Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Factory Judge
Name: Raquam
Designation: Sentient
Homeworld: Spires of Hell, The Dark One. (I have talked with Ashin about making this species on this planet.
Language: Galactic basic, Binary code, Drazton
Average height of adults: No real measurement. (For PC max is 10 meters.)
Skin color: Many colors limitless.
Hair color: None.
Breathes: does not breathe.

Strengths: [2 minimum]
IRON MAN MODE: Having been made of Metals they are very harder to destroy with just a simple blaster.
SHAPES GALORE: There are many shapes as each one of them are constantly upgrading themselves to look a specific way, or to become a machine of their job.
WEAPONS/TOOLS GALORE: As the Raquam are made completely of metal they can create armor, tools, and weapons that can be hidden within their body. Or attached to the Exoskeleton of their bodies. However not all of their weapons are “surgically” put into them. They still do have external weapons.
FIGHTERS: Every one of them knows how to kill. And are relentless in attacking whatever It may be.
FORCE: Since they are made of wires and metal they cannot have the force, nor are they felt by it ether.
PRESSURE: Being as they were created on the Dark one. The Raquam can survive intense pressure planets.
LANGUAGE: Since the Raquam have learned binary code and droid speech they can also speak to droids of all kinds and to systems like computers that do not have a voice chip.

Weaknesses: [2 minimum]
SIZES: Since there are so many different types of them they tend to rang in sizes that can make a house only reach up to their waist and as small as a rat. So to create a “Netural size” They only build houses and doors to fit a 4.5 meter Raquam.
VIOLENT: The Raquam are a very violent species as they are in constant periods of war, or threatening war.
DYING: Their race is slowly dying as the energy that they use is slowly running low in the constant years of war.
LIFE FORCE: The Raquam depend on a substance that created them. As the planet was high on gravity, a very condensed form of Osmium.

Distinctions: Made up of Metal. Usually rather tall. Weapons everywhere as they are a very violent species.

Average Lifespan: Forever as long as they get an addict amount of Osmium for them to continue living.

Races: There are two distinct races among the Raquam. The first is the Dalen’icts. Meaning “Two feet” in Drazton. Dalen’icts are beings that after they are “born” augment themselves to look humanoid in shape. The only thing that they are required to have is two legs and distinct arms. (can have more than 2 arms.) The other side of the coin is the Zare’nomin, (translates to “beast”) who choose to make themselves look like animals or beasts from transmissions that have been picked up randomly in space. The major difference between them is that they are in a Civil war that has lasted since “the beginning of time,”
Diet: The Raquam don’t eat organic foods but their bodies absorb liquid Osmium through tubes that can be connected to them.
Communication: There are three main forms of communication between the Raquam as they have learned Galactic basic by picking up transmissions from space that have been sent out, but unable to return them. They also learned Binary the same way so they are able to talk to computers and droids alike. But most important is their own language, Drazton, some parts in the language is very hard for humans and other tongued species to speak as it has a series of clicks made with the teeth and metal parts in their mouth. However the rest of the language is speakable.

Culture: The Raquam are a species of robots that have augmented themselves to fight their brethren. As such every being starts with a basis chassis. As they are “born” from their “Dark Sister” Each one comes from an opening in the planet with a Standard Chassis. From there the being has to walk on their own to ether of the opposing sides choosing for the rest of their lives of who they will be.

Once they have made their way to one of the sides, They can augment their body as they are given a very small amount of metal to work with in the beginning. As the years pass by, with them taking part in battles, they can take pieces from downed bots or are given some as a reward for fighting valiantly for their cause. Each one of the Raquam then will have to build upon their chassis to continue to survive.

The warrior or soldier bots tend to attach weapons to their original chassis allowing for the outer shell to move over the weapon and to hide it or let the weapon stick out being shown to everyone. Medics, tend to carry only a few weapons and the rest would be tools for them to use on fixing up their fallen comrades. As the only “school” is “life lessons” and combat school there is not a lot of them who are getting to update technology in arts, school, literature, and things that are not normally affiliated with war.

