Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Kyte Ra'Kon ( prefers Ra'Kon)
FACTION: Independent
RANK: Bounty Hunter-Pirate/ Assassin
SPECIES: Corellian
AGE: 27
SEX: Male
EYES: Ocean Green
HAIR: Black hair/ shoulder length
SKIN: lightest pinkish-white


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Ra'kon isn't good with close combat but he can learn. He is a freerunner and does Parkour. Ra'Kon isn't good at flying ships or anything. He's bad at listening to orders and does his own thing. Good with explosives and is a Gun expert

Ra'Kon has a tattoo of chains wrapped around his right arm. He also have a Scar across his chest. Since He wears armor most of the time you can't see how he looks. his Armor color depends on the type of things he do but mostly it's grey. He also has a black strap across his body to carry his supplies.

Ra'Kon was born on May 12th and grew up on Corellia, because of this he grew up around lot's of bounty hunters and other alike. There for he learned his Skill's from them. It was until he was seventeen where he would have did his first big job. To steal a lightsaber from a Jedi. Doing so he was then injured badly but was spared by the Jedi which changed his ways. of course he soon did went back to being his Regular self but he never messed with a Jedi again. He soon took up the life of a Bounty Hunter which is when He left Corellia onboard with Pirates. He hasn't stayed loyal to any so he jumps from crew to crew until he finds the right one. Even though he's a Bounty Hunter he helps one's in need.



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Yes. I was looking for my playby and I saw that image. As well. I am using a Variation of the Assassin's creed costume, only it's modeled as though they were in Ancient China. instead of the future like the one that you have.

Davik Tren

The Friendly Fiend
I'm sure Dredge has some loose change laying around. :p @[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"]

Welcome to the site! @[member="Kyte Ra'Kon"]

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