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Boost Reap the Whirlwind (GALACTIC BOUNTY HUNT: GA, NIO, SO, BOTM, HSC, SW, ME, AC, and all others)

Location: Nar Shaddaa
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Xun of Throne Xun of Throne Kaahlil Kaahlil Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia Koda Fett Koda Fett Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark Amun Amun

Not today

The focus and calmness of a Jedi was always a wonderful thing, but especially chaotic situations like this proved just how much it was worth. Because despite all the moving pieces, all the weapons and tricks that were being used, she was able to keep her focus on what mattered most.

In this case, Xun of Throne Xun of Throne and he was about to be cut down by the dark mirror of her husband.

So in an instant, Valery charged forward with the blades of her weapon ignited and used the front blade of her saberstaff to knock aside the downward swing of Kaahlil's crimson plasma. Hoping it would secure Arkaitz for now, she followed up with a powerful kick aimed at the knee, and a Force push to hopefully send him flying away again.

"Snap out of it and get up!" she exclaimed to Arkaitz, who was still down on the ground.

If he didn't get up, there was likely no way she'd get him out of here alive.


Tags: Xun of Throne Xun of Throne - Valery Noble Valery Noble - Kaahlil Kaahlil - Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia - Koda Fett Koda Fett - Amun Amun

The Sith murderer Kaahlil Kaahlil once again raged towards the target, and once again, the Jedi Valery Noble Valery Noble rose to meet him. Ghorua the Shark didn't shoot her as she raced into the frey, instead turning his gun away to let them fight in peace.

That had been the plan Ghorua and Koda Fett Koda Fett had concocted, get the Forcies to kill each other, and it seemed to be working. Nowhere in the plan had they been so close to Xun of Throne Xun of Throne 's unconscious form, but no plans survived contact with the Force.

It was time to improvise. Again.

Ghorua reached down to his waist, palming a few orbs, and tossing them into the ground at the feet of the mayhem. Small clouds of lightly-tinted spores erupted from the three Spore/B Stun Grenades, seeking to incapacitate everyone in the area.

Everyone, that is, save for those wearing fully-sealed armor with respirators, such as Ghorua and Koda.

Unfortunately, in focusing on the battle, Ghorua didn't see Amun Amun 's shot until it was too late, headed straight for the target. There was nothing he could do.

Xun of Throne Xun of Throne | Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia | Amun Amun | Kaahlil Kaahlil

The Mandalorian continued to be run across the road, the sound of his armoured frame as it clashed with the duracrete offered discomfort to all those that heard at; nails on a board, as it were, similar to the notion nonetheless - for someone that wore the armour and suffered his share of wounds, it was the standard. So too were a lot situations that bothered most. It came with the trade, he noted some time before now.

Fett made an effort to reel his arm backwards, an thrust his lower-half forwards, and he twirled from his chest onto his rear. His booted feet extended themselves into the road, as if to slow the fast movement towards the Rattataki and resist it. It was no doubt more of a burden on Arkaitz's mortal bones, all in which came from either side as if to tear him in two. From beneath the T-visor, his features contorted into the often held callous tenseness, the blaster in his idle hand fired over Zambrano and towards Ophidia.

Even as Ghorua unleashed mayhem.

Speeder Lot
Kaahlil Kaahlil l Valery Noble Valery Noble | Koda Fett Koda Fett | Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark | Faroussh | Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia | Redmond Geller | Amun Amun
| Shai Arvelis

The autoinjector put pure kolcta straight into Arkaitz's blood stream. He gasped as the curative agent raced through him, purging away the toxin from Koda Fett's darts, and allowing him clarity.

The clarity came in the form of a red lightsaber swinging for him, blocked only by the Jedi. Arkaitz tried to scramble away, but the whipcord suddenly grew taut again as an unseen force battled for control against Fett's rocket boosters, threatening to rip Ark's leg off in the process. He held up a blaster directly against the cord and fired once, severing the wire and letting him fall.

Just then the shark lobbed what looked like a grenade. Too late to take cover, Arkaitz could only watch as it exploded, sending a cloud of something into the air. He held his breath, trying not to inhale whatever it was.

Of course, that was when a blaster bolt from Amun struck him directly in the chest, bowling him over onto his back and leaving him gasping desperately for air as smoke rose from the melted front of his armorweave vest.

He inhaled the spores and felt a sudden numbness in his tongue and throat. Since these were not toxins, the kolcta would have no effect. Slowly, Arkaitz slid back into true unconsciousness and slumped against the permacrete.

