Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Recon: Dathomir

She Left Behind A Legacy

Location: Dathomir
Objective: Recon
Tags: [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Jerek Morrows"]

This was Sith territory now -- she knew they'd make it abundantly clear within no time.​
Jade's Wind pierced the atmosphere, breaching clouds until it was engulfed in a field of pink-ish purple skies with vast coastal lakes below. The fighter careened and a readout appeared on the screen in front of her. A series of clicks from her astromech highlighted the drop zones location. "Remote control link established." She spoke through the groups comm channel, "Approaching drop zone."
Her thumb slide under and flicked up -- the switch activated. The wings retracted, pushing the throttle up, she rolled her fighter.​
"Remember we're doing a dark op...let's try to minimize our use of the comm, and drop those bugs." She removed her headset.​
"Passing it over to you R0." She started to unfasten her belt while her astromech took control.​
Mandos were in hot water nowadays, and the conflict on H'ratth was the final straw it seemed. Mandos were one thing...but adding Sith to the mix brought worry to the Silver Assembly. When they'd got word of the possible dealings between both factions, it was troubling.​
The Alliance Council had their own worries too.​
"Hey sassy pants don't rush me!" Flying was never her thing, she'd only gotten use to doing it when she was in Coren's cell. R0 was just as impatient as she was at time. "I'm ready for extraction. Depl--" she was launched from the pit in no time.​
She couldn't stand that droid.
Her contact lenses (which the team got for this op) and her Whisper kept her route. Whipping through the air, she'd finally brought her legs forward and pulled back -- she was nearing landing. She pushed her jetpack through a sequence of off and on clicks. When the jungle brush became more prevalent her body was engulfed in shadows.​
The drop zone was really in within this deep cavern below.​
She raised her palm and began to pull the Force through herself, using it to pull the dank air up the concrete tube to fool sensors into thinking it is a breeze.​
Somewhere below she landed in a crouched position.​

Jerek Morrows

A Jedi's Life is Sacrifice.
Unlike the twisted nature of the Dark Side, Dathomiri magic felt more like nature, unbridled and wild. At a cursory glance and according to scans, the world was a jungle, and its people were savages. They lived outside of law and order, and now they answered to the Sith because of some unchecked trade orchestrated by the Mandalorians.

It reeked of danger, not simply because of what Dathomir was, but because of the implications of the aforementioned actions. That was why Shadows had been deployed, especially so far behind enemy lines. The Silver Jedi had been on the cusp of war for several years, and the embargo and non-discourse directives between them and the Mandalorians had exploded into conflict in very recent history.

It was only a matter of time before all of these actions culminated into something worse, and the more they knew, the more damage they could control. Jerek steered his Stealth X carefully away from the radar checkpoint, though he could not identify the nature of the installation. If he tried to pin down the IFF, it might take notice of him, and the mission would be compromised.

Instead, he pressed through atmo and toward the surface. With specialized emissions that were undetectable by generic means and a hull that was treated to go unnoticed by sensors, he was able to get fairly far before he had to reach the rendezvous by foot. Ultimately however, he dropped onto a plateau just beyond the rocky foothills leading up to the final destination, and he checked his gear to be certain he left nothing behind.

He heard the call from [member="Romi Jade"] on his comm, but responded with only a short grunt. The less they used the signal, he agreed, the less likely they were to be detected. They could talk soon enough, face to face. Jerek struck off at a light jog, hopping down the edge of the plateau and into the short basin that separated it from the barrier range. The foothills were treacherous, but generally sparsely populated. They had done some research prior to the operation to decide the best method of approach with the least amount of human contact.

"Well," Jerek mused, "I have been wanting to go rock climbing lately."
The empyrean had an odd sense of humor.

Cedric peered down with total apathy as the acolyte thrashed about beneath him. The Jedi Master's boot had been planted firmly atop the acolyte's neck: a simple application of pressure and the student's throat would be rendered little more than fleshy pulp.

"How many more of you are there?" He asked coldly, the veiled threat in his words causing the Nikto to paw uselessly at his leg with the frenzy of a cornered beast. In a way, that was exactly what the acolyte was. "Speak." The pressure on the alien's throat lightened, somewhat.

"Only me. My m-master sent me h-euh," the Nikto drew in a gasping breath, " - to train. To fulfill a task."

The Jedi Master canted his head, curious, "What task?"

The Nikto's reptillian eyes narrowed, "I was to bring him the tooth of a rancor."

A pregnant silence hung in the air for a few tense seconds. Cedric regarded his captive with well-hidden pity, "You're a Sith student, then?"


