Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rebel Scum.

The Daalang System.
Cosiv Asteroid Field.


“You sure this is the place?” Kira sat with her feet up on the console of the Falcon’s controls. The YT itself had been power down and anchored to one of the larger asteroids in the field that she had entered nearly four hours ago.

Charlwook gave a series of garbled rumbles from beside her as he continued to merely stare out of the cockpit towards the glistening orange sphere that was Daalang in the far distant and more populated area of the system. It was so close yet far enough that it seemed insignificant. A featureless ball that meant nothing to the galaxy around it.

“Well I guess we will find out soon.” She looked at the time display that had been ticking down slowly since they had arrived. Rebellion Command has issued the request for several cells to converge on this location in order to start the process for a series of supply caches to be scattered throughout other far out regions. Why they needed several others was unknown, but if Rebel Command deemed it so.
“They should be here already.” Kira paused and took her feet off the console. The scanner was telling her that something was close. Hopefully it was the other Rebels. Hopefully.

[member="Aeshi Tillian"] [member="Keric Dynt"] [member="Regg Brannuss"]
Other Rebellion Members
The Prometheus' Bounty came out of hyperspace, arriving in full view of the Millennium Falcon. D'vok had gotten several holocom calls from rebel command, putting them off, as he was busy, but this one he had responded to. He prayed to the maker that this was the right location. All too many times had his hyperspace calculations been a little off and ended up on the wrong side of an imperial frigate.
[Sir, Scanners are picking up a ship on the horizon. It looks harmless, but be advised,It has several high capacity weapons.]
"A ship? Oh boy. Alright thirty eight, hail it."
[As you wish sir. Onscreen.]
D'vok looked into the monitor, putting on a confident expression.
"This is cap'n Windroamer of the Prometheus' Bounty. I was told to come here from rebel command. Now I've had a long, tiring day, please tell me you're the rebel support, I'd really hate to have to blow ya' to bits."
::Daalang System::​
The Aurora had come out of hyperspace along a lane of commerce, but stayed slow and let the system pass around it as her Captain waited for some sign from the other rebel cells. Eventually, the system commerce passed him by enough that the system control had lost track of him, and he was able to move his ship further away and into the remote regions of the system. As he reached the outskirts of the area he was supposed to meet the other cells, he powered down to minimal power and continued on a ballistic course.

After a couple hours of moving on the ballistic course, his communication board lit up. It was picking up on a communique on one of the frequencies frequented by the rebels. It wasn't aimed at him, but he could hear it loud and clear.

D'vok Windroamer said:
"This is cap'n Windroamer of the Prometheus' Bounty. I was told to come here from rebel command. Now I've had a long, tiring day, please tell me you're the rebel support, I'd really hate to have to blow ya' to bits."
Keric raised an eyebrow. He was aware that not everyone in the rebellion had come from a smuggling background, but the sheer bravado surprised him. He tapped a few keys and replied on the same frequency as he began to warm his engines back up.

"Djinn cell is on a ballistic course for the rendezvous." Was all he sent over the frequency. He didn't light off his engines, just kept them warm. If he hadn't shown on their sensors before, he would likely do so now.

@D'vok Windroamer [member="Kira Vaal"] [member="regg brannuss"]
Daalang System

The Fresian Jewel, Enigma Cell's nigh-ancient YT-1250, dropped out of hyperspace just outside of the lane of commerce, broadcasting a false registration until it cleared the range of any law enforcement or intelligence vessels monitoring the lane. Regg Slid down into the co-pilot's chair and activated the comms console, keying in the encoded rebel channel he had oftened listened in on.

"This is the Fresian Jewel, carrying Enigma. We're a YT-1250 and we're coming in. Please refrain from blasting us out of the sky,"

Regg looked to the pilot and the other 4 rebels now gathered in the cockpit.

"Vivop and I will receive direction . The rest of you to your stations, if this turns out to be a trap I'm going to want us out of here stat. I do not want us all getting Class D'ed."

The rebels all scurried to their normal stations as Regg and Vivop routed all incoming comms to the Crew Lounge.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Regg Brannuss"], [member="Keric Dynt"], [member="D'vok Windroamer"], [member="Kira Vaal"],

There was a flash of light at the edge of Cosiv Asteroid Field as matter and energy materialized itself within real-space, a ship exiting hyper speed. The black shape of a sleek stealth transport that entered the system quickly sped off towards Kira's position in a fluid motion, spinning around and swaying to dodge any asteroids or other space debris that could be in its path.

