Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Recovery & Discovery

Of late it seemed a good deal amount of historical artifacts had been uncovered. Yenna Yenna enjoyed finding them for scholarly work and to bolster the Jedi. Onrai Onrai enjoyed finding them to keep them out of Fallen Celestial hands and to further her own ambitions. And then there was Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel that sought them for their Mandalorian historical value with few being nearly as ostentatious as those favored by Yen or Onrai. While most Mandalorian artifacts were easier to come by since they were not imbued by the Manda (Force), they were equally as difficult to locate since their people weren't concentrated in large groups throughout the galaxy. There was also the matter that most Mandalorian objects were armor, weapon, or forge related, which meant many others found them usable and less apt to collect dust in a storage cabinet.

Runi Kuryida and Ijaat Mereel had just returned from one of their explorations where several such items had been found. Much like her time with Yen, the recovery of Mandalorian treasures had been a pleasant experience. There had been challenges and rigors, but a Mandalorian never much minded such things. Life was a challenge. It was their Way to meet it. And so they had, but now it was time to store their collection and replete their supplies -- in other words, rest.

The Shaman hadn't an opportunity to see everything that had been gathered or reviewed. Not everything retrieved was remarkable, so some effort was needed to identify the historical value of what was found. The truly important items would be stored safely. Other objects would be weighed whether they could be put to use or held no modern value at all. Naturally, Runi made sure some of the more obscure items weren't mistaken for the latter group.

While Ijaat cleaned up, Runi set to work making some tea to enjoy.

Tag: Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel


Stepping from the 'fresher, Ijaat stretched as he pulled on his fatigues, dressing slowly as he looked in the mirror. Even in a new body, he had collected a maze and map of scars across his flesh. Puckers, burns, slices, and a few still pink and healing. Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida and he had grown close enough that when his mission to collect the relics of his people was taken up anew, she had been the first to be asked to join him. The Protectors, such as they had been after his reformation, had been turned over to Volo Dragr Volo Dragr as leadership. There was too much blood on his hands to lead without a stain on the groups' honor, so he had kept ties but turned the yoke over to his young friend with confidence.

And he had returned to preserving the history of his people. Already ancient beskar and other relics littered his quarters. Some, thanks to his gifts in psychometry, had been returned to the rightful bearers. But a few he had kept, and now, wearing loose-fitting fatigues and a faded green shirt. Stepping up behind Runi, he gave her shoulder an affectionate squeeze and reached over her to deposit a battered box of veshok wood that faintly screamed in the Force with energy and age.

He said nothing. His love could almost certainly tell what he thought he had found on his last solo trip.

Runi calmly poured two cups of tea before she set the pot back down. Just in time for Ijaat to emerge and casually set a wooden box before her. The Shaman turned her head a bit to look back at the man. Just because the item screamed for attention hardly meant Runi had to listen. The living were always far more important than even an 'important' trinket, after all. Something she occasionally ribbed Ijaat about whether he understood given all those scars he kept collecting.

As for the man's new body... well, it was one of those gray areas that sat well enough with the Shaman. It was technically a violation of the laws imposed on this Creation, but there were far more egregious ones out there to fret over. The line might be blurred, but then it always was -- which was why she taught the young that would become Shaman and Pathfinders how to use their heart and head to navigate the complexities of their reality.

"Some have come to believe it is merely a Myth, you know. Are you sure you want to carry its weight?" Runi reached out to slowly run the tips of her fingers over the edge of the box. She had a fair idea what was inside even before it was opened. Perhaps that was why Ijaat set it before her. It would be quite the find.

Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel


"Some have come to believe it is merely a Myth, you know. Are you sure you want to carry its weight?"

For a moment, he thought as he turned the box and opened the lid to reveal the ancient lightsaber. Even moreso than most, it appeared a sword hilt without a blade. Gunmetal and silver with worn black, it faintly radiated danger and death like any ancient weapon should. But whether due to the styling of the weapon or it being the actual Darksaber, or an affectation of an elder mind, Ijaat could feel an ephemeral other that lurked within the piece.

For a moment, he remembered those gone. The sins and blessings of his life. And turning to perhaps the greatest blessing in his later years, he shook his head.

"I do not wish to carry it. It is repellant to me. But, if there is even a chance my guess is right... I will carry it until another claims it and the mantle it represents, and keep it safe against those who would use it to manipulate our people further. But for the mantle it carries... I will not take that up unless at last need. Once I dreamed of it. Now, I dream only of learning to live life with you by my side."

Uncharacteristically, he reached up to her cheek, lingering fingers there as he gazed at a face whose angles and curves he was coming to know very well.

"The rest is just details, but I will do what I must. It is who I am."

Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida

Runi waited as Ijaat reached to open the lid and reveal the contents of the box. The Shaman gave Ijaat a small smile as he touched her cheek. "Details are what makes a warrior. Certain ones I would not want changed. Others I trust you to discover for yourself." Her hazel eyes regarded the man's now younger features. Younger in body, perhaps, but the man's eyes belied more experience than might be expected at a distance.

"Come," Runi gently tapped a seat beside her, "before the tea grows cold."

Yes, the Darksaber. Quite the prize to find if it were the original that so many sought. Even if it was not, however, Runi did not think Ijaat's senses lied to him. There was an essence to this one. One born of blood. Enough to leave its mark unlike other replicas that were mantle pieces at best.