Another silence. Cedric's boot lifted from the alien's throat. "You walk a damned path, boy," a hand was extended, Cedric's fingers brushing the Nikto's brow. "Your masters have sent you here to die. It if fortunate that you ran into me - a Jedi does not kill unless he must. Remember that mercy, when you awaken." The Nikto was a young and simple mind. It took little effort for Cedric to extend his consciousness into the depths of the empyrean, mark out the alien, and invade the creature's thoughts.

The acolyte parted his lips as if to scream, and then slumped back meekly against the ground. His eyes drifted shut, his breathing slowed. Not wishing to linger any longer than required, Cedric withdrew from the alien's mind.

"Do you think there will be more?" He asked the wind

"Perhaps. Best to stay on the move. The less time we spend in this damned place, the quicker we can get to more productive things." The wind whispered back, its voice hollow and seemingly coming from every direction at once. The Jedi Master cracked a thin smile.

"Wise words, ancestor." The Jedi drew his dark cowl over his features, and began trudging through the low forests once more. He moved with purpose - his reasoning for coming to Dathomir would not be far now.

[member="Jerek Morrows"], [member="Romi Jade"]
Dathomir. Planet of wild nature, witches, battles, history..... Much had happened and been plotted here in the past and even now. I sat in the hangar aboard The Morrigan, my droid pilot guided my ship down. We'd vented any radiation prior to breaching atmo. Now we slipped through the lower atmosphere. We were heading towards a drop point for me, I had my armor on, sabers dangled from my belt on either hip, suppressed DC-15s blaster pistol, Echani huntress spear and whatever tricks I'd fitted into my armor.

"M'lady approaching the drop zone, I recommend a way of safe descent." Smirking I fitted my helm over my head and secured it. Safe....yeah, right. Taking a knee I primed the drop hatch, breathing in I remembered the first time I'd done a stealth drop. Smiling I heard the signal and slapped the drop hatch release. Falling through the air I had a fierce smile on my face, aiming towards a vast cavern I saw through my visor I pushed my arms against my side with legs spread I speared toward my chosen drop zone.

Feeling The wild currents of The Force in the air on Dathomir I pulled my helmet free and magnetically locked it against my left thigh plate. I needed to feel the wild air on my face, inhaling I began channeling The Force to slow my descent. The ground was rapidly approaching and I pushed my hands forward and let out a Force push to further slow my descent. Finally my feet hit stone and I rolled forward. Popping up into a combat ready stance I looked around and opened my senses.... I felt......wildly free, could just be the way I experienced The Force on Dathomir but I pulled that feeling inward and wrapped my soul in it.

I felt energized and then I reached out....I felt...... the presence of three others of The Jedi here on the witch's world. Another woman, and two men. I also felt the slight ripple of conflict....hopefully someone hadn't already been detected and if they had they'd had the sense to make certain their new friend would sleep for a long while. Looking into the open air I felt for the presence of the other woman, then I began climbing. I'm sure I'd meet them soon enough....

[member="Romi Jade"] ~ [member="Cedric Grayson"] ~ [member="Jerek Morrows"]
Kian clipped the lightsaber to his belt and made sure it was snugly secured and then quickly checked the other pouches on his utility belt. Each pocket bore some of the essential things he might need on a mission such as this. Extra powercells and a repair kit for his lightsaber, medical field kit, a few small charges, and so forth. Before each mission he went through the same process of preparing his belt with the things he absolutely felt would be essential to the mission.....and then he would lift the belt, discover it was ridiculously too heavy, and whittle away at what he would bring. One would think after all these years he would just know what to bring and what not to bring, but each mission was unique and he never knew what he would need, nor could he hope to plan for everything.

Dathomir. Kian said shaking his head. He certainly didn't anticipate things going smoothly on this world, no matter how well prepared they all were. Any planet that evolved Rancor would inevitably be an environment that was hazardous at best.

"Master Karr, we are approaching the drop." Came the pilot's voice over the ships intercom. Kian was flying aboard an Sith Imperial shuttle. The Shadows had been able to put together clearance paperwork and codes placing their presence on Dathomir as part of a scientific surveying expedition exploring the migratory patterns of the Veeka, a rather delicious bird native to Dathomir.

"Excellent." Kian said making his way toward the ramp. "No need to stop, just slow it down and I'll get out." Kian grabbed a strap to brace himself and hit the button to open the ramp. Below him the canopy of the dense forrest went by in a blur. As the ship slowed it descended until it was just above the highest of the trees. Kian stepped out to the edge and, when the ship had slowed enough, he dropped from the ramp and fell toward the trees below. Using the force to brace himself, Kian's feet connected with a large branch and his grabbed another with his arms. The impact hurt a bit more than it should....force he was getting old.