Of course outside of perhaps the initial signature of the ship entering real-space there would be little to betray its course and presence, equipped with cutting edge stealth systems, like gravitic modulators and all of that techno-babble nonsense, in its approach towards the rebels.

But of course, sneaking up on them without any announcement would be rather rude, so as the Knight of the Eclipse, a name HK gave to his stealth transport, neared closer and closer on Kira's YT it would sent out a simple binary ping towards her communication devices.

To most organics it would be no more than a couple of beeps, to droids and organics who could understand astromechs the beeps would bare message of two words,

Iron Knight

Even if the signal would go misunderstood by the fleshy rebel counterparts it would betray to them the position and trajectory of the stealth transport closing in on them for a docking approach.

Perhaps at this point it was safe to transmit more than just a simple binary ping but HK was never the one to break comm silence first.
Charlwook gave a series of gruff growls to indicate that his scanners had indeed picked up several pulsations as various craft dropped into the general area around the asteroid field. This pulled Kira’s attention towards the void instead of her boredom.
“Get the engine primed, not ignited though. I want the chance for a quick escape.” They couldn’t afford to be too casual, even if the Rebellion wasn’t officially listed as a threat to many there would be those who wouldn’t hesitate an attack. “Keep off the comm until we have confirmation. I’m gonna knock on the clouds.”

She reached down to a small device that had been hot-wired to the communication box and nave-computer, it lit up with a fantastical green glow as she did and began to emit coded relays. These codes, secret welcome calls for the Rebellion would emit from the Falcon and request specific triggers only known by the individual crews of the ships around them. If they answered all was good, if one didn’t however the message would be dispatched to scuttle. All the Rebels would receive this, expect one…The non-rebel.

The binary ping would require a different tact, fortunately the code, Iron Knight; was translated quickly by both the Falcon and the BB unit who had been sat plugged into the communication station.
“Return a message in the same method. Welcome them, invite them down. Emphasis the Galactic Alliance still has friends even this far out.” Her droid whistled and Kira returned her sights to the Rebel code generator. “Please don't be Imperials…”

[member="Regg Brannuss"]
[member="Keric Dynt"]
@D'vok Windroamer
[Sir, several messages recived-]
"Who sent 'em?"
[...The ships!]
D'vok gazed out of the cockpit windows. He could see several ships. All seemed to be freighters. D'vok was intrigued.
[One of them sir...]
"What about it?"
{It's a code relay sir. I think it's bait for the trigger code we received.]
"Well alrighty then! Transmit that trigger!"
[Roger Roger.]
Prometheus' Bounty transmitted a sequence of code that would be recognized as the trigger. While this happened, the YT-2400 landed on the asteroid.
"Thirty Eight, Stay onboard. Be ready to get the kark outta here at a moment's notice.
[I'll keep the hyperdrive primed.]
"Good stuff. See you in a bit."
[Roger roger.]
D'vok placed a small oxygen mask over his face. He didn't know if the air on the asteroid was safe. The landing ramp of the ship lowered, and D'vok stepped out, taking a few steps forward, before looking at the YT-1300, and waving to the cockpit.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Kira Vaal"], [member="D'vok Windroamer"],

The Rebel's response would be answered with,

The Rebellion still has friends even in the Core

Finally Kira would be able to see the black sleek shape make appearance above the asteroid, almost indistinguishable from the darkness of the void even as it lowered down in landing. The Stealth transport would plop down on the dusty space-rock in front of her YT, its doorway would open up as a small landing ramp lowered, Kira's scans could tell her the ship's weapons were offline and shields were only in minimal state to keep the asteroids from smashing against its black hull.

Three shapes covered in cloaks would make an appearance as they moved down the Knight of Eclipse's ramp, three droids. The one at the center was wearing a black cloak and some indistinguishable suit of armor beneath it. It was HK, he turned his head to either look at the viewscreen or a nearby camera Kira would be watching him through, giving the chilling appearance that he was looking right at her. The moment would be brief as soon enough he continued down the ramp, followed by two droids in greycloaks, his own copies he used as body guards.