Location: Nar Shaddaa
Target: Xun of Throne Xun of Throne
Tags: Koda Fett Koda Fett | Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Kaahlil Kaahlil | Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia

The Zeltron was a rag doll at this point. Impressed he’d survived this far from all the wounds he suffered; being shot at, thrown from concussive explosions, dragged about, and chemicals entering his body. It would impress them all, those interested in the fate of this Zambrano. One could almost root for him just for being the underdog in this hunt. Against all odds and trying to slither away from it all.

But now the hunt would come to its end, as the prey laid in the streets from the gas he inhaled from Ghorua’s grenades. The Kyuzo would be careful not to tread closely to the effective range of the gases, not wanting to suffer the same as Arkaitz. It would be a moment until everyone would dogpile for the target. Him against the Sith, the Jedi, and possibly the Mandalorian and the Herglic.

All he could do was walk upon the rooftops, nearing the fallen Zambrano and wait for the gas to desist. If the Jedi and the Sith pursued, he would have an answer for them from his nest. Better for Koda and Ghorua to take the spoils than obnoxious Force Users.

Xun of Throne Xun of Throne | Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark | Amun Amun | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Kaahlil Kaahlil | Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia

Fett stumbled backwards and onto his armoured knee once his connection to the Zambrano had suffered the same fate as the chord that ensnared him: severed. His tools had seen their share of use as of late and were in need of it too, he was able to note after a brief observation of the chaotic scene that swirled around him. He motioned to aim his blaster at the man with all the credits on his head until another bolt struck him, clear and true, the sudden swivel of his helmeted head had seen the distant frame of that 'business' association' Amun.

It was with a nod that he answered the shot, his attention then redirected towards the downed man.

He rushed forwards in an attempt to snatch at the man's arm with a vice-like hold and soar off into the night.

Location: Nar Shaddaa
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Xun of Throne Xun of Throne Kaahlil Kaahlil Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia Koda Fett Koda Fett Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark Amun Amun

Despite her efforts, the Zambrano was unconscious now.

Valery disengaged from Kaahlil Kaahlil and gritted her teeth in mild frustration — with the man knocked out, it was going to be difficult to drag him out of there safely, perhaps even impossible. But worse, it had gotten to a point where the continued fighting over him could just end up in him getting killed. It wasn't a problem to these bounty hunters, but she could only help him if he was still breathing.

So finally, and very reluctantly, Valery decided it was time to disengage. With her eyes shifting away from his body, she channeled the Force and used as much strength as she could gather in the moment to blast away the Sith. If someone was getting their hands on him, she at least wanted to make sure it wasn't the Sith.

Valery then jumped back and prepared to leave the area, but with the intention of one day coming to his rescue. She would not forget.


Tags: Xun of Throne Xun of Throne - Valery Noble Valery Noble - Kaahlil Kaahlil - Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia - Koda Fett Koda Fett - Amun Amun

It was time to bounce.

The spore grenades had the intended effect; keep everyone with unprotected lungs away while Ghorua and Koda snatched up the newly-unconscious target, and made their escape.

Amun's shot had hit it's mark, sending Arkaitz to the floor within the spores. Koda went for the man's arm, intending to fly him out. The saber-wielders had taken a step back. If the two hunters wanted their prize, now seemed like the perfect opportunity.

Ghorua ran into the cloud as Koda did, turning his attention to the area, and covering the Mandalorian as he tried to jet out. If someone tried to intercept, the Shark would be there to take the hit.

And grumble about constantly being a punching bag. Even if the only person he could blame for it was himself.


In orbit, hours afterwards;
Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark | Xun of Throne Xun of Throne

In the hold of the Spear III, there was room for several cells but in truth, a cell seemed to be too nice of a term for this. Such little comfort was to be found in the cold steel, for the need for discomfort had been relied on in most cases. It ensured the victim had remained burdened, bothered, unable to find some sense of comfort and concoct a futile effort to flee the confines of their new home. From behind the reinforced view window, the half-Zeltron Zambrano remained unconcious, cuffed, and stuffed into a cell with intricated electronics that lined it. Of Sith construction, to the order of his father even, the vessel had been built with the intent to harbour Jedi bounties; it worked all the same, no matter their chosen Force denomination.

It was all the same, in the end.

On the other side of the window, the Mandalorian stood there with his arms folded across his armoured torso as the rest of his frame leaned on the steel interior. It was with the aid of Ghorua the Shark that Fett fended off those rivals, both hunters themselves or Jedi and Sith that had their own uses for the Zambrano. Either or, it was none of their concern. Their mark had been secured.

His cold, helmeted stare devoid of emotion shifted across to Ghorua.

"The Alliance doesn't do business with me," he answered knowingly, "And I don't trust you to hand me my share later."

