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Approved Starship Ra'kazar'agh Cruiser

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  • Intent: To create a support cruiser used in larger fleet engagements for the Kragamond Wartribe
  • Image Source: Image Source
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer:
  • Affiliation:
  • Model: Ra'kazar'agh Cruiser
  • Production: Limited
  • Material:
  • Defenses: Very High
  • Hangar Space: Extreme
  • Hangar Allocations: 11 Total Squadrons
    • 8 Starfighter Squadrons
    • 3 Support Craft Squadrons
  • Maneuverability Rating: Low
  • Speed Rating: Low
  • Hyperdrive:
    • Path Engine [Equal to Class 3]
    • Hyperdrive Class 10 [Backup]
    • Life Support
      • Medbays
      • Oxygen Supply System
      • Bulkhead System
      • Artificial Gravity
      • Escape Pods
    • Defensive Systems
      • EWAR Countermeasure Suite
      • Shield Array (See Defenses)
      • Emergency Backup Shield Generator
      • Quadanium/Titanium Armor Paneling
      • Surge Protection (Protects Electronics against EMP attacks)
      • Point Defense Batteries
      • Optical Shields
    • Mobility
      • Maneuvering Thruster Suite
      • Inertial Stabilizers
      • Path Engine (See Advanced Systems)
      • Backup Hyperdrive unit
      • Standard Subspace Thruster Array
      • Capital Ion Engines - four total
    • Computers & Electronics
      • Tactical Bridge Computer Suite
      • Tactical Command & Assessment Blister
      • Standard Damage Assessment and Control Mainframe
      • System Diagnostic Computer
      • Unified Computer System
      • Electronic Countermeasure Suite
      • Tractor Beam Projectors (6)
    • Power Management
      • Primary Reactor - GDE-01 (See advanced systems)
      • Secondary Reactor - GDE-01 (See advanced systems)
      • Reactor Overload Stabilizers
      • Ancillary Backup Reactor
    • Laser-reflective Armor System
    • Matrix Armor Mesh
    • Atmosphere Replicators
    • GDE-01 Antimatter Reactor System - Primary and secondary
    • Life Support Capsules
    • Bacta Tanks
    • Torture Chamber
    • Path Engine
    • Universal Energy Cages
    • Interrogation Chairs
    • Synthicator
    • Laser Gates
    • Force Crystal Focusing Chamber (See Strengths)
      • Surprisingly Well Designed:
        Most ships belonging to the Kragamond Wartribe have the appearance of something pieced together from scraps and barely held together by rudimentary means of fastening. The Ra'kazar'agh is a noted exception however. While still bearing clear markings and indications of belonging to the Tribe, as well as signs of being built from scraps and salvaged parts - the sleek, streamlined, and rather dependable design lends itself to the notion the Wartribe merely modifies the ship, and that it is potentially made by members of the Brotherhood more adept at professional ship design; perhaps even at the behest of a mysterious patron.
      • Support Carrier: While not possessing the weight of numbers larger and more robust carriers can claim, for a ship of her tonnage - the Ra'kazar'agh can release a surprising amount of air support from within her bowels. She also possesses significant point to point and flak defenses, making her a highly proficient picket ship to anchor battle lines or swarms.
      • Force Crystal Focusing Chamber: While her overall conventional weapon systems would be considered modest at best, the Ra'kazar'agh does possess one notable asset that helps her to stand out amongst other ships of her class - the presence of a force focus chamber. Built deep within the center of the ship, the expansive chamber is arrayed with an overabundance of force crystals, and houses dozens of tribal force users known as ‘shamans’. The purpose of these crystals is merely to amplify the abilities of these shamans; not to house or contain any force abilities on their own. These shamans (or in theory, any force user within the chamber) utilize the chamber and its crystals to enhance the effectiveness of their force powers - which are often used to aid the fleet they are accompanying, or to severely hinder enemy fleets they encounter. It should be noted that this chamber is only able to enhance the range of the powers used within it for a radius of no more than 10 kilometers. While not exclusive to any one power, shamans stationed aboard such ships have been known to use the following abilities from within the chamber:
      • Tough: The Ra'kazar'agh is designed around very strong defensive systems, as it is often a prime target for enemy warships.
      • Support Vessel: While the potential role the Ra'kazar'agh could play within a fleet is quite obvious and necessary, the fact remains that she is a distinct divergence from the Kragamond fleet doctrine. She cannot bring to bear any real firepower of note to threaten ships of equivalent size or larger. Instead, her captains typically focus their firepower on smaller, faster ships that can more easily avoid the firepower of larger Kragamond warships.
      • Slow: While not the slowest, the Ra'kazar'agh is also not a fast ship by any means, and can be easily outpaced by ships of equal size, or even a touch larger.
      • Elongated: Although her overall profile could be considered sleek and streamlined, the sheer length of her profile raises an issue when it comes to maneuvering either port or starboard with any real alacrity. She is not the most unwieldy of ships, but she also is better served avoiding close-ranged encounters, where maneuverability matters more than encounters at range.
      • Force Suppression: While the crystals do much to expand and strengthen the abilities of force users within the chamber, there are a few limitations involved in the process:
        • It is highly inadvisable for a solo force user to attempt to use this chamber, unless their mastery of the force is exceedingly strong. The reason for this is that the type of crystals being used still possess a level of obscurity as to their true nature and scope of abilities. Some speculate that without enough force energy to "fill" the crystals, they could serve as catalyst rather than a focus - draining the user of their vital energies to the point of exhaustion, with a high risk of Injury, or possible death. If a group of force users enter the chamber instead, the chances of this happening are reduced exponentially.
        • Although the crystals provide a powerful boon to those who use them, this does not mean force suppression techniques are invalid in fighting against it. Depending on the power of the force users who attempt to suppress those opposing them in the chamber, the effects of whatever force powers being used could be muted to varying degrees. Note, it would require massive amounts of power and focus to do so, and it is almost impossible to completely deny or mitigate powers amplified by the chamber unless a similar type Focusing Chamber is used in so doing.
      Ever since the wartribe’s conception, Kragamond has been known as near-fanatical in its adherence to the malevolent will of the Dark Voice. After faithful and ever loyal service to their dark masters, several patrons within the Brotherhood of the Maw have granted the wartribe boons to symbolize the value these raiders serve to the greater plan at work. Evidence of such machinations exists in the presence of the Ra'kazar'agh itself.

