Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Eternal Queen
Waiting rooms were the worst. They were always too cold, and too white. When Feena owned her own clinic, she had made sure to use bright colors, plenty of comfortable chairs, with a lot to read while her patients were waiting.
She never thought she would have to do this, be the one in the uncomfortable chair, in the plain, cold, white room.

One perk of being the Archon though, was that she had enough pull to request her own healer on this case. And the one she picked was an odd one, to be sure.

"....Sanctuary hospitals are... less friendly looking than I had originally designed," she said out loud to her husband, "I will have to do something about this."

Complaining about the decor was a good way to get her mind off of today. Her lab results were in, and judging by the voice that had called her in, it wasn't good. She looked around, pretending to feel only disgust for the interior, but if she was being honest with herself, she was terrified. She didn't want to do this. She'd held it off as long as possible, receiving this news. She knew what was coming. She knew her own condition better than anyone, and she knew she could not treat it. But she also knew that she couldn't hide from it any longer.
Ket's threat on her life had only... well, helped her to make this decision. If she was going to die, she was going to go out with a bang.

[member="Keter"] @Ilias Nytrau


The Renegade
Keter smiled at his wife, even though he knew her light humour was an effort. She was ill. He had suspected of course though Feena never deigned to confirm his suspicions. He was no healer, he couldn't tell someone's condition so readily. But here they were, in her own Sanctuary. It was the stress of the job, the blond was sure of it. The stress of her archon duties was bringing her low. She needed time away from all this. But would it help? It felt as if it were too little, too late.

He stood there, visibly calm, though inside he seethed. He felt powerless and angry. This was not some foe he could strike down. Healing had always been Feena's specalty. THe best he could do was rob her of her pain. And that was simply not enough.

[member="Feena Mason"]
The Eternal Queen
He was quiet. Well, she couldn't blame him. After months of her insisting she would be just fine, that there was no need for anyone to worry, here she was waiting for the news she had been dreading the entire time. And she'd been the worst to Keter during this time. She almost felt like she'd been lying to him. If he wasn't angry at her, she would be shocked.

"...It's a nice day," she tried again, making every effort to get him to talk to her, "...If you ignore the rain, I mean."

She blushed, realizing how stupid that sounded. The rain had been coming down all day. How could anyone ignore it?

[member="Keter"] @Ilias Nytrau
The once widespread knowledge of who and what he was had faded, but in the past decade since the galaxy had begun to put itself back together again, the whispers had slowly started up again: nearly nine centuries of exhaustive medical knowledge covering countless species (pure, hybrid, and so on) and expertise, Force-blessed with the gift of healing, the manner of a kind of Jedi that had been largely lost to the mists of time, and an indomitable spirit and depth of faith - this was one man.

And yet, for all his years, for everything he had seen, and all the knowledge and know-how he held within him, this life still sought to confound and surprise him. He had never seen anything like this. It was this that had drawn him away from his day-to-day, to this place, to Sanctuary...

...and one [member="Feena Mason"]. The fire-haired ancient entered the waiting room with a manner about him that was at first blush pleasant and cordial, but was in its depth solemn. He settled his gaze on the very couple he sought - the ones who had pulled him into this place, specifically him. He smiled, a muted, kind civility in it. Normally, a nurse worked as a bridge, bringing the patient/client to the physician, but Ilias had insisted he could handle the entirety of the needs of this one patient himself. His hands folded in front of him, his eyes settled on the woman he had come to meet with.

"Archon..." his eyes shifted calmly over to [member="Keter"], "...and Master Mason. If you would come with me, please."

He turned in the slightest, gesturing softly to the door that lead out of the waiting room and towards the offices, one of which he had been graciously lent for his time here.


The Renegade
He smiled weakly at his wife as she attempted to inject humor into their situation. " more of a solemn day. Rain always meant staying indoors, doing nothing else than thinking or sharing stories," the blond said, remembering his own past. THen the physician came in, whom the blond welcomed with a curt nod. He had nothing against the man but this situation was hardly one for joviality. He offered Feena his hand as they were requested to move on. Hopefully the situation would be swiftly and clearly explained to them.

[member="Feena Mason"] [member="Ilias Nytrau"]
The Eternal Queen
Feena tensed up at once upon hearing the voice. She knew who it was, of course. He was the very healer she had personally requested for this. Even so, that did not mean she was looking forward to this, and the tone in his voice told her that she was right to feel that way. She could almost just smile, shake his hand and say 'thank you for your time' right now, because she knew exactly what he was going to tell her already. At least this way she could spare Keter from hearing it.
She wordlessly followed the healer inside, squeezing her husbands hand. Why had she invited him along anyway?