Kian watched the ship continue on its course and pulled his black and green hood up over his head. It took him several minutes to descend the large tree and almost an hour to reach the drop zone. It was within a cave structure and Kian smiled beneath his mask. This would be the first time working with the Jedi Master Romi Jade, but he liked her style.

Kian had been masking his force presence, but now that he had arrived at the rendezvous he stretched out with the force, making his presence known. Pulling his robes tighter around him, he made his way into the cavern.

[member="Romi Jade"] | [member="Jerek Morrows"] | [member="Cedric Grayson"] | [member="Celiana"]​
[member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Celiana"] | [member="Cedric Grayson"] | [member="Jerek Morrows"] | [member="Romi Jade"]

" The Clan Mother will see you now, Iponta." A femine voice sounded close to a near whisper from the furthest end of the encampment. Dathomir was under the Sith Empires protection and law but this was still the territory of the witches of Dathomir. Nightsisters and Singing Mountain both did not take kindly to outsiders doing as they pleased, especially those skilled in the force. It was only out of courtesy that the Sith Lord requested audience with none other than the Clan mother of the Great Canyon Clan.

There was only one reason he was here and that was for this visit. To acquire a Rancor. High within the plateaus of Dathomir and descending deep into the fissures that geographically were the canyons within, The clan had made its home. Dug into the sides of cliffs neighbored crawling arachnids or large proportions. It seemed they shared a symbotic relationship with the Witchs, a circle of balance in natures laws. Silk was harvested for various bolts of cloth, items and so on. Dim fires flickered on and off beaconing the more hostile crawlers away as a stream of constant movement could be observed. From one end to the other. Left to right. Up and down the busy stream of witches young and older could be tracked. Adorned in cloths that rivaled the beauty of the Sith traditional garments of old. Flawless.

There was much culture here...

And power.

Crossing across a bridge that seemed to be consisted of wood and metal. Some of the Canyon clan sisters by the Sith's side raised a brow when the bridge bowed slightly under a new found weight of heavier volume. It was a brief pause of concern on their part and rightfully so. Falling five stories down the canyon would be hazardous. Within a few minutes they had arrived.

" It is an honor to meet you in person." Ledgermayne nodded his head at the Clan mother seated in her throne of nature etched with vivid detail from the canyon itself. Extending a hand to gesture a shake the Sith was halted with spears, swords and magic poised to strike. Finding himself in "check" Ledgermayne instinctively hunched forward a tad ready to fight if necessary.

" You are NOT permitted to touch the Clan Mother!" Hostility was voiced from the corner of the room. It was a warning.

" I know of your species and their inherent gifts to copy memories, Iponta." The Clan mother smiled and gave the ok for her sisters to cease their protective duty. " I have foreseen this event and I know what you want and why you are here." The Elder stood up. " A rancor. I am inclined to give you one but you must do something for us first."

The proposal was voiced and later discussed.

" Mmmm. What do you need?"
She Left Behind A Legacy

Location: Caverns, Dathomir
Objective: Recon
Tags: [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Jerek Morrows"] [member="Cedric Grayson"] [member="Celiana"] [member="Darth Ledgermayne"]

She struck off into a light jog -- as much as she could anyway. Pebbles, and crushed stone all gave just a bit with every step. Lengthy strides allowed her to cover move ground with moderate speed, she vaulted over a large boulder fixated in her path and came clear on the other side before being several feet behind Kian.​
On approach, she respectfully nodded at the Master shadow, followed that up with a warming smirk. Digging an index finger into her temple, she activated her contact lenses and brought up a holo projection visible to them both. An organized arrangement of light called forth a pre-recorded three-dimensional image of their rendezvous point near the Tower. An assortment of hand movements and pointing followed, but much of this had been discussed prior --- meeting up with the others was the next objective, and they both were keen to that.​
"We should pres--" There was a faint yet growing fluctuation in the Force, but it had a familiarity about it but..."press on..." She fell into it, opening her stride as she raced along the passage way -- on muscle memory she hit every curve and edge. There was another gaping maw that opened up into the foothills. You'd know when she hit it, the humidity in the air was a bit more lighter but the heat remained all the same. There was a translucent sheen accumulating over the surface of her skin, the kind you'd get when moisture built up on the exposed layers of your body.​
As she moved, she added motion to the air she displaced, so that it moved out in a single stream, losing neither speed nor coherence for dozens of meters ahead of her. To a sensor, it would read not as the movement of a person across the lawn, but as a breeze.​
By this point, she'd deduced the fluctuations to some sort of conflict. "Status check?" on their comm channel.​
I'd climbed up to the surface rather quickly....guess my free-climbing training on Kasshyyyk was paying off now. As I reached the surface I looked towards the sky and saw The Tower, a sinister ebony monolith and what felt like.....anticipation perhaps, nearing the tower. I knew there were likely surveillance sensor near the tower, as a result I zoned into the Echani huntress abilities I'd acquired... Scent, sight and hearing... Then I ran, aided by The Force and soundless through the trees. I heard the comms chime in my earpiece, requesting a status check. Speaking into my comm earpiece I said "On my way towards the tower." With that I remained silent and continued through the forests.

