Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Re-purposing and Reformating

Aurora Industries Headquarters

It had come time to assess a division of Aurora Industries that Taeli, admittedly, had not been paying much attention to. From when they had absorbed L & L Robotics's facilities, she had been waiting for movement on the researchers to develop new exo-skeletons. Unfortunately, she hadn't heard much from those teams besides a few rough prototype sketches and ideas to be bounced around the company.

Reviewing every report and memo from that division of the company, she could see that exo-skeletons were not something that were going to be particularly profitable or... necessary for the future. She didn't want to completely shutdown that part of the company, though it would clearly be a cost saver. Many of the memos detailed projects that had never materialized or had run into problems in development and been placed on indefinite hold. Clearly, something needed to change... a reformating of the exo-skeleton division was needed.

"Jaxson, contact Luyat... we have some things to discuss about his division," Taeli said, and Jaxson gave a short nod. He had been expecting this for some time now.
Doctor Luyat, head of Aurora Industries's Exo-Skeleton Division, nervously looked up from his desk as the icon indicating a call from Erilnar started to flash. He had forestalled any interference by the Jedi woman for some time, offering platitudes and prototype designs his team was working on... but now it would seem the clock was up. His team just didn't have the necessary resources to complete their projects, he told himself, and he would keep telling himself that when he arranged his features into a smile and activated the holocall.

Taeli and Jaxson winked into existence in front of Luyat, and his demeanor immediately lessened as he realized if the number one and two of the company were directly calling him... it wasn't good.

"Miss Raaf, Mr. Jaxson... I must say this is an unexpected surprise," Luyat said. "I was just about to head down to our development lab to check on our next project before you called."

"That would be assuming you had finished your first project, Nih," Taeli replied curtly. "I have been reviewing all reports and memos from your division of the company and I have found it... rather lacking to put it mildly. In the years since we acquired this division, I have yet to see even one prototype actually even reach the testing phase. I am looking for answers as to why this is the case and why I have received several private messages from your facility heads about the state of affairs."

That was a surprise, and his eyes widened. He hadn't expected such a betrayal from the engineers and scientists who ran the facilities he was in charge of. Apparently, he would need to clean house after this interrogation.

"I can assure you, Miss Raaf, my teams are hard at work on the prototype we wish to show you," Luyat answered, nervously scratching his beard. "We have simply not shown you a working prototype because we wanted it to be perfect beforehand... and our funds and resources are strained trying to accomplish this goal."

Jaxson gave a short cough and Taeli's eyebrow raised, skepticism clear.
"Then explain this memo I received from our Fondor facility," Taeli said, pulling her datapad up into frame of the holo. "This memo details how the team there was told to intentionally delay any breakthroughs or developments of a Type-II exo-skeleton that was designed for use by rescue workers. It goes into further detail by saying a message came down from above, a few weeks later, stating the project was being scrapped and resources diverted to a new project."

"I can explain that..." Luyat started to say, but Jaxson cut him off.

"A private message, with links to several internal memos, from our Geonosis facility that implicates you, Nih, in diverting and canceling every project that was brought forward by them," he said, reading from his own datapad.

"Many of their ideas were frivolous and I was attempting to streamline..." Luyat tried to say again, but Taeli held her hand up to silence him.

"I have evidence, from each facility under you, that you have been canceling projects, diverting resources and funds out of the company and to an undisclosed location, to basically running this division as your own personal automatic teller system," she said, her tone harsh now. "I let you keep your position in the company after we absorbed L & L Robotics because you promised to deliver the same sort of products that were designed when the company was under Blas-Tech. Now, I am looking at a complete reorganization of this division... away from exo-skeletons."

"What direction are you intending? I can make sure it..."

"You will not be in the picture for this re-organization," Taeli said. "Security has been informed to escort you out of the facility and turn you over to the appropriate authorities. I understand you had a prejudice against me, because I was a Force User, but stealing from me and this company will not be tolerated. Your contract is terminated."

With that, the call disconnected and Luyat had a few seconds to blink and stare in horror. Security would find him with the same horrified and dumbstruck expression, not able to grasp his whole scheme had fallen apart.
"With that bit of unpleasantness out of the way, time to get to real meat and taters of today's decisions," Taeli said, chuckling at the expression on Luyat's face when his whole entire scheme had crashed and burned. "I want to keep a similar direction and refocus those facilities towards something they can work around. But... something new, exciting even."

