Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rebuilding bridges

Vulpesen smiled as he stood int he senate chamber of the Tenevi Order. It was beautiful now, its rebuilding having been expertly done by the Zorren craftsmen, some of whom remembered it back when its stone walls still shined, not that such a thing mattered when meetings were done by holocall. It was fairly annoying for such a thing, though he couldn't blame them. Even as a past member of the Republic, there was no reason to think that they might give him any grandness. A planet who's sentient species numbered in the thousands. No matter, his cause was still here and with others at his side, he would see what he could do to rally the support of others until he was large enough to return the favor. Call it a diplomatic investment. "I hope you're ready, Ophelia." With that, he moved his hand forward and turned on the holographic console, sending the message to the Republic.

[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]
[member="Aurelia Saelari"]
[member="Kiskla Grayson"]

Solan stood not far away from Vulpesen and his student, still in range of the holo capturing system but still off to the side none the less. He had joined the Vitae not long ago, simply for one reason and that being their morals and methods fit his. Correct the evils caused by those like Darth Vornskr, and Dredge. The latter of the two the most... infuriating as a memory of Makeb caused him to hold his head tight with one hand for a few seconds before the pain cleared up. It had been a few weeks now, and every time he thought of that place the memories came flooding back. For not though he had heard of a meeting with the Republic and out of curiosity he had asked to attend.

Kyla Foy

The light was as strong as always within Ophelia. Her eyes looking over towards the holocommunicator as she looked forward to this. She was as happy as always looking over towards her master and towards Solan waving, "Hello Master and Mister I don't know yet~" She had said nodding after that happily to her master, "Mhm~ I hope I will see a Jedi master~" She said giggling after that. "What are you going to talk about?~" She had asked. [member="Vulpesen"]
[member="Solan Charr"]

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