I felt.... desire. Almost as though someone was waiting for an exchange. Hungry desire, like that of someone seeking power. Not a typical Jedi trait....There was someone who was here on Dathomir for themselves...If they were seeking power on Dathomir it was likely witches would be involved. I was quickly approaching a treeline close to the tower approach. Pulling my Verpine rifle I looked through the scope and waited to hear anything on comms. Better to have eyes on the field rather than rush into the field...

[member="Romi Jade"] ~ [member="Kian Karr"] ~ [member="Jerek Morrows"] ~ [member="Cedric Grayson"] ~ [member="Darth Ledgermayne"]

Eye of Solomon


"Shuttle VQ-826, clearance codes accepted. You may start your approach."

"Confirmed, commencing landing sequence."

Wispy contrails marked the sky where the black-hulled body of the Sith-Imperial shuttle passed by, a speck of darkness against an eternally crimson sky. Not much had truly changed on Dathomir since it was signed over to the Sith. The Emperor had kith and kin within the Nightsisters of Dathomir and had decreed that the witch's natural habitat would be preserved, approving only a handful of new building projects on the entire planet.

It would be unsurprising to know that many of these projects revolved around the Warlock Gate, the focal point of the Empire's obsession with the planet. In accordance with the stipulations of the document that the Empire used to gain control of Dathomir, they were only allowed to build one garrison near the gate as a counterbalance to the demilitarized Mandalorian tower that remained after the Clans had moved on. The Empire's tower was smaller, austere and sleek with a single landing pad and only a handful of anti-air emplacements around that. Beneath the ground was a different story. Hidden from prying eyes, the Emperor had overseen the construction of a vast network complex beneath the visible tower. About ten levels comprised the entirety of the facility, each one more restricted than the last as they were dedicated to the study and experimentation of the Warlock Gate and its otherworldly properties.

The Imperial shuttle came to a rest on four extended landing claws, pressurized air hissing from hydraulic engines as a single boarding ramp descended right below the cockpit. A woman emerged first, her lithe and athletic body covered by an officer's uniform adorned by a wide and long great coat that hung securely from her shoulders. Behind her were two gargantuan creatures that couldn't even descend the ramp shoulder-to-shoulder, rather moving in a single-file row until both of them could stand on solid ground side-to-side. Though evolutionary a part of the Tiss'shar race, these Kro-ar possessed features more commonly found in crocolids than saurians. Their heavy scales were clad in an augmented version of the Imperial Legionnaire MK II armor, a Autokrator rifle cradled in both hands while a power mace hung openly at their side.

A pair of scientists, their garbs sterile white save where it was adorned with the crest of the Empire, emerged from the tower's foyer to greet the woman and her bestial companions. "Grand Doctor, it is a pleasure to see you here on Dathomir. Will you require escort?" Grand Doctor Vitra Zyn, Headmistress of the Institute for Occult Science Research, sniffed mildly in derision as she brushed past the two scientists, both of whom quickly scrambled out of the way as the Grand Doctor's Kro-ar bodyguards muscled by.

"I designed this facility, I know the way."
The Jedi Master was moving fast and Kian pushed himself to stay with her. She had sensed something amiss, perhaps. Kian stayed just a pace or two off of Romi's side as they darted through the dark caverns. When they made to move out of them, Kian, seeing what Jedi Master Jade was doing, fell in behind her so that her manipulation would hide him from the sensors as well. Kian was relieved to hear one of their company check in, but was concerned about the others. Hopefully they would hear from them soon and his worries would be found to be baseless.

Kian, haven't spent much of his life as a Jedi hunting them, felt the presence of the darkside and drew his force signature further in on himself. That they would eventually be discovered on the planet was almost an inevitability. Kian always planned on the worse case scenario happening, but that didn't mean he wanted to rush to that outcome.

