, they can only do so much. Many more would need to be built, likely with recycled materials under a salvaging plan the eggheads are drawing up in accounting..."

Ten minutes on the tram passed before arriving at the entrance to Research and Development, the lobby of which was filled with green plants in terrariums and durasteel fountains, the floor tiles a bright enamel green. Sera went to an observation port to a nearby section, where all manner of Staff hired from Refugee populations tended to the equipment...and grew visibly unnerved at spotting Syd Celsius Syd Celsius in a skintight green jumpsuit seemingly assisting in fixing the welding equipment.

Syd was the creepiest, most unsettling creature Sera had ever met, despite her immense beauty. There was just something off about her, and to her even greater internal disquiet, she noticed even ordinary humans without the Force instinctively sensed something was up with her, and avoided her as a result. It seemed to make for a very lonely woman, in Sera's opinion but she knew the story and refused to offer sympathy. Syd was a monster. An even bigger freak of nature than her own mother, who couldn't even hold a candle to the bodies Syd had left behind her in life, despite, at times, having acted almost as murderous as Syd's Sith Alter Ego. A light side user by circumstance more than choice described Syd best, a broken woman allied with the man whose life and family she had destroyed simply because her knowledge made her too valuable to dispatch just yet. But Nathan would not be patient forever. Just long enough to get what he wanted from her before bringing the hammer down, preferably on her skull. Despite all her terrible power, she was living on borrowed time. As soon as The Cult of The Brain Demon was destroyed, so too, would she be.

Syd headed out of the lab. "Miss Mina..." Syd greeted with the Coruscant accent of the creature she had merged with to survive a loss at Korriban, and whose hated face she now bore. "The power grid in equipment diagnostic lab 538 has been repaired. I'll be heading to the med bay now to assist there." Syd said, sparing a quick glance at Alicio Organa Alicio Organa and his Son, her movements almost too fluid to be natural.

Sera hid her disquiet. Syd wasn't forbidden aboard the vessel, but she had no idea how she had gotten aboard at all. Syd seemed to go where she pleased these days in the organization Nathan formed.

"Of course, Surt'r..." Sera trailed, using the name Syd now used when walking amongst the NJO these days. "And thank you for coming aboard to assist..."

Syd nodded politely with a small, knowing, pleasant smile that sent odd chills down Sera's spine. She would have been more at ease had Syd started making blatantly obvious snark and double entendre's and outright trying to embarrass her. But this...

That small smile, so lacking in malevolence, might as well have been the cocking of a shotgun to Sera. Did Syd do this sort of thing just to keep Nathan and his allies paranoid? Just to keep them on their toes? Even Nathan couldn't tell. Syd's bizarre urges these days often only made sense to her. The quirkiness that might have been endearing in another was nightmare fuel to everyone who knew Syd and despised her precisely for being Syd.

"You have a nice day, Miss Mina..." Syd addressed before floating slightly off the floor and hovering into another section, ordinary people instinctively getting out of her way before they had even seen her.

Sera turned back to Alicio. "I have a special project I wanted you to look at. Please follow me..."

August looked up at his father, the obvious question in his eyes. Alicio thought a moment. "It means... they're supposed to help people, that are hurt. And be friends with planets that they visit."

"Oh! Okay!" August smiled wide, while Alicio turned to directly address the CEO again.

"And with all the difficulty in making these vessels, the expenses and scientific achievements being accomplished here... you're just giving two to Alderaan." Alicio stared out past Sera, words writing themselves behind Alicio's impassable eyes. "I'm not complaining. Alderaan can be trusted to use them responsibly, and I will do my best to ensure they perform at peak efficiency... But what do your share-holders think of your... charitable donation?"

It was a probing question, to be sure. He felt like he had a good guess at the megacorp's game. What he didn't know was how much the company was investing in their little gamble.

After a long tram ride, they were deposited in a room of vibrant green. August immediately tried to run around the room, but a whisper from the Future caused Alicio to suddenly pick up the toddler. Aug protested for a moment, but grew still as they stopped to talk with a woman.

If she even was that. Her appearance was mostly normal, but there was a perversion in the Force, that even August could pick up on. Alicio had taught his son never to judge someone based on appearances, to give everyone a chance... but both father and son were silent. August's was more shocked, quiet and still as if he were trying to hide. Alicio's quiet was sharpened by focus, as he tried to examine his discomfort, and the woman, searching for danger, or understanding.

The interaction was short, and this Surt'r was gone without so much as a word to the monarchs.

"I have a special project I wanted you to look at. Please follow me..."

Alicio nodded. Then, after a brief pause... "Who was that?"

- Sera Mina Sera Mina -
The Bloodsucking Philanthropist
"That was Surt'r..." Sera answered.

(OOC: Pronounced "Surtur" just like in Thor: Ragnarok)

"She's a Force Healer associated at a low level with various Jedi Enclaves, including the Vonnuvi Enclave more recently. Also did work at Susevfi. She possesses unique abilities at rapidly healing large numbers of people, even from very severe wounds." Sera elaborated as she began leading them into the research sections, the terrarium like aesthetic following everywhere, blending seamlessly into lab architecture, and the various warning and safety hazard signs. "Her work as a healer carries her many other places in emergencies."

(Kreia: A mutant of tremendous strength, both physically and in the Force)

She directed them into a chamber where a decontamination laser swept over them before allowing them into what was titled "Section Lysandra"

"As your wife is noted as a skilled Healer, We chose to dedicate a small section on this ship to the research of medical technologies specifically geared to aid Force Users in healing wounds more rapidly... especially on themselves. It's caused us to turn to unconventional solutions..."

She directed them to a display on one of the experiment worktables, appearing to be a small cyber implant with built in, jagged crystal nodes, wired to severely damaged Tissue that was fixing itself.

"Our implant here is using specially cut kybers to enhance the type of healing it offers. Very early stages, but shows great promise adapting to Force Users..." she added....

Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

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