Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Refugee Project


So basically, I've been wanting to do for months now(I've mentioned it on discord a few times), a refugee project for the people that have lost their homes, and so forth due to the many wars that have occurred throughout the galaxy over the years(GA-FO War; OS-GR War, etc). The planned location was Yanibar, a planet in Wild Space that historically has been relatively peaceful.

The only thread that has occurred at this instance is this thread where Krayzen discusses this idea with [member="Joza Perl"]. At the current moment,the only people that no a lot about it are him, and her. In the end, both our characters agree to see if we can get other companies to join in this project.

I'm looking for light-side, and neutral companies to help with the project. Once more specialized in this area of operations would be most appreciated.

Any takers?

Major Factions Supporting Project:
Valae Kitra said:
[member="Krayzen Dratos"] - While not a company, the Silver Service Corps would be willing to provide humanitarian aid. Also, Valae and her healers would be glad to help set up a free clinic for those seeking medical care.
That would be great! Krayzen would love to have the SSJ help.
[member="Krayzen Dratos"] The SJO is all about the humanitarian work! I've had some ideas for a new line of agro/medical station, so this would be a good opportunity to get that put out.

I'll probably be throwing KSA or Panacea at this to complete a major project requirement. I'd also recommend you chat with Commenor. They would probably be a good faction to get involved.

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Thanks [member="Arisa Yune"] :) Commenor would indeed help you out with this [member="Krayzen Dratos"] . We have plenty of supplies for reconstruction efforts and to help get people working again.
[member="Lady Kay"] Aww yiss.

[member="Krayzen Dratos"] There you go, two new majors on board.


[member="Faith Organa"] would this humanitarian project be something FWC would be interested in joining?

Rosa Gunn

I set up this company with the intention of doing exactly what you've outlined but RL forced me away from the site for a time. I'm making a comeback and this is right up my street so you can count me in.
[member="Adron Malvern"] / [member="Rosa Gunn"] / [member="Dresden M'koor"] / [member="Judah Dashiell"]
I'll be doing threads to meet up with you guys. Do you guys want it to be one big contract thread, or separate threads where Krayzen meets up with you guys. Each is fine with me.

[member="Lady Kay"]
Dmed you on Discord.

John Ash

Only by Fire do we become Ash.
[member="Krayzen Dratos"]

Well something you can also do is take Refugees to the Pii system. John here owns it and wants to take in more people since the system has only ever had a population of a couple thousand due to greel wood logging. He has already taken in refugees once and wants to boost the population further to get the ball rolling on the system's growth.
John Ash said:
[member="Krayzen Dratos"]

Well something you can also do is take Refugees to the Pii system. John here owns it and wants to take in more people since the system has only ever had a population of a couple thousand due to greel wood logging. He has already taken in refugees once and wants to boost the population further to get the ball rolling on the system's growth.
How about both planets?

John Ash

Only by Fire do we become Ash.
[member="Krayzen Dratos"]

Yeah what I had in mind. There is no reason for a single planet to be used especially since it would ICly be very difficult to handle so many at one time for a single system. Plus more threads this way for more fun!

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