Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ready For Judge Refined Hapan Pulsemass

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Factory Judge


Power emanations from the City of Dreams were untraceable in realspace due to its ethereal nature; in this way, its citizens could monitor Imperial transmissions undetected
the city had been created by his "psychic power," and everything in the dimension it existed was not material, but rather composed of "psychic energy."
  • Classification: Gravity Mine
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Extremely Heavy
  • Explosive Type: Gravity Pulse
  • Delivery Method: Mine Field
  • Effective Range: Extreme
  • Area Of Effect: Extreme
  • Damage Output: None
  • Interdiction: Designed to function in real space and hyperspace. THe mines send out a pulse of gravity generated to take ships out of hyperspace.
  • Self Sustaining: Designed with ion attractors to draw in energy to continue to function almost indefinetly when placed as mines.
  • Exotic Matter: The ethereal nature of the metal makes it near weightless despite being and looking dense within the pocket dimension of dream. In realspace it can be grasped and there is a steady supply able to be used by Krass. When smelted with other materials it can decrease the weight of the material created by 50 percent. The exotic structure with the solidified force energy being able to skirt gravity as it has mass but does not become weighed down as long as there is force energy within it. When smelted and added to materials that are largely heavy it can reduce the weight depending on how much is use (ie: a few grams compared to ingots.. a couple grams might take off some pounds while an ingot will reduce the weight but also the quality of the metal since it doesn't augment the resistances.
  • Physics Meet Metal bat: Being from the dream pocket dimension the metal has unique properties generated and made by Krass. in this case it is psychoreactive and able to be bonded to a single person. That person can then bring it to them like they were holding a massive magnet with the range being hard to determine as they have to be able to sense and feel it.
  • Protective Qualities: Largely non protective armor in qualities as it doesn't fully adhere to the rules of physics. The metal looks dense and like it would be highly protective but it isn't.
  • Exotic Particles: Largely unknown and not seen in the galaxy before. It isn't invincible nor is it really strong but it reacts violently near dark and anti-matter which can disrupt and destroy it or even cause it to rupture and disintegrate.
A complicated and improved design of the original Hapan pulsemass munitions. Designed to function in different ways as mines that can saturate an area such as hyperlanes within the Consortium or being fired from launchers to prevent ships from escaping. Refinements on the design added ion attractors to the casing of the pulsemass weapons allowing them to be deployed into the mists and areas around the Hapes consotrium and use the energy to remain functional. With a better ability to restrict the hyperlanes and control the flow of enemy forces trying to enter the COnsortium Krass under directions from K'ferri and for the shipbuilders functioned to give more control. Between the pulsemass munitions and advanced interdicition stations a new generation for a hyperspace security network in the Consortium can be developed.
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