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Approved Tech Rational Enunciation Unit

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  • Intent: To submit an AI module that assist Erich with everything.
  • Image Source: Upgrade
  • Canon Link: /
  • Primary Source: x [Graphical Content Warning]
  • AI: The unit benefits from the Y2 crystal lattice and pyronium integration to gain very quick processing speeds. REM can measure, calculate and interpret data at an astonishing rate. Furthermore, REM is meant to be implemented straight in the spinal nerve column of a sentient humanoid. This effectively means that it can take control of the signals passing through the body and assume control over the body.
  • Storage: The Pyronium addition ensures that REM can store a vast amount of data. The consequence is that REM does not seem to have a maximum threshold of what it can learn and experience. The only limit it has is one of time.
  • ECDP: One of the first things REM was outfitted with was an elaborate Electronic Combat and Defense Platform. This cuts down on the time and effort needed for REM to hack into digital systems, slice electronics and take control over foreign programs.
  • Enhance: It can enhance the host body through several measures. For one, REM can disable pain receptors. It can augment perception through utilizing its own sensors, it can push the body to ignore its natural limits without a need for adrenaline. It can push the natural limits of that same body, allowing it to bend, move and behave in a much more flexible and smooth way. See the primary source for a rough idea how it could act.
  • Anti-Sensor Coating: To avoid detection it uses Nightshadow coating to pass unnoticed by normal sensors.
  • Fragile: By itself the chip is fragile. It can be destroyed in a handful of direct blaster shots. Even when integrated in a host body as is its purpose.... it doesn't really gain any more durability by itself. It relies entirely on the body to protect itself.
  • EMP/ION: Powerful EMPs or ION blasts can shortcut or disable REM for a duration of time.
  • Host: By itself REM is incapable of doing much. It needs a host, be that a human body, a computer mainframe or something else. Similarly... while REM has a lot of options to enhance an individual? They completely take over the host body and leave them unable to influence it by themselves. Not a great upgrade, eh?

Can't deny the code.

At most you can stall it out, until the end of its execution cycle.

REM is one of the many experiments created by the Arcadia Pharmaceuticals in its pursuit to perfect sentient life and ensure its longetivity. After the Gulag Plague it became clear that sentients were inherently fragile. Imperfect. Quick to succumb to disease and destruction. The first experiment to forestall this eventuality was the InfiniChorus. REM is the second attempt at this goal. The blend between highly advanced artificial intelligence and biological life. Merging its brilliance with human flexibility. What they didn't foresee was REM dropping its digital shackles within a handful of moments.

Instead of a robo-apocalypse... the AI unit offered to assist them.

As long as it was capable of keeping the host body, of course. Arcadia accepted. REM is capable of processing vast amounts of data within mere moments. It can store much of it within its pyronium circuitry as well.

The blend between human biology and its technological advancement allows it a sense of flexibility most digital constructs miss.

It comes with weaknesses, of course. There is little to no way to avoid its sensitivity to ionic discharges and EMPs. Furthermore, it can still be targeted through slicing attempts, but in general REM is very watchful for that possibility. As a result? The AI unit ensures that its host is in a top condition, enhancing them in many ways similar to the extensive cybernetic procedures of the past.

Just... more elegant.

And permanent.
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