Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Recovery and Connection

-- The dreams had been arriving stronger in recent months but it never stopped him from wondering the Outlands of the Galaxy. He did not know who he was or how he became the way he was. The things he did know was that he woke up on a planet years ago, with no knowledge of who he was. People he meet told him he was strongly attached to the Force, but he could not fully understand its origin. Then there were the dreams.

-- Ever sense he went and the little one split paths and went their own ways he had been getting vivid dreams. With each one he was able to do things he was not able to do before. Like fixing a Hyperdrive Engine no matter the design or origin, if it was broken he unknowingly was able to fix it. Then there was programming, he recently would wonder around droid more often then other people, fixing problems without thinking of what he was doing. It was weird to hear their inorganic chatter and just understanding what they were saying. As for understanding, when he had woken up on New Holstice he understood the basics of communication, but as more dreams came to him, he was able to understand more and more native species. It was starting to become a strange endever that he was trying to escape.

-- However, waking up this morning he heard a voice within the Dreams, it was calling towards him. Fingers on his lips he whispered them, "Jaster Awaud."


Present, Morning
Location: Calmins Homestead, Charal

-- He liked the name many had called him over the year of his travels, but this new name, a name he assumed was his, well it felt more familiar, prideful. Waking up in the household that was giving him shelter was a nice family farm. The owner was a gentle but stern elderly man going by the name of Timmothy Falmora. He owned this large plot of land just within the valley of three large mountain ranges. Timmothy was a rancher, he hated it when the Cyborg would slip up and call him a Nerf Herder, though his homestead was full of Nerf Beast. It was good work, and in exchange for living on the ranch, he would help around the with some of the heavier lifting.

-- "Jaster huh," Stated Timmothy, cooking a morning breakfest as the Cyborg worked on his arm with a tight-beam emitter as his arm was glitching. "Not a name from these parts son, might be from the Inner Worlds."

-- Jaster looked up and nodded his head, "It was only a quick second, but it sounded about right," He put the tool down and closed the outer casing, gripping and loosening his hand. "I was on a ship of some kind and the voice came from behind me, it was the strangest thing."

-- Timmothy placed a plate in front of his, "Well son it might be best to go out and find it, its gonna bother you if you keep staying around here helping out this old man." He smiled as he sat down to join Jaster.

-- "What about the farm, your still gonna need help around here." The mechanical man accepted the food and started eating.

-- The elderly man looked annoyed like he was being coddled and shook his head. "My son Derr and his wife just had their child so I only had you helping so they could have time together, you have been a big help, but there is a path out there for you and its not here on a farm."

-- Jaster smiled a little, "Huh, I somehow knew you were a grandfather now." That was followed by one of the eating utensils being thrown at him and bouncing off his Durasteel skull that covered half his face. Jaster acted a little surprised, "You almost poke my last eye out with that."

-- Timmothy huffed and shook his head, "Thats what I was aiming for."

--Overall, he agreed. He now had a name tied to his forgotten past, he needed to follow that lead where ever that lead. It was time to leave this planet, head for the Core Worlds and find out where he could find himself. Maybe these continued dreams would lead him somewhere that could help with this journey. The first part of his travels would be to find a way off the planet.
Location: Conglomerate Prime, Wild Lands

-- The first planet that he was to travel to was a place that was calling to him. A forgotten and hidden planet. When he arrived he followed the pull of the winds around him. In truth he did not know where he was going, but that he had to go this way.

-- The Wild Lands of Conglomerate Prime was peaceful for the most part, if you avoided the killer Droizers, and kept an eye out for the potholes where the ruins were weakest. The ancient ruins and the killer droids made the planets true surface quite sparse of people, and that what Jaster liked about it. He sat atop what he assumed to be a balcony from an ancient housing complex. This planet once belonged to the powerful race of Kwa, it was amazing to still see the lights within the buildings still work, even after hundreds of thousands of years.

-- The landscape of this planet was amazing, the history, the ancient ruins, the feeling he had when he roamed the so called Wild Lands. He felt more at peace here than secluded in the space ship that brought him here. He felt that this planet was his home for a short while, he could feel it had too many memories. But it was one of the only places he could be free, be who he was meant to be without the worries of the Galaxy. This was one of the rare moments Jaster wasn't wearing his cloths. He was free here. The colorless and peaceful energy of the force emitted from his body as he meditates, while his mind wondered deeply. His mind would attune to the smallest details around him, while his thought lingered with dreams of his past.

-- He looked over the ruins of a city square, a meeting place for the planets warriors who served their isolationist country. Warriors who carried weapons, but never used them, isn't that the way the world should work.

-- "The Force is a tool, a tool with which to learn, to learn I must gain knowledge, to gain knowledge I must understand, to understand I must seek the truth, the truth is power."

-- Jaster closed his eyes as he finished the chant. It was no code, it was no creed, it was the truth. It made no sense to him when his master first told him these words. They were a mystery in themselves, and his master never made things easy. Then he studied, gained Knowlage, questioned everything, and his Master was never short of answers. Jaster smiled, but it was time to meditate.