If Kira believed the stories on the Holonets she would probably know HK as a tyrannical droid who ruled Abregado-Rae with an iron first. If she ever lived in the Protectorate territory at the time of the faction's rule she would know him from a more beneficial standpoint, as one of the faction's war heroes, with footage of him saving wounded civilians and rescuing small children from collapsing ruins being shown regularly on the news along with other footage from their many campaigns. If Kira ever visited Abregado itself it would have strike her as the happiest tyrannical dictatorship she's seen. HK kept his citizens happy and protected but the ever-present military patrols reminded everyone it was still a militaristic regime, although the passive Gados didn't mind all of that that much as the machine brought prosperity in form of commerce and industry to them again, celebrating their once forgotten native culture as well, the free droids who took up to living on Abregado were happy just to have one of them as a ruler for once, and all the other organics, humans, Wookiees, Herglics, etc, well most of them were on HK's payroll as his troops or working for the Guild of Hammers either way. There was also the unnerving cult of personality and the large amount of propaganda centered around the droid ruler.

Or she never heard about him, which was just as likely, the Galaxy was a big place after all.

Either way, if Kira would go out to meet the droid halfway she would find him standing in front of her ship's ramp or entrance equivalent, if she didn't, instead she would hear-


He was at the door.
The asteroid that they had settled upon was large enough to potentially have some form of gravity around it, however an atmosphere would be completely lacking and that forced Kira to wear the air masks that were placed near the medical unit of the Falcon. It also gave them enough time to get back some signals from the other ships in the sector.

The appearance of [member="HK-36"] was a surprise factor to the day, but a welcome one. Kira knew full well of the Iron Lord, mostly through her connection within the Galactic Alliance and her place in the SIS. While he could be considered a harsh droid she understood that having him was a powerful asset and the Rebellion couldn’t afford to let such assets slide. However the way he was already at the door put her on edge.

“Well open the damn thing.” Kira shouted down the corridor towards the Wookie sat in the cockpit. A hiss alerting Kira back to the opening hatch with jets of pressurised air. The asteroid came into sharp focus as did the droid who was already waiting for her. Nearby the other Rebel cell had landed and was already out of their ship. It was a strange thing for Kira and probably any other agent here. The knowledge of a larger Rebellion was still very secretive and many could go their entire career without seeing or even knowing about other Rebels.

“We’ll give the others time to settle.”

[member="HK-36"] @D'vok Windroamer [member="Regg Brannuss"] [member="Keric Dynt"]
D'vok looked at the Millennium Falcon, in all it's glory. It was truly a sight to behold. He also noticed the HK Droid standing at the rear hatch. D'vok didn't realize that they were already boarding another ship. He bolted back inside his ship, and connected his oxygen mask to a portable tank. Putting the tank in his pocket, D'vok exited the ship once more, and walked over to the falcon. He climbed the landing ramp, standing next to the HK droid. He looked at it, bewildered. He had heard stories about HKs, some said that Revan's trusty droid was an HK. Some said The were recalled for being defective and destroyed, the only ones surviving the ones who fought back the destroyers. Too much talk. D'vok focused his attention on the Woman inside the ship.
"Hello, you guys here for the party as well?"
D'vok cracked a relaxed smile, trying to lighten the mood. For some reason he got the impression things were very serious. D'vok hated seriousness. He did however, understand that it was part of life, and tried to respect it, for the most part.
Regg looked at the gathering as the Jewel approached the asteroid on which they were to land. He nodded to Vivop as they started to approached and typed in a code that would cause the transponder to respond to the Falcon's comms ping with the pre-ordained trigger.

He walked through the central wing of the Jewel and into the cockpit, sliding into the co-pilot's chair and looking at the different informational panels showing the different important readings from around the ship.

"Bu, put us down right there. Take it nice and slow, don't rush it."

As soon as the descent onto the asteroid started, Regg slipped on one of the enviro-suits on the landing ramp and checked the air levels in the tanks. as soon as the landing happened he lowered the ramp and stepped out onto the asteroid.
The Ancient Outsider exited hyperspace, the old Republic Corvette stood out in the barren asteroid field, and if this a trap Xiarr would be doomed. Xiarr knew this and lagged behind, he was paranoid like that. He got a message from what seemed to be a smuggler and sighed as soon as he heard. He should have known he was going to work with lowlifes, but he just a little bit of hope in him. Xiarr didn't even bother to respond, as he was sure someone else had already done so.

