Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Alana Flag was sitting at her office on Hypori, really just going over everything. She was adjusting well to being Marek Starchaser's personal assistant. There was a lot of benefit to this position, the pay was good, she had a keycard that pretty much let her go anywhere she wanted, though if she abused it she knew how... dark things could turn for her. Mister Starchaser wasn't that bad of an employer, nor lover, but there was an edge to him, something that screamed about an inner darkness. A wrong move, well, in the form of betrayal could really make short work of her career. However, getting started in the galaxy was tricky, after her schooling, which she had done fairly well in before finances prevented her from continuing, she was having trouble finding a job.

Dancing was something she was good at, and well, it paid well. Sure, maybe it was a whole lot of being gawked and grabbed at, but the money was well, and she knew what she was doing in the Force. Her head space was never something she needed to be concerned about. Still, this job was worlds better, and the dress code was a whole lot better. Her mass of blonde hair was braided down her and was resting over her shoulder. She wore a black dress, not too low cut or short, enough to get a second look but not be seen as trollop-y with simple black boots. It was nice that her job wasn't 100% determined by how she could move her body, and who at.

Looking at the main terminal on her desk, she nodded. Appointment time. This was a new employee and she was supposed to put her through the ringer. Marek wanted to know what this [member="Hansky Walker"] was made of. Where she would best fit, and well, he would show up in time later on. But first, a simple question and answer bit, down to the gun range, and maybe out to the testing field.

Alana didn't mind days like this. Hitting the comlink on her desk she called up to the front desk. "Has Miss Walker shown up yet?" She wasn't late, yet, but... well, Alana was a bit better for letting a few minutes pass without concern.
Hansky was running bloody late. It wasn't her fault - there had been a small accident involving two speeders and one of them might have been distracted by the faces she was making on her end, wondering how far she could push it to calm her nerves down before the interview.

The next thing she knew the driver lost control and she had to stay there and give witness to what happened. A normal day, but the timing was terrible. And worst, it did nothing to calm her down.

She didn't really love interviews. Or like them. She was the kind of person who'd show up, smile, do the job, and leave, credits in pocket. Staying too long usually spelt trouble. And worse, one of her blasters had managed to fall out of her pockets during the crash, though she wasn't exactly sure how that happened. Logic, go figure that one out.

So needless to say, she was slightly stressed when she finally did walk through the doors to the office, high heels clinking against the floor. Her hair, usually a mass of well kept curls, was more than a little messy now. But still, she tried to put a smile on.

Walking directly to the front desk, she did her best not to let the shinyness around her distract her.

"Hansky Walker," she said with a nod, trying to figure out in which pocket she'd left her datapad, "here for an appointment with... Uhm..." Drats, where was that datapad where she'd written the name down?!

[member="Marek Starchaser"]

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
People always preferred to be dealing with Alana over Marek. He was a bit of a stickler for time, it seemed. Basically because he was busy but he liked to approach certain contracts and employees every so often. Alana liked to take some of hte effort away from Marek, hopefully it'd allow the Foreman to calm down, and well, it never hurt her, mostly it just worked in her favor. Simple enough, she supposed.

When she had cleared the desk off and contacted the front office, she nodded. It seemed that [member="Hansky Walker"] was just showing up. That was fine, a lot of times, Alana realized, showing up 30 minutes late for an appointment made you still be on time, so really, it wasn't bad. But for actual work? Well, if Marek or any of his scientists were running things, she was going to need to be there. First things were first, she supposed.

"Send them in, please." She stated, smiling as she used the Force to move a chair in front of the desk. Everything was ready, a few pieces of flimsy for both parties. Notes were important, and well, while all this was going to be entered into the system, for Marek and whoever to look over after, it was still important. For records, and in case Alana wanted to put her on Marek's personal team.

But not that personal.
Hansky was shown in right away, and she nodded enthusiastically just before the doors opened and she walked inside. The smile was on her face again as she saw the woman, and she extended her arm to greet her.

"Hansky Walker, here for the interview," she said.

[member="Marek Starchaser"]

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Alana looked up from her desk. She smiled, getting to her feet. “Welcome, Miss Walker.” The blonde said. She extended a hand out across the desk, after adjusting the lower hem of her dress. Right, professional, Alana, professional. It wasn’t that she had much else to worry on, besides, she was already working in a job she was okay with.

“Just on time, take a seat please?” Right, because that sounded like proper Basic. Alana took her seat back and opened up her data pad. “So, [member="Hansky Walker"], where are you from? What kind of employment are you looking for, any special skills of note?” The latter bit was more important than what she was looking for, obviously.

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