Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Auction Redemptive Auction: 2/12 - 2/13

Auction Rules/Info:

Setting: The infamous (and vastly unlucky) private auction house of Contruum.

- Don't be a dick.
- State your bids clearly.
- Barter. Credits are not accepted.
- No bidding a single item for multiple lots.
- None of the lots are kept on the premises.

- Auction will conclude Saturday, February 13.


It was one thing to simply say "I want redemption". It was another thing entirely to sell off the very trinkets that had caused one's corruption and fall from grace. Thus, Isley Verd's private auction began.

Lot A: The Gauntlet of Hod Haran - Masterwork. Gauntlet capable of absorbing energy from various sources and returning them as a Force Blast.

Lot B: Ha'rangir - Masterwork. Tomahawk capable of shattering/rending through beskar-grade materials.

Lot C: Dagora's Armor - Masterwork. Songsteel armor which produces an "aura" of persistent Force Drain.

Lot D: Scroll Collection - Sith Scrolls containing instruction/incantations for: Aura of Uneasiness, Advanced Sithspawn Creation, and Reanimation.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Isley Verd"]


Leslie would bid on lot B, it was a shiny badass tomahawk and he'd never fit his fat wrists and gut into that armor. So this was all he could bid on.

Red & Blue
Control of Yuuzhan Vong ship building city
Project Adam AI
[member="Isley Verd"]

"I have access to everything on the ArmaTech Manifest. Let's start with an Iso-5 Reactor the size of your choosing, and a TA5 Lightsaber Droid for your tomahawk."


Well-Known Member
Easily capable of seeing the Tomahawk for what it must be, Force Imbued weaponry combined with another alteration, likely Alchemized, he laughed at those bidding. In the end they would waste a lot on a shiny piece of metal that would benefit them the same as an average blade.

Rising from his position, he walked away throwing a hand over his shoulder in salute to the men in charge of the auction.


Insert Hilarious Title Here
[member="Isley Verd"]

A wanderer, an explorer, Nyx had little to offer. She did not keep many material possessions, but much like this man, wished to give up her old life.
So it was with steely determination that she presented her PDW-M1 Neutralizer.
"I will bid on Lot C."
It wasn't much, but the weapon had served her well.
Jorus whistled at that tomahawk. His sister had always said it matched anything she'd ever made for sheer nastiness and ambition. The definition of mastercraft.

But it wasn't his style, and his duty lay elsewhere.

Lot D: One hyperroute blazed, any territory, maximum 1000 light years.

Marcus Tritum

Dak on the other hand had an unhealthy fascination with tomahawks.

One blue sphere of corusca gem, with strange inscriptions, for Lot B.

- Due to the number of familar/friendly faces who bid, an unbiased set of eyes were asked to examine the auction. The winners are a reflection of both mine and said input.

- These items are the definition of powerful. As the factory mantra goes: "Abuse and Suffer." Be certain to carefully read the strengths, weaknesses, and side-effects of your winnings.

- [member="Darth Pikiran"] you're so cute when you get angsty.

- Thanks for participating folks, you've helped to add a tremendous chapter in my character's story!


Lot A: ---

Lot B: [member="Dak Canton"] - "One Blue Sphere of Corusca Gem, with Strange Inscriptions"

Lot C: [member="Nyx"] - "PDW-M1 Neutralizer"

Lot D: [member="Jorus Merrill"] - "One Hyperroute blazed, any territory. Maximum: 1,000 Light Years"


A modest turnout was what he had hoped for.

When a raving mob descends upon an auction, the sky is literally the limit. But what message would that send to the A'lore Council? Would his redemption truly be genuine if all he did was peddle his sins for wealth? Most likely not. So, Isley made choices that may have clashed with "common sense". He passed on the AI and the Reactor, instead selecting a very unfamiliar bid. The monetary value of the sphere was of little consequence to the Dar'manda...but what was inscribed within grabbed his attention. And thus, to one Dak Canton did Ha'rangir pass.

Next, the Dar'manda chose based upon his own lessons in humility. While true, he could have leapt at a literal suit of gold, he elected to choose a firearm instead. It was simple. It was unelegant. But it carried a story. Its scratches and dings were more than enough payment for his armor.

Last, but certainly not least, was an offer Isley just couldn't refuse.

And no, it had nothing to do with the last name Merrill.

Upon receipt of the scrolls -- which appeared to involve necromancy, auras of uneasiness, and biological alchemy at a high level -- Jorus wrapped them up in high-grade nullification resin and dropped them in the safest vault he knew.

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