"Care to spin a story of this momentous find? Did it come at the cost of another trophy of battles fought?" As a Mandalorian Runi would never complain if it had. Ijaat did not run off and challenge everyone he met, so the scars were not born of folly. Still... she hoped he wouldn't amass too many scars. The company of a man was far more pleasing than that of a walking monument of suffering. It was his soul that mattered most, and which she cared for in the end despite the rigors.

Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel


"You'll laugh, but I found it at a Jedi temple gathering dust. They thought to claim it as theirs from the Mandalorian Wars."

He smiled. The tale was a bit more involved. There may have been unkind words exchanged. Certain bullets. He had almost lost his right hand. But he didn't see need to bother her over that.

"I only acquired one new scar getting it back too... And I did try diplomacy first, as you keep urging me to. They were rather rude and condescending. So I tried my way and broke their Guards' noses. Only once each though..."

He said the last bit casually, but a rare and almost sly grin was on his face. Despite being a stubborn as beskar itself, the man responded well to Runi's teachings, and he sat to the tea readily, drinking slowly and savoring the taste. Not morning whiskey or kaf, but good in it's own way.

"The new body wasn't intended... I won't bore you with the details but, without Ashin around it can be tricky transferring. The other one just... Wore out..."

Here he sighed.

"I may have to figure that out, so I can live a more natural life. And I've begun to reach out to the various children I sired to offer them a place here with the Clan. To try and be whatever kind of a father I can be, now that someone has seen fit to bring life to the desert, as it were."

Here he reached over and squeezed her hand, smiling.

Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida

The Jedi had it? That tracked. Jedi or Sith would be inclined toward it. Any that sought power, prestige, or knowledge in fact. Those that wielded such weaponry as a matter of course in particular. It was better returned to the Mandalorian people though; which was part of the reason Runi supported the man's endless spelunking and delving to find the treasures. Runi just wished she could be there each time to help avoid too much physical rigor.

Runi smiled over at the man after the shared chuckle of his recent acquisition. "As you should. Not everything can be settled with words." It was just that many warriors seemed to think everything could be settled with fists, blades, or blasters. True strength was having mastered a skill in both realms and then using the most effective one to settle affairs. The Shaman never said it was easy, but it was right. Not that her stance should be mistaken for that of a Jedi though -- unlike them, Runi didn't say violence should be avoided. Just not used frivolously like the Sith. There was a time to talk, and a time to kill.

Ijaat's shift into talk of his body and transferring sharpened her eyes as to the seriousness of the matter. Not that he dwelt on the topic. Soon Ijaat spoke of all his children and trying to be a father figure to them now. It was a noble thought. Whether they would respond favorably only time would tell. She wondered how many 'various children' entailed.

"You can water a desert, but only it can bloom." Runi returned the affectionate squeeze with her fingers. "And yours has taken shape into quite the oasis. Now does seem a good time to offer shade and water, should they desire it."

Though that was ignoring the other matter. "Does this 'transfer' need happen often?" Perhaps boring her with the details would be best? And if Ashin being absent was of concern to the process, should she be concerned?

Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel
Here he hesitate, but eventually spoke, sipping the tea as he did.

"A transfer of essence is not my strong suit. I have Ashin's holocron, which details it well enough. But connection between spirit and body is complex. The more I strain the connection between I and the Force, the quicker the body seems to lose integrity. Grow infirm. This is a common downfall when the process is done... Inadequately. I have some favors called in though.. It shouldn't be an issue going forward, I hope. And I'm letting my warriors take lead in hunts more. So that risk is minimized, for the moment. "

Smiling at her, his eyes turned to the 'saber, almost fearful and wistful, and spoke quietly. It was a ritual he had begun to say, for those long departe that had begun this mission with him. It was usually a private thing... But... Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida wouldn't be kept from anything, he had decided this last mission. Some names recited were known dead, others he lost track of in the wide Galaxy and was suspected dead. The original Protectors.

"Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum.. Anija... Arrbi... Larraq... Draco... Ember... Alec...Vilaz..."

Then he turned to her again, and in a rare moment of openness locked eyes to hers and spoke in a voice low but steady, laced with emotion.

"Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum... Thank you, for being here and giving an old has been new fire."
Transfer Essence. That could be troublesome. A fact Runi had accepted would inevitable occur if she allowed herself to get too close to others. Wandering without company for too long, however, was more detrimental. Ijaat and Yenna would help her walk the Path without becoming unbalanced and straying. Allowing a minor transgression against the natural course of things was a small price to pay. So long as it did not enable darker pursuits.

A quiet chuckle followed. "Quite complex." In truth, it was simpler than people knew, but only if you possessed the power to view it at that level. At a typical galactic resident's level it would seem unwieldy.

That Ijaat seemed to have 'favors' called in to aid in stabilizing this Transfer was worth remembering. Not just anyone could aid him in such a pursuit. Someone knowledgeable, experienced, and/or powerful would be needed. Runi would be interesting in seeing such a person -- admittedly to make sure they weren't of poor character and a threat to the Manda.

She made no further sound nor movement as Ijaat began his ritual in the presence of the saber he'd found. The 'power' of ritual was known to her, and Runi wouldn't dare deprive another of what they took from such personal moments.

"Darasuum tracinya o'r Ka'ne. I wouldn't be anywhere else, my Pillar of Light." Runi met Ijaat's gaze with her own, hazel eyes. "I will always be by your side, no matter how deep the darkness or great the peril."

Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel

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