Tags: Xun of Throne Xun of Throne - Koda Fett Koda Fett

This ship was not built with a Ghorua-sized person in mind.

The Shark had to hunch a bit so as not to hit his beskar-plated helmet on the ceiling, and the button controls were a little too small and finicky for him. One of the downsides of being one of the biggest, but something the Herglic hunter was used to, after his years of life.

Koda's knowing helmet glare was met with Ghorua removing his helmet. A rare moment of trust, an olive branch from the Shark, to someone he called enemy as often he did ally. His calculated stare was still cautious, but the suggestion of a smile softened his features.

"I know," Ghorua said, cradling his helmet under an arm. "Your escapades in the Core got you a bounty worthy of a king's ransom." Ghorua cracked a full grin. "No worries, I don't hunt hunters for doing their job."

"Imps want him?"
Ghorua muttered, inclining his head towards the incapacitated Arkaitz. "Let's bring him to 'em."

Ghorua had worked with the New Imperial Order before, and he hadn't disliked them.


Inside the Spear III had been a notable absence of colours. It was dull. Cold, metallic. It harboured no warmth to remind one of home, nor vibrant and adventurous schemes to offer some thrill. It was bare, even in evidence of life on board. The Mandalorian made it his home on this craft and it was as if there was no trace to confirm that at all. The Shark was too much for it, no button or switch could accomdate his size, and neither could a bedchamber or a cell. He was confined to the hold beside the Zambrano as Fett roamed free.

He elected to remain in the hold, however. For all the trust and faith on offer from Ghorua, it seemed as if none of it had been returned in kind. The Shark removed his helmet, smiled even, and in turn Fett made no effort to do either. Even beneath the T-visored helmet, Ghorua could tell there was no smile stretched across his callous features. He answered Ghorua with no more than a brief nod, and retrieved a device from one of the small sacks that lined his belted waist.

"I have the Zambrano," even as there was both Fett and Ghorua in the frame of the holo-communicator on the other end, connected to Djorn Bline Djorn Bline . "Tell us where to take him, and have our credits ready."

Fett never liked to stick around. The Jedi hunted him once, he ran into several more, the idea of another bout so soon had not enticed him at all.
He wanted the Zambranos dead. Their bloodline nonexistent and be nothing but a mere memory, one of failure and defeat. All great dynasties came to an end. The Sith robbed of the Imperial, manipulated a great ideology only to perverse it for their own machinations. Blinded them with false patriotism until a few men realized the lies and declared themselves free from the crimson blade.

He was surprised and glad to hear from the infamous Mandalorian that a bastard of Zambrano was in his custody. Him and a large fellow, a shark humanoid.

“Take him to Stygeon Prime, I’ll send you your bypass codes,” as it was a peculiar site, a great prison within the Empire.

"Understood," he answered the man on the device and terminated it soon after. His helmeted head turned towards Ghorua and nodded, "Best watch him." The Mandalorian continued as a faint nod of his head was sent towards the beaten and confined Zambrano. Even in such a state, the Zambrano bloodline was not one to underestimate. He battled Sith before, beaten Sith before, few ever came so close as to even threaten their mantle.

His armoured frame soon ascended the stairs that best resembled a ladder almost, a mix between the two, as Fett then settled into the seat with the intentions to enter the blue tunnel that was hyperspace for a time. His visits to Stygeon Prime had been brief, business-orientated, as they so often were.

Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark | Xun of Throne Xun of Throne | Djorn Bline Djorn Bline

Tags: Xun of Throne Xun of Throne - Koda Fett Koda Fett - Djorn Bline Djorn Bline

Ghorua watched with muted interest as Koda keyed on a holocommunicator, and the face of an Imperial greeted him. In a sense, Ghorua was along for the ride. Fett's ship, Fett's contact, Fett's contract...

The Shark would have to remain vigilant, lest his partner tried to cut him from the deal.

After their short exchange, Ghorua nodded once to the bounty hunter, returning his helmet to his head, and posting up against the wall. "Will do. I'll play guard dog."

"Stygeon Prime? Serious place, that,"
Ghorua chirped as Koda was leaving, already staring at the unconscious half-Zeltron.

If one wanted to hold a Zambrano, that would be the prison to do it.
Eyes fluttered open. Groggy. Vision blurred. A swollen tongue tried to mutter something incomprehensible, then the eyes flared wide, lavender irises full of fear. His chest rose and fell rapidly, air sawing in and out of his lungs. His gaze snapped to Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark and Arkaitz froze.

His breathing decreased, then stilled. He took in a last lungful of air, then stared straight at the Herglic, a veneer of calm regained.

"Where are you taking me."