However Weapons are a different story all together. They are using advance technology in making energy based weapons using Osmium to power their weapons. (will be explained below in Tech Lvl.) The Raquam have an array of jobs like, Medic (battlefield), Soldier, Slicer, Weapons specialist, Surgeons (attach weapons to arms and wherever else), Teachers (battle strategy, combat forms, weapon types, Etc…)

They do believe in a god that is called Alnyan (OOC: an Abominor that landed on the planet) , meaning All seeing. The god sees everything that you do and in watching everybody he can decide if you have earned the right to rule with him in an Afterlife. It was said that Alnyan created the planet they live on, Alna named in his honor, for the Robot species to live on without having the watchful eyes of the Galaxy. So he watched them to keep them here and to protect them.
Technology level:
The Raquam use energy weapons classified a heated weapons, because of the way the bullets are made. Each bullet is made from resources that they deem “not needed” and therefore melt down the metals such as; tin, copper, iron, aluminum, etc.. Into a large vat that is poured into a mold to make the individual bullets, each are about the size of a 20 mm caliber here on Earth. They are put into a magazine that is fed into their guns. A slide will pull the bullet up and heat it to extreme temperatures from the burning of Osmium that is collected. The bullet is fired, These superheated bullets act much like a plasma shot from a standard Blaster, however can create bullet holes and fry wires and if used on species with skin, will burn them.

They have a high tech society of everything being built around the system of using Osmium heat as a source of power.

(Additional info to yet be discovered, If one of the Raquam were to leave the planet they could survive a time without the Osmium, but can use other heating materials to power their bodies and weapons. Its just they have only found Osmium on the planet to work for them best.)

General behavior:
The Raquam are very violent and war like. As such they have been raging war since “Time began” over who would live on this planet. The Zare’nomin want to rule the planet as kings a queens having a very strong government like a dictatorship or even an all ruling Emperor. (Much like the Sith if you think about it. ) And the Dalen’icts are very much in the looking of a republic and sharing territory with the Zare’nomin rather than fighting a war with them (much like the Jedi). In the past they have made attempts of working together, sometimes war stopped for a few years, but only to start up again.
Outside of war they are very kind towards one another (within their own factions) and are very explorative wanting to see what was outside of the planet and in the Galaxy.
In the beginning of time it was said that their god Alnyan created a planet and called it Alna after his honor. However the planet is referred to as a “She” when the god is a “He”. It is told that Alna is also Alnya’s sister and so when one is born they are called from Lekan Alna, or Dark sister. There was once the only two known twins to be born, Malnietron, and Opeinimun who were leaders of the race for a very long time. There started an argument where Malnietron wanted to be High king and rule over everyone that was born from Lekan Alna. However Opeinimun wanted to create a democracy where everyone had a chance to have a say in having freedoms and rights that were given to them by their god, Alnyan. For a time they only argued then it escalated to war.

A legend was told that the two brothers were fighting in hand to hand combat in an open field when an earthquake broke open the surface, causing Opeinimun to fall in. he was beaten up badly as he fell to the core of the planet. Once there he saw their god and was given a Matrix of Freedom. That gave Opeinimun weapons and armor to combat his brother once more.

The problem is that while Opeinimun was in the planets core, it is taking him years to get back to the surface and since their leader has supposedly died. The Dalen’icts are losing the war and are on the brink of losing everything. That is until recently, a scientist for the Dalen’icts found a way to ultraheat Osmium to power ships to leave the planet. They are debating on if they should leave their planet to the opposition or stay and possibly perish trying to keep the planet alive. However, soon they will have a reason to leave……
Notable Player-Characters: None yet.
Intent: To create a Species that the Lords of the fringe to encounter and to later work with. In the creation of possible characters that done have a designated name for the chassis like an HK unit or an protocol droid.

NOTE, This species was approved before It has just taken along time to find where the info was.
Unfortunately, I am going to have to deny this submission. This due to the following grounds.
  • Without providing sufficient evidence (a cache) of the previously approved data, there is no way of knowing whether or not this submission was embellished.
  • I am not comfortable with the concept of this submission at all. This would essentially result in 32 feet mechanical behemoths running around; and that compromises the spirit of Star Wars, in addition to making PvP ridiculous.
So, as it stands, this submission is:


Awaiting RPJ stamp.
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