"We are coming up on the rendezvous point." Kian said in a hushed tone but still audible to Romi. "I hope all is well with the others." Kian said giving voice to his concerns and checking his chrono. "Discovery this early in the game would be....problematic." Kian said smiling beneath his mask at the obvious understatement. It helped him lighten his concerned mood.
[member="Romi Jade"] | [member="Jerek Morrows"] | [member="Cedric Grayson"] | [member="Celiana"] | [member="Eye of Solomon"] | [member="Darth Ledgermayne"]​

Jerek Morrows

A Jedi's Life is Sacrifice.
If the others were not experiencing the same struggle, he might have envied them.

Dathomir was a world seeped in myriad curtains. Shapes, flavors, and textures of darkness that redefined the word unnatural and wreathed anyone who walked there in its embrace. Seductive did not begin to describe the sensation as Jerek traversed the considerably small distance between his landing and the rendezvous point. Despite the gap being negligible, the sensation was considerable.

The duties of a Shadow were wholly different from those of your ordinary Jedi- and to call a Jedi ordinary, you had to be a special flavor indeed. There was nothing to scoff at about any Force Adept, let alone one deeply ingrained in the teachings of the Order. No- to be a Shadow meant full well to embrace a fate much more solemn than any other oath.

It meant to walk with your hand to the wall, brushing against the Dark Side of the Force with every step. It dragged you closer, whispered in your ears, ran its invasive fingers over your frail form and offered you all the sins that you denied to yourself. To be a Jedi Shadow was a special kind of hell, one not intended for the faint of heart.

Jerek had been chosen for his circumstances, but he would not have wished it on any Padawan. Even now, when the whispers were at their loudest, he bit his tongue and fought back wistful words, things he could have shouted from the depths of his heart and meant, and never truly found solace in.

You could still save us.

Just reach out.

Take my hand.

He shivered. The chill was well hidden, but once you were aware of it, it festered. He could see the massive, dormant Mandalorian Tower, and beyond it the infernal gate. In this place, he was closer to the other side than any man had any right to be while still among the living. That was why he heard their voices.

That was why they could attempt to lure him across the threshold.

Jerek had no intention of breaching the Warlock Gate. It was not the mission. No, their duty here was much simpler, quicker, and took them perilously close enough for comfort.

The austere tower just beyond was smaller and much less assuming. The Sith were known for grand displays of wealth and power, but this- this was something new. Was there more to it than met the eye?

He paused when the engines overhead entered a landing cycle, and he looked up to see a shuttle heading in for landing. Had the others noticed? Could they feel it? Or were they busy with their own problems?

The Shadow shook himself off and hurried on to the intended meeting place.

He had tarried long enough.

[member="Romi Jade"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Celiana"] | [member="Cedric Grayson"]

[member="Eye of Solomon"] | [member="Darth Ledgermayne"]
[member="Romi Jade"] [member="Jerek Morrows"] [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Celiana"]
[member="Darth Ledgermayne"] [member="Eye of Solomon"]

The Warlock Gate was magnificent.

Darth Ophidia's hand hovered just shy of the stone slab, fingers curled sharply into talons. Her head leaned back and her eyes had closed as she breathed in the feeling of the Netherworld. After the fall of the Dark Council, she had gone there in search of wisdom, and she had exited through this very gate. Ever since, she desired the knowledge of how to make a gate of her own without setting a planet ablaze as on Ruusan. Even now, she could feel the power needed to keep this gate in place.

And she felt the familiar thunderous voice at the back of her mind; a serpent of ash and wind. It posed a question without a word.

"I will keep them pure." -She answered.

One of her fingertips nearly touched the stone slab before her eyes opened and she pulled away. Her breath was quick, but quickly calmed down as she looked behind her. The door was opening, someone was coming to see the gate. Easy as breathing, Ophidia let the Force swallow her presence and shroud her from sight. She circled around the retinue of reverent witches and slipped out as easily as she had slipped in. Of course, she could always have arranged a meeting on her own, but sometimes it was simply easier to bypass it all.

Quick and quiet, like the shadows she called home, she slipped from the tower. Before her stretched the flats, and the familiar sensation of Dathomir's tapestry of darkness.
Allies: [member="Darth Ophidia"] [member="Eye of Solomon"] [member="Darth Ledgermayne"]
Enemies: [member="Jerek Morrows"] [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Celiana"] [member="Romi Jade"]

"The Emperor's representative has arrived."

"Good. Good."

Silence stretched between the soldier that delivered the message and the Lady of Secrets' agent. Eldaah had been dispatched to Dathomir to observe the continued integration and spread of the Creeping Lignan that had originally infested a clan of the witches and the Mandalorian garrison on the world before Dathomir was annexed to the Sith Empire. Even now, Eldaah kept the Mandalorians slightly in the loop on the progress of 'quarantining' the infestation that still existed on world.

