Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rebellion Victory Conditions

The following rules have been altered/added to the Rebellion ruleset.

3. Once a Rebellion nears its completion, the SWRP Chaos Staff Team will be privately contacted and a Role-play judge will be assigned. If either faction does not concede, the Role-play Judge will decide the victor.
This has been changed from allowing the factions to decide to only permitting factions to conceding. Victory will be determined solely by an assigned RPJ.



The following will not be considered when judging a Rebellion.
  • Person vs Person Duels. The amount of duels won or lost in a Rebellion does not contribute to either faction’s victory.
  • Objectives. The amount of objectives won or lost in a Rebellion does not contribute to either faction’s victory.
  • Non-Player Characters. The actions of NPCs involved from either side in a Rebellion does not contribute to either faction’s victory.
The following will be considered when judging a Rebellion.
  • Teamwork. The amount of teamwork each faction exhibits over the course of the Rebellion will contribute to victory, including its organization, cooperation with the faction's members, and how it executes its vision for the Rebellion. This also includes members from opposing factions working with each other, rather than against each other, to provide entertaining role-play.
  • Story. Does it make sense? How exciting is it? Is the Rebelling faction trying to weave a purposeful story or put up points on a scoreboard? This should not include the reason for the Rebellion, but rather the story that proceeds once the Rebellion has begun.
  • OOC Drama. Negative drama instigated by either side, publicly, can negatively impact a Faction’s chances for victory in an Rebellion.
  • Entertainment. The value of entertainment provided by Factions in a Rebellion can positively impact a Faction’s chances for victory in an Rebellion.
  • Effort. The amount of effort put into the Rebellion by each faction participating will positively impact that faction's chances for victory. This includes, but is not limited to - active writers participating, quality of writing, and responding to your writing partners in a reasonable time.

These probably look familiar.

They've been adapted for Rebellions and will be loosely retroactively enforced, though I urge all Role-play Judges to keep in mind when judging the sea of salt in the Rebellion OOC threads that these rules were only just introduced today and it would be unfair to hold people accountable to rules that didn't exist, even if the players' maturity should've.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
Jen said:
What does the staff consider resonable response time?
Every RPJ would have different standards, I'm sure, but most are going to gravitate towards "once a day". This isn't a huge burden nor consideration in the conditions so much as consistently showing up.

It's kind of like driving on the highway and going the same speed as everyone else. As long as you're going the speed of traffic and not holding up duels or threads, you're fine and won't be considered.

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