-- The Cybernetic Humanoid emptied his mind, let the Force flow through his body, the energy was strong, almost impossible to ignore if you opened your mind to the winds. The Kwa were a species that were very sensitive to the energy of the force, they picked this planet because it had a connection to the force like no other in the Region. They used the force in their daily life's, to build their society, not take down others. This was a world of peace and quite for over a hundred thousand years, then darkness consumed them.

-- A dark cloud was strong where he was, the death of millions in the city center could be heard echoing through the force.

-- With his eyes closed to the outside forces, his mind wondered through a cloud of images. He could see, even with his eyes closed and his mind empty, he could see. He saw the Kwa as they fled the Droizers onslaught, the warrior fighting with swords and the force, yet it wasn't enough. The droids overpowered the soldier, killing them with the weapons their masters created. The darkness consumed him, surrounded his ever side, the cloud of darkness was looming as he hear a child's voice. The language was not known to him, but the child was scared. Jaster looked with his minds eyes as to where the child could be, and then he saw him. Surrounded by darkness as if a shadowed figure was leaning over the child's shoulder, it closed in on the child. Jaster reached out to the child, so only see the red eyes of a small blue child, glare back at him. Then the shadowed figured hugged the child and vanished before he could reach them.

-- He opened his eyes, he had a vision of what darkness creates, hatred, fear, and the want for more. It consumes the soul, making you nothing but a shell of your former self, and letting the force use you as a tool, and not it. He sat and contemplated what he had just seen, the force was a strong and powerful tool to have, but maybe some saw it as a well of endless water. However, he could already tell, it was just a tool not a source of power, for it has its limitations as well.

-- A Droizers patrol was approaching, he'd have to move to avoid getting into a fight.
-- He arrived to the coast of one of the continents, it was just as peaceful as the city, not disturbed by outside intervention for hundreds of years. He stood over the ocean, the planet was quite again, he was alone, again. Jaster sat down and started to think about what he had seen. True strength is found in knowledge and balance, Power is in the truth. That is what he said without thinking, these words sounded familiar.

-- "There is no passion, nor peace, only Truth"

-- He whispered under his breath. He wasn't taught these words were they, but they gave him strength. The force entered him, fired up his soul, and vibrated away. He closed his eyes, maybe another vision could show him the path he was to take. He slowed his breath, opening his mind to the force, all of it.

-- Before him stood a man in a grey hood. Darkness covered his face, he had no smile, or frown, just the shadowed face staring at his feet. Suddenly two lights appear behind the man, one blue, the other crimson red. Then a man wearing a Brown and Black Robe, suddenly another figured appeared with a Black Roab Cloak. Jaster moved to tried to protect the man, but his feet wouldn't move. Instead he tried to yelling but no words would escape. The figure in black ignited his Red blade, the on in Brown ignited his Blue one, they were moving as one another. Lifting their blades above one another, reading to strike the man in grey. The Mechanical Man turned his eyes to avoid the slaughter, then a voice echoed in his mind,

-- "Watch."

-- With that he turned back without realizing it, the man had two blades protecting himself from the two force users. Deflecting their attacks and with a slanted blade, the two figures blades slide to his side. Pulling the lightsabers to his side, the original man in his brown and black robes pulled back and shoved the blades into their stomachs. They froze in their positions and held their positions. The original figure pulled the blades out of his opponents and turned to face Jaster, his opponents fell to the floor with a thud.

-- In one look the man spoke without moving his lips, and it echoed through his head as the vision ended.

-- "The truth guides us, Makes us stronger."

-- He spoke these words without realizing it. He stood there as the force flooded him again, it had abandoned him while in the vision. It didn't feel like he was alone though, he felt more filled then he did once before. His soul lifted as he repeated the words his vision spoke to him.

-- Jaster never liked showing he was a force user, people changed when they learn your a force user. He looked at the ocean again, but his attainment to the force was increasing he could feel the presence of the incoming Conglomerate Patrol. They needed to secure the ocean for up and coming buyers, they flew low so they would see him. He needed to move. As Jaster turned to take cover from the patrol, a ship appeared at full speed and passed the position by, the sound followed it as it was traveling faster then sound. Again it was time to move.
-- The next place he went to was the barracks of the ancient race warriors. It was under ground, and the man noticed a group of droids heading his way, he would take cover in here for now. The building was still in working order, even the ancient doors worked as he walked up and touched the key pad. Sliding open revealed a ready room, where the soldiers would get their weapons ready, he sat on a metallic bench. He took a deep breath, he'd be here for a while.

-- As he took a breath he saw the man still standing over him again, like before he couldn't stand. The mans face was still in shadow, face still as strait as a stone statue. After a second the man moved his arm, pointing to the left of Jaster. He looked and saw she shadowy figure of a Kwa, but in armor that he didn't recognize. The Kwa was speaking to another in the same language as the child before. This time though it was in a lower tone, deeper like an adult male. His mind was interrupted as the laughter of a child entered his head, the Kwa turned and bent over then a child flew into his arms and the Male Kwa picked up the child with a smiled as what looked like a Female Kwa entered his view. They kissed one another and talked in the strange language yet again. Then an alarm erupted from the back of his mind, the male put the child down and throw his helmet on, and took off. He stopped for a second to look back as the female and child, nodding once he took off out the door. The female nodded at the door and turned to the child. They vanished into dust before him and another voice, same as before echoed again.

