Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Raid My Sith (new members especially)

So I decided to jump in on this. It reminded me that I had yet to actually click the join faction button. So I got to be honest I'm a little off by it. It seemed like we had three different ideas of what was going on and none of them matched.
Toph Graystone said:
So I decided to jump in on this. It reminded me that I had yet to actually click the join faction button. So I got to be honest I'm a little off by it. It seemed like we had three different ideas of what was going on and none of them matched.

This is actually quite common, one of the reason we have started these training mission is to one, have fun and two learn. The only way folks learn to write together, is to well write together. Make mistakes and learn, we are a open sandbox of styles and archetypes. As such these training mission are a good way to learn and work out the kinks.

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