The ship beeped and Xiarr quickly looked at his helm, several transmissions that seemed to be a coded relay of sorts. This dismissed any worries and he transmitted the trigger he was given. Xiarr then began to land his ship at the rendezvous point.

Xiarr grabbed an air mask just in case there was no oxygen on the asteroid. Xiarr walked down the landing ramp and saw some interesting characters. An old HK droid, three humans whom he assumed were smugglers, and a women who had a strong presence in the force. He walked toward the rest of the group and remained silent, looking around to see if any other ships where nearby.

[member="Regg Brannuss"]
@D'vok Windroamer
[member="Kira Vaal"]
[member="Keric Dynt"]


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Kira Vaal"],

"Look at you."

Were the first words from the droid that greeted Kira, most likely barely audible in what little air there was around the asteroid, echoed directly through her comm unit so she could hear him,

"Rebellion never changes much does it?"

He looked over her YT ship, maybe the Wookiee that might peek through one of the viewports, maybe he would even pick up on presence of a BB, and then his crimson glowing photoreceptors that washed his featureless face-plate like fires washed a shield in red looked over her as well,

"I have fought alongside the Rebellion since ages long forgotten by you kids now running along the Galaxy, and somehow through everything that happened and the turmoil that stirred our peace many times over, their style is still very much alive in the possessions and company you keep just like with those troublemakers I helped bring the Empire down to its knees."

The droid extended his six-fingered hand out to Kira,

"The Iron Lord Protector, Exarch of the Protectorate, Colonel of the Pyre, a Jedi Teacher, Savior of Abregado and its Tyrant."

He introduced himself before quipping,

"But I suppose you may simply call me 'Irony' for the purpose of this meeting."

[member="D'vok Windroamer"].

The droid looked to D'vok as he joined us,

"No, I am just here for the free food."

He snarked out in what could have been sarcasm, but in the mechanical monotone it may have just as well been serious. He looked to the sky as [member="Regg Brannuss"]'s ship as it begun its descent. With his eyes up in the sky he quickly caught the glimpse of [member="Xiarr Sair"] and his vessel as well, which made his hand jerk to his side,


He hissed out, grabbing a hilt of a lightsaber that hanged off of his side,

"Republic Corvette."

HK glanced to D'vok and then looked to Kira as he explained,

"The Republic remnants conducted a terrorist attack on one of Naboo's spaceport from the orders of their Supreme Chancellor."

He motioned to Xiarr's ship as it landed with a quick flick of his head,

"Is he one of yours?"

The machine asked just to confirm before he would do anything like activating a lightsaber among them.
Keric watched through his cockpit window as freighters and other ships alighted on the asteroid around the Millennium Falcon. He smirked as he took in the ancient freighter, then angled his refurbished old freighter down and set down on the rock as well. He signaled to his crew to remain aboard and keeps the engines warm. If Imperials or any other authoritarian regime, or even just law enforcement, showed up, he'd be high tailing it out of there.

He grabbed an oxygen mask from near the airlock, slipping it on and making sure it fit snugly, then exited his ship. He wore his typical jacket and spacer clothes, and had his pistols all arranged nicely. It wouldn't do to go to a Rebel party and not look the part, don't you know.

Once over at the ancient legend, Keric took a minute to run his gloved hand over the skin of the ship. He could almost feel the ancient spirit of the Rebellion living within the skin of that ship. The feeling put a smile on his face. He'd probably pay a pretty penny to own this ship, but he doubted anyone would sell her. Upon entering the ship, Keric doffed his mask and clipped it to his belt as he looked around. He saw a couple humans and a droid. The droid looked vaguely familiar, like that hero droid from within Alliance space. He shrugged it off, however, what were the chances of such a legend skulking about the ass end of an asteroid belt?

"Codename Djinn...don't know if we're using real names here or not." He offered his hand to the Droid first, but would soon offer it to the others as well.

[member="HK-36"] [member="Xiarr Sair"] [member="Regg Brannuss"] [member="D'vok Windroamer"] [member="Kira Vaal"]

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