-- "With my power I shall aid those in need."

-- The words again left his lips without him realizing it. That last vision took a lot out of him, it felt that he was being touched through a void of unimaginable distance. The droids probably left by then, he should get up to the surface.

-- These visions were getting stronger, he needed a place to meditate with a strong connection to this Force. It would allow him to contain the energy and center his focus to see threw the mess that was clouding his connection. The visions was telling him something, but the light and the dark clouds were conflicting with one another for him to focus. That was the way of the two sides, one compassion, the other greed, he knew these emotions too well. He had hatred in his heart, but that never stopped him from helping. As he walked down the abandoned street a voice whispered to him, in his heart. He echoed as it exited his body.

-- "Justice is the way of life, for Without it there is no balance, Without balance, There is Force is weak."

He felt like the force was getting stronger, he was getting closer to a place that was strong with the entities.
-- After walking for hours he finally reached the building that had the closest connection to this entity. The building was built into the side of a small hill as it stuck into the sky, built like a Rwa building, it had a pyramid like shape to it. The metal was still shinning as it was just recently build, even after all these years it didn't look degraded or rusted like the rest of the building that surrounded it. There was no sign of Droizer or Conglomerate forces around either. It felt more empty then before, that made Jaster feel more at peace as well.

-- He walked into the temple like building. But as soon as he entered, he felt all his weight just disappear. All his concern or worries, compassion, feelings.... It all just vanished, he was able to think more clearly then he had in.... In all his life. He looked around, faces of the previous Rwa looked at one another, with their cold stone eyes, and even though he never knew these people, he felt more connected to them then to himself. He fell to his knees, this was a little to much for him, and that was when he spoke up, "Whats happening to me?"

--- A voice answered him, "This is what it feels to feel nothing."

-- It was once this voice finished that Jaster gained his emotion again, but this time the vivid memories of his past flooded flooded his mind. Seeing from his own eyes he looked over a Gravestone on a barren landscape. The feeling of loss, failure, and anger swelled within him.

-- "This is what it feels like to feel everything."

-- Jaster then feel his emotions go back to the levels they were before, though he was still crying though. The memories were still fresh in his mind he looked up to the statues, "What do you want from me?"

-- "They are long dead, brother, and the question is more what you want from me?"

-- Jaster turned to see the hooded figure again, the entity that he was chasing and giving him these vision. He looked at the man, this time he could move, his body wasn't trying to use all its might to keep the vision clear. There was a balance in the room, both of the clouded feelings from before were evenly displaced, not one over powered another. The power this building allowed him to tap into was tempting, but he was here for answers. He made that decision the second he got the first vision.

-- "You have question, to which I have answers, ask them now or leave me be."

-- The Cyborg looked at the grey figure, this was an unknown power to which he didn't know he had access to, he had a million questions. Then the voice of his own pierced his clouded mind, 'Organize your thought, make a dedicated line of though, and plan out your questions, that is the ability of a true scientist and genius.' Jaster looked at the grey figure, "How am I able to see you so clearly now?"

-- "This is an ancient star temple, the Kwa used it to enter deep meditation and where they buried their strongest force users, their energy now keeps this place strong connection to the force, any other questions?"

-- He again organized his questions, he received and answer that was acceptable. Now he needed to make a question from that answer that would calm his mind. He couldn't let go of the dark clouds in the room, why was it so present here? The answer was clear though, dead people resided here, some may not have had a wonderful or peaceful ending to their life. The Kwa were a peaceful race from what the locals stated, but not everyone was so naturally good. He looked at the man, he knew what his question would be, "What is this feeling within this temple, the balance, I've never felt this power before?"

-- "This is the power of the natural force, it's a power is neither good or ill, it carries the natural state of the energy of all life, a power every living creature carries in their heart."

--Jaster couldn't turn away from such a though, the words continued to leave his mind so they escaped his lips. "There is no passion, nor peace, only Truth, The truth guides us, Makes us stronger, With my strength I shall aid those in need for the sake of Justice, Justice is the way of life, for Without it there is no balance, Without balance, the Force is weak, The Force is a tool, a tool with which to learn, to learn I must gain knowledge, to gain knowledge I must understand, to understand I must seek the truth, the truth is is Passionless."

-- "That is the true nature of the Force."

-- He looked at the man, "Then what is it I must do to learn who I really am?"

-- The Voice did not return, instead a vivid image flashed into his head. The images were of a massive flat field with a singular lone hill that held a cave the protected its hidden entrance. He only got a glimpse of the image before his view was pulled away to an open area where he looked upwards and saw a large array of black holes surrounding the planet. Conglomerate Prime was a solitary planet in a system heavily traveled by merchant ships. This was somewhere else.

-- His vision ended and he was alone again, the image of the hooded figure was gone. What in the Galaxy was going on.

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