Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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With the Rebellion won, and the Faction going major, the question has been posed to Faction Staff that perhaps a name change is in order. Rather than making lots of executive decisions, it is more appropriate to see what the handful of people we have think.

If you have yay or nay votes, or suggested name changes please post them below so we can see what you enjoy.

Secondly, the goal of this faction is to be inclusive and allow for freedom so stories can evolve and twist and change naturally, however one should remember we intend to appear Light-Side/Neutral on the spectrum.

We do not have plans for expansion at the moment or in the near future, and what faction threads we have planned will be internally focused on what planets are in the Hex we now control, diplomatic and not so diplomatic threads with other Factions both Major and Minor, but anyone is welcome to toss up a Faction Thread for an idea they have!
The Galactic Cooperative

this would collect trade, technology and knowledge share, military cooperation and diplomatic bipartisanship amongst the rag tag systems and organizations that have clumped into this rather interesting dynamic.

It also allows for being dynamic instead of static.

This could be very big.
I'm a fan of Systems Coalition myself.

Rashae said:
this would collect trade, technology and knowledge share, military cooperation and diplomatic bipartisanship amongst the rag tag systems and organizations that have clumped into this rather interesting dynamic.

I feel like that is very similar to the write up I posted here so we are on the same page.

Expect the first thread to go up soon for Kuat. [member="Catalys Maijora"]
Thank you for linking that.

Yes it is very similar; however, i would like to see a science, technology, social services and medical avenues covered. I feel that is lacking in definition.

you covered general governing habits, groups, enclave dynamics even military, but there is more to a system than military, government and who is in what enclave.

I apologize for the directness of this, but most groups often over look what i mentioned above. I feel are very important.

Thank you and again i apologize if this came across as abrasive.
I covered the basis. Its up to the writers of the faction to fill the intricate web.

You'll notice most of the faction is lacking in definitive statements and requirements. Its military is covered in 4 lines of text that can be summed up as "It doesn't really have one." The entire government structure is less than one page of text.

There isn't or won't be an overarching, commanding Medical System every planet has to follow or bow to, however if you want to work on filling in some of the Medical Services you are more than welcome to, just remember the bit about each planet being sovereign and independent.

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