Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Read me! (The Eternal Empire Advertisment)

The Eternal Empire
"A Man can have anything he wants...If he is willing to sacrifice."
Black ash falls toward a planet, the surface alight with the fading flames of a battle long lost. Dead line the streets, stacked side by side as the ground has already been filled to the surface with corpses. You can see them now as you gaze out over the blackened, burning earth that lay just outside the city. Weeks old flesh has begun rotting the soil and now even the dirt bleeds.​
This is an all too common sight to the people of the galaxy now. For years the Sith and Jedi have waged war across the stars, tearing families apart and killing millions in the name of their own ideological differences. Refugees now flock together in heards to escape the blood soaked ruins they once called home. Jedi have lost faith, Imperial troopers have lost stomach. But where are these men and women to go? They have left the only places they know will accept them, going back now is nothing short of a death sentence. Hope is all but lost and it is fading quicker with every battle.​
But the past brings hope for a brighter future. Though the records of the more Ancient Republic are vauge and mostly lost, there remains just enough scattered knowledge to leave behind myth and legend. Stories of great battles and evil men, but also of an Empire. An Empire ruled by a great man by the name of Valkorian who was a savior of those who were brought destruction by the Sith and Jedi. A refuge in which they could hide from the struggles of war and when the Jedi and Sith had beaten themselves bloody, Valkorian lead the campaign to retake their homes.​
At least that is the story and that's all it was, a story. Until now. A Jedi Master by the name of Galen Vekarr has taken to leading a sea of refugees and defectors to Zakuul, where he promises protection will be found in the ruins of an ancient Empire. Together, these refugees hope to find solace and forge a safe place for them all. The Eternals fell in the past, but it is a new age and they have a new leader who they can trust.​
Or so the story tells them.​
Dark Siders // Non-Force Users// Light Siders

The Eternal Empire welcomes anyone be they non-force user, a Darksider or a Lightsider. There is only one rule to joining really and that is to be apart of the coming Empire you have to either live under strict religious regulation if you refuse to denounce your previous order and can only join the military as a declared "neutral" Force User.

But that is all in character stuff, so lets talk a little OOC shall we? I love the Eternal Empire as a concept and I think that, from what I've been told and seen, that the political climate is perfect for a brand new version of the Eternal Empire we all know and love from TOR. With war comes refugees, defectors and really angry/depressed/lost people in general. Those refugees need hope and a place to go and so why not put faith in a system that does away with the religious back and forth of the Jedi? A faction that wants to go back to a type of government that, as far as anyone in this time period knows, tried to take a stand against the constant wars the two orders started?

I don't want a faction that just sprouts though. I want this faction to grow through story and I plan on doing this in three phases. Right now I'm in the "Refugee" stage at which I do a lot of threads of actually gathering people and getting to Zakuul etc. I am hoping to find some friends and characters who would like to tag along to make it more interesting. I mean, after all, wouldn't it be awesome to build the story and foundation of a faction and have your character live through the rise of it all the way up until its on the map?

I think it'd be pretty awesome. Hence why I'm doing it :D

I have plenty of ideas on this and would love to hear from anyone who is interested. OH and for all of you who didn't read the whole thing and need a TLDR, here you go:


[member="Athin Vekarr"]

I'd be down to make another character for this.

In fact, before you joined the board I was using Arcann as a playby for this alt, :D.

But yeah, I was thinking of making a Zakuul Knight after finishing the Battle of Odessen Chapter.
Love the idea, [member="Athin Vekarr"]. I'm working on transferring a character I've played in the past, and it's going to take me a bit to get his bio put back together, but consider me signed up once that's done.

Please feel free to PM me with plans for developing the faction, I'll jump in any way I can.

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