      Naval experts have near-universally concluded that the wartribe does not possess the engineering or mechanical expertise to develop a ship of this quality while foregoing the tell-tale signs of their trademark ‘jury rigging’ standards of... “construction”. While she does possess clear signs of Kragamond modification, the framework and critical systems of the ship appear far too ornate and meticulous to have truly originated from the wartribe itself.

      That is not to say the Ra'kazar'agh is not highly effective in the hands of this brutal subsect of the Brotherhood. She is often seen in a support role in most larger fleets of the Kragamond; lending her modest firepower to targets of opportunity alongside heavier and more intimidating Bhorgoth Destroyers near the back line. Her true value lies in the copious amounts of anti-starfighter weaponry she possesses, as well as the mysterious and highly effective force nexus chamber contained within each vessel.

      It is because of these key attributes that she is considered amongst the most mercurial and threatening ships available to the wartribe; described as such because her very presence tends to alter the fighting spirit and overall tactical approach of the ever aggressive and brutal marauders of the wartribe.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Akûz the Ravager Akûz the Ravager

Very nicely made ship, however it is extremely powerful. I cannot accept this with minor production. That means thousands of crystals (I counted with the minor production) are on the ships which ones has powers and those amplifies hundreds or thousands Force Users powers. I can accept with Limited production scale, but I'm not happy to that. However I feel this is a Semi-Unique one is the most approtiate, because of the large range, literally you can hack or control anyone who try to occupy the ship with technology, and you can drive away the NFU soldiers from your ship, not to mention you can use the Meditation on your entire crew and that is also powerful spell. And these are extremely powerful things especially in such range. So please consider the Semi-unique scale possibilities to these ships. And add to the weakness, what happen with the ship under Force nullification and/or Force suppression effect.
Akûz the Ravager Akûz the Ravager

Very nicely made ship, however it is extremely powerful. I cannot accept this with minor production. That means thousands of crystals (I counted with the minor production) are on the ships which ones has powers and those amplifies hundreds or thousands Force Users powers. I can accept with Limited production scale, but I'm not happy to that. However I feel this is a Semi-Unique one is the most approtiate, because of the large range, literally you can hack or control anyone who try to occupy the ship with technology, and you can drive away the NFU soldiers from your ship, not to mention you can use the Meditation on your entire crew and that is also powerful spell. And these are extremely powerful things especially in such range. So please consider the Semi-unique scale possibilities to these ships. And add to the weakness, what happen with the ship under Force nullification and/or Force suppression effect.

Thank you for your feedback. Per your comments, I have decreased the production value to limited, increased Defenses since now I have another point to play with, and have added the "Force Suppression" weakness with a lot of limitations that I hope are satisfactory.

I obviously will comply with your final ruling, but if I may defend my reasons for wanting to avoid reducing further to a semi-unique rating, it is because of the following reasons:
  • The crystals only amplify, they do not contain abilities.
  • Nowhere on the wiki page does it say the crystals are rare. In theory, thousands of khyber crystals exist to supply the myriad of jedi in the galaxy, and I would almost argue khyber crystals are equally powerful as these generic force crystals, if not moreso.
  • I'm hoping my new weakness makes clear what the limitations are, and help to satisfy your fears of things being taken advantage of. However, I cannot control what people do with my tech. That's for roleplay judges to do xD

I await your final ruling. Thank you again.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Akûz the Ravager Akûz the Ravager

More acceptable, but still powerful.

Yes, crystals can be common, but if you check the Factory rules, you can make Force Sabers, Lightsabers only with semi-unique Production scale, because of the crystals. If you want to strengthen technology with Kyber crystals those can be only Semi-unique as well. Lightsaber rifle, which use many crystals is banned. And I could list this during the entire day.

I accept it, but there is a good chance that this will get back here and then you will have to change the production scale smaller.

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