Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Reconstruction (Jake Jace)

[member="Jake Jace"]

She corrected and twisted the hilt to move the tails while looking at the boy and moving. "You can move, you need it to dodge padawan but wait until the right moment. You could run around the room dodging my whip all day and night and you'll be the one who tires himself out. I can remain here rested and only need to shift a little, if my arm tires I can switch hand and not lose a step. That is the benefit of training and you need to learn how to defend and counter."
He stood watching the whip closely."I do understand the basic of dodging it dose take being hit a few times to learn.One can't get perfect timing the first time there are things that can go wrong."He kept watching her and the whip waiting before an attack."But one can also use blade to asvoid an attack attempt.So am to just dodge without blocking or to block and dodge.I appozige if I am over thinking it."He keeps watching and waiting for the right time to make his doge.But he didn't know if he should dodge right or left.He would just dodg whichever way he insides told him would be best.He should second guess himself when fighting second guessing ones self could get you killed in a real fight.Eventhough this was not a real fight he shouldn't get in the habit of second guessing himself in a fight.He also wanted to learn to dodge and to block.He also wanted to learn different types of forms so he would do as she told him to.He would do this just to learn more and if he did well maybe she would teach him forms and blocking.
[member="Jake Jace"]

She watched him now and kept the pressure up while moving around. Her own force energy being output little until she stopped. "Stop." Her tone was more serious and the teacher bit was out starring with membrane covered eyes at the padawan before she moved forward. "Were you not taught anything as an initiate?" Her attention towards him as she moved forward deactivating the whip and retracting it. "Were you my padawan you would have been taught properly, not some come as you are nonsense. Now deactivate your saber and we shall begin from the beginning. I had thought you were given more instruction before seeking to construct your lightsaber."
Jake looks away slightly and turns off his lightsabers."I guess I haven't."He held a little angrier in his tone but it was not towards her.It was more towards himself.And the fact he lacked teaching the whole thing just made him look dumb.He hated to look dumb sense he was intelligent it just hurt his pride.Maybe he was to prideful or just ashamed of not really being thought.Now he had to admit to himself he was more on edge now then when they started.He knew he should tell her he was sorry for being a fool and he I'll suck up his pride and do so.He knew he had to do the right thing."I'm sorry for being such a fool that was not what I intended to do.Maybe my pride and arrogance got in the way.I should of not got angry but I did more so at myself and my lack of training.Im also sorry for letting my prideful and arrogance getting in the way too."He gave her a bow to show he was a bit ashamed of the way he had acted and for his lack of training.
[member="Jake Jace"]

She was looking at him now while standing there and raised an eyebrow. About to say something but stopped when her wrist pad chimed indicating their order was ready to pick up. "We'll continue this on the ship heading for a better location. Less people able to hear if you make a mistake." She stepped back and pulled the mask from her belt slowly setting it back on while she was sealing it and grabbing the cases. "Hurry back to the ship, I'll pick up the cortosis and then we'll head to the gardens on Cophrigin V." She was moving now and while hearing what he said never looked back indicating with her hands for him to follow.
[member="Jake Jace"]

The jedi knight moved after the padawan taking in the view of cloud city and heading to the offices she had been in and tapped her hand on the counter. A small case of cortosis for her own use was brought out and she thanked the man before heading back to the ship with it and setting it in her cabin. She had plans for it and setting the course for the world her attention went to getting them there with the large overgrown gardens that had been protect and cultivated by a jedi master she had found more alluring. "Make sure you have your things ready padawan."
When he got to the ship he would try to relax for the training that was to come.He knew he would need to focus on the training she was going to offer him.But he had no idea where they would start did he need to start at the very easy basic level.He took some deep breaths trying to get himself to focus and to be as ready as he could be."What would I need to do to get ready?"He asked unsure of what she had meant.
[member="Jake Jace"]

She stood there while they were heading towards the world with her arms crossed. "Practice with the training remote how to defend with your blade. Where we are going you are going to need to be ready." She almost had a smirk under her face though while watching it with a grin going forward to the bridge of the ship. The droid pilot setting the course while they were heading into hyperspace. She touched her lightwhip and dimmed the lights as the viewports tinted to keep her skin from being exposed to bright light. She ran a hand along the short hair before letting her energies come out speaking to him. "When we arrive bring only what you will need for the garden we are heading into."
"How dose practice with a droid help dose it help with reflexes and to learn to block?"He went to do as he was told to do.He went to start to practice with the droid.He wondered how this would help him train.If this was good for his training he would do it.
[member="Jake Jace"]

There was a look for the padawan as she looked at him. "It is going to shoot stun shots at you and you are going to try and block or dodge them." She waited to let him begin as the time and hours passed, the jedi knight moving to her room to meditate as she sat there on the bed and meditated searching out the one person she trusted at least. Sadly he never answered back to her thoughts projecting which saddened her. The ithorian Boolon Murr may have been with her antagonizing but he was also one of the best healers and she had learned a lot from him. For now though she sat there with her whip across her lap and the scars on her skin on full display to the air. Away from the lights of the ship and confines of her bodysuit. She was heading to a place where she had been trained and beaten to within a inch of her life many times over. Her master going down the line from a famous one with her methods and attitude. It had carried over into her before they finally arrived and she took her time getting dressed with the equipment she needed like the telchek cube as well as her processing implants refills. Arriving there she spoke. "I hope you had an experience padawan, where we are going you will not enjoy failure. My master taught me here, same as his and down the line." The world some something to see while she was walking and spoke feeling the force on the world heading towards the one building. "In here there is a place at the center of the garden. You are going to find that place and face the trials that go there. Now head inside."
He practiced his dodging and blocking till they had gotten there.He wondered where they where gonna goon the planet."So it's pretty much to learn through pain."Jake was alittle uneasy about this way of training.But he knew it was a good way to learn and fast.
[member="Jake Jace"]