"What field did you have in mind?" Jaxson asked.

"Cybernetic augmentations," Taeli answered. "We began working on augmenting organics and developing medicinal products with our bio-engineering division... and I feel that we should also focus on the cybernetic side as well. Close enough to what the scientists were working on, with exo-skeletons, that it shouldn't be too much of a leap."

"We should bring on some cybernetic specialists though," Jaxson said, stroking his chin in thought. "Make sure everything is running smoothly and we actually have products and projects."

"Agreed, some of the best and brightest," Taeli said. "I was thinking we ask Votoc to see if any of his Anomid colleagues would be interested in this." Jaxson and Taeli both knew that Anomids would be a perfect fit for cybernetics, what with their fascinations with pushing scientific boundaries and electronics. It wouldn't be hard to convince them to join in on the redirection for this aspect of the company. Hiring them would be easy, but the tough part would be deciding what each of the facilities would do now.
While Jaxson would handle the hiring process for the cybernetic experts they could find or poach, Taeli began going over what each facility that had been under Luyat would be more suited for in this new direction. Druckenwell and Fondor would serve as where the more public projects would be handled, and she sent messages to the heads of those facility regarding the changes that would be coming in the very very near future. She received positive responses from the teams there, especially since they had been so stifled in creativity.

Geonosis and Tatooine presented her with a slightly different issue. They would also be working on more public cybernetic augmentations, but she wasn't sure what to do with their field testing areas. The new direction she had envisioned didn't really require those areas at the current size that they were. Not that they had been seeing much use, since no exo-skeletons had been produced or tested and the droid and weapon divisions had their own testing facilities on Saleucami. Tapping her fingers on her desk in thought, she did recognize they needed some testing zones for more combat and heavy duty cybernetics...

Deciding on the point, she sent messages to Geonosis and Tatooine that their facilities would be working on cybernetics and that their testing zones would be downsized and specialized away from the wide open areas to specific courses designed to test the cybernetics they would develop. Attached to the Tatooine message though, she included a private wish that the facility would devote part of their resources to developing experimental and somewhat questionable cybernetics. Now that left Nar Shaddaa...
"Miss Raaf, I had to say I was surprised to receive a call from you," Director Tujin Pollus said as Taeli's image winked into existence. The older Arkanian had been running the Nar Shaddaa operations for Luyat since L & L Robotics had been absorbed by Aurora Industries and he had a... reputation. Rumors had abounded that he wasn't one to worry about ethical codes or standards, hence why he had been chosen to run the facility in the lawless section of the galaxy.

"I think this was discussion that was needed in person," she said. "Your colleagues at the other exo-skeleton facilities were informed today that we will be transitioning this division of the company towards cybernetic augmentations, and while they will be dealing with the more public side of development..."

"Ah, I understand now," Pollus said, nodding. "My facility isn't going to be making just the run-of-the-mill designs for the company hmm?"

"No," Taeli answered simply. "I want your facility to be running the experimental and more... eccentric and advanced part of operations. Nar Shaddaa doesn't have the... oversight that other world have and I want to take advantage of that. Plus, you and your team aren't afraid of bending the rules of ethical practices to get the job done and I know you've been chaffing most of all from Luyat's leash. You'll be answering directly to me, as all of our... special operations do."

"So you are saying I will have tacit approval to develop whatever my team designs on and you don't need to know the process, yes?" Pollus asked, his eyes gleaming in excitement. On Arkania, he had been a scientist that pushed for greater development of technologies to improve and advance... but his experiments had been frowned upon by the authorities. To actually get back to what his life's work and ambition was, he didn't need to think about his answer.

"Plausible deniability," Taeli said. "A few Anomids that Votoc got us in touch with will be joining your team as well. I suspect you don't mind all that much."

"Not at all, Miss Raaf," Pollus said, knowing the Anomid reputation all too well. "My team and I will begin adapting our facilities to what you desire as quickly as we can. I have a few ideas already for what we might be able to create. I shall keep you updated."

With that, the call ended and Taeli allowed herself a slight smile. She was alone in her office and she allowed herself the slight satisfaction that everything was beginning to go to plan now.

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