In reality, it was a fascinating study for her and the Order of Shadows... and a distraction from the other field of interest the Sith had on the world. The Warlock Gate held the imagination of many Sith, a doorway to the Netherworld that had been fashioned by one of the greatest sorcerers of the modern age. Her master had no interest in the doorway, but the Sith garrison that watched the place and studied it along side the Mandalorians nearby tower was a convenient base.

"We have the readings on those infested saurian fliers, fascinating how their bodies adapted to the crystals," one of the newer Adepts reported. "The beasts have grown and gained some powerful abilities, the symbiosis astounding."

"Have we captured a specimen?"

"Several, and with your permission, we shall have them sent to Kessel for further study."


Eye of Solomon

  • [member="Eldaah Aderyn"]
  • [member="Darth Ophidia"]
  • [member="Darth Ledgermayne"]
  • [member="Jerek Morrows"]
  • [member="Kian Karr"]
  • [member="Celiana"]
  • [member="Romi Jade"]
The lift rumbled as it came to a stop, the doors opening to reveal the Grand Doctor and her imposing bodyguards. One of these crocodilian warriors moved ahead of the Grand Doctor and bellowed in a voice the reverberated with the frequency of tectonic movement.

"Move aside for the Grand Doctor, Vitra Zyn."

Doctor Zyn moved with all of the haughty grace afforded by her upbringing and prestigious position within the Empire, exacerbated by her official designation as the Emperor's own representative. Though her position was ultimately non-military, she wore the rank of Major General over her left breast; four red tiles over four blue tiles. This afforded her authority more legitimacy amongst the military hierarchy of the Sith Empire, granting her access where her civilian identification would not.

"Lady Aderyn, a pleasure to meet with you." sibilantly spoke the Grand Doctor as she approached the Sith Knight, "I assume you have something to show me?"
Allies: [member="Eye of Solomon"] [member="Eldaah Aderyn"] [member="Darth Ophidia"] [member="Darth Ledgermayne"]

Enemies: [member="Jerek Morrows"] [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Celiana"] [member="Romi Jade"] [member="Cedric Grayson"]

A lone figure surveyed the Dathomirian expanse from the heights of the abandoned Mandalorian tower, his eyes coming to rest on the Warlock Gate. It was a truly impressive structure, even from here, and Lykas regretted that he had been unable to pay a visit sooner. Today, he was here to check on both the Gate and the spread of the Creeping Lignan for the Sith-Imperial Foreign Intelligence Agency. Lykas figured that this was a perfect opportunity for him to study both phenomena himself.

His moment of reflection was terminated by a loud whirring. An Imperial shuttle was coming to dock at the nearby Sith tower's only landing pad. Lykas couldn't quite make out the figure who emerged from it, but from their monstrous escorts and the embarrassed scurrying of the pair that had come out to greet them, he could make a fairly reasonable guess as to who it was. So... the Grand Doctor has decided to pay a visit. Lykas recalled from Intelligence documents that the labyrinthine facility that sat below the Sith tower had been designed by none other than the Grand Doctor herself, but it was unlikely that she had been called here by nostalgia. The Emperor himself had no doubt taken an interest in the affairs on this world.

Two Dark Side Adepts suddenly burst from the scenery behind Lykas, executing Force-enhanced leaps to land soundlessly several metres behind him in kneeling positions. Of course, Lykas had sensed their approach long ago; he was expecting them. Turning around, he wasted no words on greetings.

"I sent three of you out. Only two of you have returned."

Both of the kneeling figures raised their heads slightly at the unasked question. One of them, a slim Rattataki whose pale skin was marked by a rich tapestry of tattoos, opened his mouth to answer, but was beaten to it by the other, a Zabrak, who gruffly replied, "He must have been killed by the rancors, my Lord."

"It seems my faith in his abilities was misplaced. An inconvenience," Lykas remarked dispassionately. "I trust both of you have accomplished your tasks?" The two Adepts held out datapads while remaining in their genuflecting positions. These contained detailed reports of the progress of the Creeping Lignan on both the infected Nightsister clan and the various other specimens on Dathomir. "Good, good. Take them both to my ship," he ordered the Zabrak, before turning to the Rattataki. "This inconvenience of ours must be rectified immediately. Search for him and ensure that his findings are complete before bringing them to my ship. It is imperative that you reach him before anyone else... if you find his body, his other possessions are yours." The two adepts bowed their heads in compliance before taking off, vanishing as suddenly as they had appeared hardly a minute ago.

