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Approved Tech Red Lord Armor

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In Umbris Potestas Est
Intent: Personal armor for Val’Ryss Zankarr during heavy combat and battle situations.
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Sub-Contract and Sienar Army Systems

Model: Red Lord Armor
Affiliation: Val’Ryss Zankarr (Personal Use)
Modularity: None
Production: Unique
Material: Duraplast

Having reason to level of Lord in the Empire, Val’Ryss has decided to gain more experience in the heat of battle rather her usual place as the shadowy manipulator. To do so she needed a set of personal armor that is up to the task of defending herself through the thick of it. Basing her armor of that of the higher imperial guards she contracted various companies to make similar armor with thicker plating to help against blaster rounds and debris shrapnel. Colored in the traditional colors of a higher imperial, and her favorite color, the Red Lord Armor is Val’Ryss’ personal first line of defense from the ravages of war.

Classification: Multipurpose Combat
Weight: 12 kg
Quality: Class 7
Other Feature(s):

-HUD inside helmet allows for communication panels, life-readings, object identification posts, record video and audio, as well as other tasks
-Helmet comes with sophisticated atmospheric filtration device to filter most harmful toxins that can be found in various world atmospheres
-The Skin-tight black garb underneath the armor plating allows for advanced body-heat regulation and temperature control for various environment circumstances.
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