She looked at him while standing there and while her bodysuit obscured her back and arms, her legs and chest... She knew the scars were all there. "It can be padawan, it can be bu the goal is to go through and not make a mistake. This is one of the few places where you can get it right far easier then other places." She knew there was more to them but the mental aspect of the building was strange, taking what you buried deep and bringing it to the surface as you went toward the center of the organic maze almost. Her attention was on him while opening the door. "Inside you shall find what you fear most, hw to release what you love and your own darkness. Whether you feel pain will be up to you padawan understood?" She said it while rising up and heading towards her small perch overlooking the buildings exterior and going towards the garden as she could see what was there sitting down and meditating in the center as the small holocron activated. The image of the woman standing there in a black bodysuit with a robe on herself. The arms crossed while she was listening to the gatekeeper's introduction before speaking. "I brought another padawan as I was brought. He is ready." There was a look as she could feel without looking the glare from the woman as she looked up through her mask and the image changed to her being smaller and the information on the trials set up here. Her training methods to breakdown padawans to reshape and teach them were being shown.
[member="Jake Jace"]

That was the plan as she was sitting there and feeling out for the padawan to go through the building and face what he could. She was listening to the sounds of the gatekeeper continuing to describe the methods he would be going through as the healer opened her eyes. She could see the techniques and her scars were screaming out in her mind at the memories and thoughts of it all while she was watching the methods and how her great several times removed masters master using what was done to her and other jedi making them stronger and more dedicated to the light then anything else. She could see the jedi master moving around the padawan to teach them focus while they were being attacked. Her abilities not used by many and close range like that allowed it to be used more often then other areas.
He went to start walking in the building slowly.He wounded what was inside and how he could get hurt from it was this to help him learn to wield lightsabers.She had said something about facing what he feared most.Jake didn't know himself what he feared most but if he where to guess it would be death.But he still was curious in how this would help him in his training.He couldn't help feel she was just testing him for some reason so he would do his best to pass whatever test this was.Even if he had no what was in store for him in the building or if she was going in as well.He got the feeling that she wasn't going to join him.
[member="Jake Jace"]

She was waiting for him to enter and move through the test, the holocron showing her more of the methods while she waited to see what he was doing or if he was coming.... Had to admit to herself he was far more... own pace then others who would be going at it for their training. Her attention and eyes flicking around while she watched more of the movements on the holocron leading her to moving around in her little circle to follow it. Without a master using force speed around her to attack and make her dodge but she couldn't have everything going to easy way as she waited for the padawan to go through.
Jake had to take a deep breath to calm himself to what was instore for him.He was standing at the enterence of the building he grab his lightsabers.He didn't active them but held them at the ready and he walk slowly into the buliding.He keeps walking slow through the halls of the bulding with his lightsabers at the ready.In Jakes mind he guessed the only thing he feared at the moment was something out and attacking him.He wasn't sure if his reflexs where good enough to avoid a surprise attack.But even so he kept walking through the buliding with his gaurd up for any surprise.He just hopped it would be good enough to get him out of this not seriously wounded.
[member="Jake Jace"]

The sounds were coming to her now while she listened, lessons coming before she rose up and grabbed the holocron from the area it was suspended in. Her hand clasped and gripped around it for a moment before fixing and working with it to attach it onto a small necklace dangling. The small cube resting against the bodysuit while her other hand went to the base drawing up the saber hilt. He was taking longer then she was expecting and there wasn't the sound of some sort of fighting.. So either he was frozen in fear or dead... she didn't wat to have to explain the second option while moving and going towards the feeling of where he had been. Her voice coming out as she looked on. "You have all the time in the world padawan is only an expression is means be careful and think but don't move like a glacier."
He laughs slightly he guessed he was moving slow but not that slow.He was trying to be watchful and wary of the place.He wasn't so much afaird of it.He just that being watchful and wary was better then rushing through it.And the way he would learn he kept his lightsabers at the ready for any fight that may happen.

"I didn't know I was being that slow I was being watchful of this place.I always that Jedi where supposed to be watchful rather then rush through things.Maybe I was mistaking by that.I to come out at the other side or something."

He starts moving through the buliding in a slighty jog keeping a eye out for anything out of place.He held his lightsabers in front of him as he stopped.He thought he had heard something that he could of messed.He looked around to see if he could spot something.he couldn't spot anything but that wasn't the only thing he could use to find whatever he may of heard.He openers himself up to the force in hope he coil find it through the force.Why he was opening himself up to the the force he was listening with care.He thought if he was able to hear it again he could pin point where it was and be read for it.

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