Not a question, questions had inflection. This was a data entry. A query requiring input to compute the next procedure.
Time had passed as the man awaited for the arrival of the two bounty hunters and their prized prey. Travel between Nar Shaddaa and Stygeon Prime would be long, traveling would take about a week or less. Enough time to prepare the Zambrano's cell and have guards on the ready, for the arrival. He would make sure the cell for the bastard would be nigh impossible to infiltrate. If one were to take the challenge, they would know the burning sensation of the cold.

"Director? We have a non-Imperial ship nearing Stygeon Prime."

"No need to worry, let's just wait on their codes; contact them."

It was a considerable distance to cross, Fett mused from the seat behind the console. His hands shuffled across the controls in a swift, albeit memorised series of motions that came to be second nature to the seasoned hunter. His black visor often settled over the series of cameras that displayed all the events in the hold, for all that concerned the Zambrano and Ghorua had been of interest to the Mandalorian. He often wondered if he could afford to trust the Shark for near-on a week, and if that trust should increase or decrease with time. Even as civilised as Ghorua often seemed, he was referred to as a 'Shark' and those beasts adored a feast.

But after all that time with such minimal conversation, all due to the isolationist owner of the Spear III no doubt, the two had arrived on Stygeon Prime with their captured meal ticket, as it were. Neither men likely needed the credits anymore, better served in a bid to feed their own ego. Or blood lust, even.

"Get the Zambrano on his feet," the Mandalorian announced across the intercom; "It's time to hand him over." It was that idle thrum that the three were bound to have heard so often it faded into all the noise around them, now to feel odd in the absence of it. Fett rose from his seat, armed and all, and made his way towards the hold and in time the lowered ramp.

Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark Xun of Throne Xun of Throne Djorn Bline Djorn Bline

Tags: Xun of Throne Xun of Throne - Koda Fett Koda Fett - Djorn Bline Djorn Bline

The Herglic watched with a sharp interest as the Zambrano awoke suddenly, all vestiges of calm gone, purged by panicked breaths. Ghorua stayed silent, letting the man grow accustomed to his new surroundings, and spying his own form. And after he had regained his composure, Arkaitz spoke.

"Where are you taking me."

Ghorua let the question hang in the air, letting the possibility of his silence overshadow the pregnant pause. His eventual answer didn't carry any joy or smug attitude. "Doesn't matter," he commented, deep voice rumbling.

The Shark found a seat across from the cage, seeming to be entirely relaxed. The more discerning eye would know him to be anything but. "You best rest. We've got a long trip ahead of us."

The trip had been one of the longest of his life.

He didn't enjoy the Spear III. It was a fine ship, with state-of-the-art technology and weapons, but just a tad small for a genetically-altered Herglic. It's owner was less than a conversationalist, and Ghorua made it a point not to converse with the acquisition too much, so the solitude was a bit maddening. Still, he bet all the credits from this mission that the half-Zeltron was having it far worse.

So there was a moment of relief when Koda's voice buzzed over the intercom, and Ghorua entered the hold, carrying his sword in a tight grip, weapons galore littering his armored body. He pressed a few buttons on a side panel, and the door to the holding cell slid open.

"Let's go," he said dryly, fully-prepared for Arkaitz to make a break for it.
A long moment passed as Arkaitz stared at the hulking herglic from where he sat in the corner of his cell.

"Who is it?" Arkaitz felt he already knew the answer.

Slowly, the cold chill of resignation seeped through his veins. He got to his feet, jaw clenching and unclenching, then nodded.

Walking out of the cell, Ghorua's gun guided him out of the ship and down the ramp. A blast of frigid air hit Arkaitz like a punch, sucking the warmth from his body and leaving him shivering. Before him lay a snow-covered landscape and in the distance, a tower.

A hiss between his lips.

"You brought me here?" he snorted, shaking his head, the cold in his entire body now.

"You know what they'll do to me... should have just killed me back on Nar Shaddaa."

Koda Fett Koda Fett | Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark
The Director marched out on the chilly platform, wearing the proper attire to walk out into the harsh elements. If one were to escape from the prison here, they would only meet their fate with a cold kiss from death.

The two bounty hunters and their prize were upon the platform, awaiting for Djorn. A glare was shot out at the captured Zambrano, before returning his attention to the Mandalorian and the Herglic.

"I'm sure you two can figure out how to split up the prize," which he didn't care if the two pointed their guns at each other to get the whole prize. Though if they managed to arrive here without killing one another, then surely they could come to a fair compromise for the reward of the bounty.

"I'll make sure your ship is refueled, Fett. Now for the prize, shall I split it evenly between the two of you?"


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