With that, Lykas took his own leave, in precisely the opposite direction. He was feeling an irresistible attraction to the Warlock's Gate, and it wouldn't hurt to take a closer look while he was here...
Allies: Sith Empire, [member="Eye of Solomon"], [member="Eldaah Aderyn"], [member="Darth Ophidia"], [member="Darth Ledgermayne"],
Enemies: Recon party, [member="Romi Jade"], [member="Jerek Morrows"], [member="Kian Karr"], [member="Celiana"], [member="Cedric Grayson"]

Salis hummed to herself as she walked through the forest, her Astro Class LX Combat Freighter was already set down, guarded by her 501-Z_police_droid and Z65_patrol_droid, and an astromech. There was a Wanderer_Scout_Surveyor and All Terrain Rough Rider on board the ship as well. The main two droids were online and outfitted with commlinks in order to ensure that, if needed, they could work in coordination with Salis.

The killer left her face uncovered, an unusual thing for her. But since she'd taken the body of a clone and no longer bore a face of pale scars, she found it convenient and nice to be open to the air. Also, with the cloak she was wearing, she appeared far less intimidating then she really was, which could make things incredibly entertaining sometimes once she took it off to reveal the armor and weaponry underneath. The one weapon that was visible as she walked was the blaster rifle slung across her back.

She had been hired by the Sith Empire for something, and right now, that something was incredibly dull. Merely walking around the forest of Dathomir. A fascinating place no doubt, seeped in the force in a most unusual way with a history of powerful individuals and unique connections to the force. But when all you were doing was walking, even with senses as incredibly on end as Salis's always were, it really lost it's allure pretty quickly.

Just waiting for something to happen, someone to show up, something she could hurt.


Salis Lightsaber in back pocket of her armor
Stun Pearls
-Salis's armor (head piece mostly removed, but accessible)
-Sith robe/cloak
-Several phrik throwing knives.
MK_II_Paladin_blaster_rifle across her back
2 holstered Model_Kylan-3
Wrist_link with up to date commlink and chrono that also connects to head piece.

Extra commlinks
She Left Behind A Legacy

Location: Rendezvous Point, Dathomir
Objective: Recon
Tags: [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Jerek Morrows"] [member="Cedric Grayson"] @Celiana
Enemies: [member="Salis"] [member="Darth Ledgermayne"] [member="Darth Ophidia"] [member="Eldaah Aderyn"] [member="Eye of Solomon"] [member="Lykas Torvol"]

She came out of her light jog, digging the ball of her foot into the ground to kill all speed -- this was the rendezvous point. Several on several feet away from the Tower and even further from the Gate; they were both visible. She scanned all she could visually before casually tilting back into the fold.​
There was something off...something beyond the current of power she could feel swelling the area; the Warlock Gate. Even from where they were, it was vibrating like a beacon.​
"Alright...this is it." She mentioned before whipping around. By this point the others should have arrived, and it was time to figure out the next course of action and fast before they lost their element of surprise.​
"We've been given N-12 Virus Droids to plant, and our lenses can be calibrated to record and transmit the data we see back to command. I think we should split into two groups based on locations." She scanned their faces.​
"Jerek and myself will head to the Gate...Master Karr, are you alright with leading the effort on the tower with Celiana?" She questioned, "Let's get in, release the probe droids and scan as much as we can."
Location: Field Approach Rim
Objective: Dance through mines and emerge unscathed
Tags: [member="Romi Jade"] ~ [member="Kian Karr"] ~ [member="Jerek Morrows"] ~ @ Cedric Grayson
Enemies: [member="Salis"] ~ [member="Darth Ledgermayne"] ~ @Darth Ophedia ~[member="Eldaah Aderyn"] ~ [member="Eye of Solomon"] ~ [member="Lykas Torvol"]

Listening as Romi sounded out the plan. I waited.... that was fine I had no problem working with a Master. As it was I was nearly at the tower anyways... though I had my concerns as well. I'd been looking up as I'd run and I'd seen a shuttle landing at the tower. What I sensed as it'd flown overhead was.....ravenous hunger and an itching desire for violence. Along with a cunning, manipulative mind... "Copy that, Master Karr I'll see you inside." I didn't have anything against Masters, I just didn't want to be on Dathomir any longer than necessary...There was something about this place that deeply unnerved me. It was the wild and unbridled ferocity...calling out to me. I'd been trying hard to not indulge that particular aspect of myself in recent months....