Because she was sick of lying to him. And because, despite what she claimed, she desperately needed his support.

[member="Keter"] [member="Ilias Nytrau"]
The walk to the office was short, and he ushered them both in, allowing them to enter before entering himself, the door closing behind him. He glanced at the datapad on which his copy of the report was stored - the report he drew up after analysis of the bloodwork, and the body-scans of every type that had been ordered. Results had been interpreted, by a long-experienced eye, and it was solemn... but he could tell, in his awareness, that she already knew, or at least suspected. The results were already catalogued in his mind, for eternity... or, at least, for as long as he was meant to live.

As the last of the whoosh sounded, with the door shut, he gestured to two seats, opting to remain standing, himself.

"Please, sit."

As a younger man, he would have had reservations, nervousness, about delivering any kind of news to a patient that was less than optimal. He had long since come to accept the cycle of life and death, and spent many an hour pondering and meditating on the matter. He watched the two of them, their movements, their auras, their distinct presences. This was but a drop in time, but even the smallest drop could effect a wave, at a distance.

[member="Feena Mason"] | [member="Keter"]​


The Renegade
Keter stayed silent. They had come here to hear the news, and the doctor would provide them with that. He led his wife to one of the seats, letting her sit before taking his regular position, standing just behind her, hand on her shoulder. Ever the loyal knight. Her powerless knight now. He was no healer. Nothing like her. He could only steal pain, not cure it. And Feena needed a cure. Hopefully this doctor would be able to provide a name for her problem, one Keter could work on fixing. His red eyes remained fix on the other man, waiting, tense.
The Eternal Queen
The tension in the room was thick, so thick Feena could almost touch it. She took a seat, hand coming up to grab her husbands hand resting on her shoulder. More than anything, it was to calm him. He was so tense.

"Well?" she nearly snapped when at last the waiting was too much, "How long? A year? A month?"

She knew what he was going to say, and she didn't want to hear it. She just wanted to know how long she had, or at least how long he thought she had.

[member="Keter"] [member="Ilias Nytrau"]
"That depends on many factors - stress, climate, the ever-fickle diet - but as you are right now? Six months at the worst, a year at the absolute best."

And that was the truth, pulling no punches. There was no curing this novel affliction that he was currently aware of, as he had discovered through countless hours of examination and application of the breadth and depth of his knowledge, and it seemed largely resistant to the curative properties of the force; it would take her life, but one always wished to discover whatever ways they could live longer, and have more time with their loved ones, if they could. However, there were always those that simply accepted what was coming to them, and perhaps wished to move on, tired of life. Which of these two this couple was, he could only guess... but he had a fairly good idea.

"I am willing to monitor your progress, no matter what happens. It would help me if you keep me apprised of any changes to your situation," he blinked slowly, his eyes settling on Feena, "and I have not discounted the possibility of a cure, but as it stands right now, this disease will take your life, no matter how much or how little time it takes."

[member="Feena Mason"] | [member="Keter"]​


The Renegade most?

Keter was silent, but he turned to look at his wife, to see how she would take this news. Probably better than him. He knew the moment he got home he was going to tear something apart. And then probably do soemthing rash unless she stopped him. A year. Celeste was just entering that stage of her life when she was developing long term memories. She would gorw up without remembering having seen her mother's face. What about Felicicty? The girl worshipped her mother. How could they tell them? How could they explain?

No...they wouldn't. Becuase they won't have to. No matter what. At any cost. Keter knew.

Feena would not die.

[member="Feena Mason"]
[member="Ilias Nytrau"]
The Eternal Queen
A year at most. The moment the words hit her ears, Feena Was still. Time froze for her. Something deep and dark crawled out of the depths of her soul. She was dying. In a year, she would be just a memory. Gone.

No. She caught the look her husband gave her, and she couldn't help but squeeze his hand and give him a smile.

"A challenge," she decided with a little laugh as if the doctor had told a joke, "Fine! I will live for six years."

She stood up, holding a hand out to the Doctor.

"Thank you for seeing me today."

[member="Ilias Nytrau"] [member="Keter"]
With a muted smile in response to her thanks, he accepted the handshake.

"I am glad to have been of assistance," he said, then releasing her hand. He gestured to the door, and it opened unassisted. "Please keep me appraised of your wellbeing. I wish to monitor your progress, and hope to see you wherever you are at in... two months?"

He nodded, then looked to her husband.

"In the event..." Well, there was no need to finish that sentence. "I expect to be contacted."

His eyes shifted from the husband to Feena.

"You know how to contact me," then he smiled again, "I will keep you in my... thoughts. Good day."

[member="Feena Mason"] | [member="Keter"]​

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