I WOULD be the first into that tower though. Slipping the lenses into my eyes I blinked a few times, then pulled my right glove free. Pressing my fingertips into the earth I took a knee... and felt the area about the tower. Inhaling I felt through the earth.... mines, of course there were mines.... plasma embankments, and then... breathing out I felt further in.

A vehicle area in the inner courtyard. Could potentially slice the controls of a fighter and have an escape vessel available in case we needed to get gone in a hurry. I felt the immense pull of the runestone pillars...calling me to bring my technical powers against the walls. I felt my jaw feather slightly and my scalp prickle. Technically I COULD commandeer the weapon emplacements and turn them against themselves...

Sinking into The Force I walled off my mind against those runestone pillars. Instead I wrapped The Force about me in a cloak and disappeared from sight entirely. Still feeling the mines locations I sent a mental image towards Master Karr. Then I darted forward invisible to the eye I decided I'd dance through the minefield, there was a certain irony to that. I always said I could dance through fire and brimstone and emerge unscathed... I'd be inside those walls soon...
"Gladly," Kian said to Master Jade and he pulled his hood up over his head. Reaching out to Celiana, Kian said, "be careful, I'll see you soon." Kian said pulling the dark robes tighter around himself and moving swiftly toward his destination. Kian had been using force stealth to keep his presence hidden, but now he pulled himself inward as he moved, feeling his presence shrink down. Further and further it shrunk until it felt no larger than a insect....but further still it shrunk, slipping into the elements and matter of the world around him. Art of the small was a talent Kian did not use often, but he relied on it when he wanted to conceal himself most fully and on this dark planet he would need to keep himself as concealed as possible.

Kian reached the minefield behind Celiana. He could not sense her in the force, she too was concealing her force signature - but he knew her destination and this was the route in which they were set to take. Kian felt the touch of Celiana's mind - mines. Kian closed his eyes as he stood before the minefield - allowing himself to feel their presence. The force would, hopefully, have warned him, but now that he was primed by the other Jedi, he could sense them. He couldn't pinpoint them with complete accuracy, but he could get a sense of what path was safe and which was dangerous. Kian was half-way through the field before he realized he had been moving.

Celiana, Kian cautiously stretched out with his mind, using the last communication to follow back toward her cloaked presence, I'm closing in on your position with the payload. Kian's hand ran against the container he bore carrying the probe droids. Have you scouted a way within the walls?

[member="Romi Jade"] | [member="Jerek Morrows"] | [member="Cedric Grayson"] | [member="Celiana"] | [member="Eye of Solomon"] | [member="Darth Ledgermayne"] | [member="Salis"] | [member="Darth Ledgermayne"] | [member="Darth Ophidia"] | [member="Eldaah Aderyn"] | [member="Lykas Torvol"]​
Location: The wall, making an opening
Objective: Spy, recon and otherwise make life difficult for Sith and friends
Tags: [member="Romi Jade"] ~ [member="Kian Karr"] ~[member="Cedric Grayson"] ~[member="Jerek Morrows"]
Enemies: Y'all know who ya are once I engage I'll tag y'all proper

I had already reached the walls, now I ejected the serrated blades on my gauntlets and hooking them into the walls I began climbing. I felt the touch of Master Karr's mind against my own. He asked if I had discovered a way inside the walls. Smiling I listened and heard a sentry's boots crunching along the wall rim. Reaching out I sensed several shipping containers nearby... vaulting the wall I allowed my boots to crunch and startle the guard. Reaching out I said "Master Karr, I'm directly behind the guard on the wall. Allow me to clear the way and I'll drop a line for you to climb the wall."

Unsheathing my modded whisper pistol I wrapped my arm around his neck and shot him twice. Once in each leg then once in the spine. The rounds I'd loaded were what I liked to call hush rounds. They were essentially needles of a paralyzing and knockout poison, good for twelve hours. Dragging the guard along the wall I quietly opened a shipping container which looked to be going to Coruscant, loading droids were around and they'd simply load him aboard with the rest of whatever cargo was here. Removing the weaponry from the guard I took his comms out and patched it into mine. Now I'd have his comms and voice, I'd been recording as he'd walked by. As quietly as I could I stuffed his body inside the container along with a small oxygen supply. I wasn't about to let him suffocate in transit.

Sealing the container with a quick spot weld from my saber I made my way to the wall and launched a cable line down towards the wall. With my free gauntlet I aimed at the motor pool on the inner walls and launched several micro slicing crawlers. Now I'd have my choice of escape vehicles, along with mobile distractions. After that I released several of the slicing droids we'd been provided with. I liked having options when on ops. I waited for Master Karr to take hold of the line I'd left him.

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