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Character R2-T4F, "Taffy"


Technological Tracker

R2-T4F, also referred to as Taffy, is an R2-series astromech droid of feminine programming, manufactured by Industrial Automaton. A rather peculiar droid, R2-T4F has had several modifications and instalments to her in order to drastically improve her utility during missions, whether they be for combat or slicing purposes. Coupled with the large array of tools provided to her, R2-T4F's three distinct configurations prove her to be a reliable force for her allies.




HOMEWORLD: Coruscant
MANUFACTURER: Industrial Automaton
MODEL: R2-series astromech droid

CLASS: Astromech droid


1.08 meters (3 ft, 6in)
MASS: 40 kilograms
GENDER: Feminine programming


- Bloodhound

- Slicer
- Pilot
LANGUAGE(S): - Binary (primary)
- Galactic basic (receptive)



R2-T4F was manufactured by Industrial Automaton in 864 ABY, and was later acquired by smugglers after a successful raid. In the hands of wanted criminals, R2-T4F was given modifications to be of better use in battle. Throughout her journey, the droid bonded with one of her handlers, who affectionately nicknamed her Taffy. In subsequent battles, Taffy became more and more of a staple to their team, capable of hunting down enemies with her advanced photoreceptors and personal drone, holding down an area with her defensive minigun, or slicing doors with her modified data-probe.

While having sacrificed some of the standard astromech equipment that had come manufactured with her in order to make room for the minigun attached and stored in her back, Taffy more than made up for it in sheer firepower and supporting her team in other means. Tracking down targets became second-nature, and her astromech procedures allowed her to pilot vessels if need be. Taffy had transformed from a standard astromech droid to a core member of her squad, able to hold her own.

As the years went by and her team scored more victories, their cockiness eventually caught up to them - they had finally bitten off more than they could chew. In a battle against a fleet of space pirates, the entire squad was badly beaten, taken hostage or executed immediately. Dismissed as 'just a droid', Taffy was damaged and discarded, and there she lay for several years, collecting dust as nature claimed her dormant body.

That is, until she awoke one day, a failsafe in her systems late but nonetheless active as she reactivated. The damage had been done - the droid lacked almost all of her memories, and she was in dire need of maintenance. But there was one thing that R2-T4F could remember...

She was Taffy, and she's capable of more than anybody could imagine.





Taffy's default mode. Configuration: Scanner allows the droid to detect and track people with ease, thanks to her upgraded and modified equipment. During this form, Taffy behaves much like a bloodhound, being able to apply pressure to targets attempting to flee.

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    SPLICER: Taffy's data-probe has been modified to access a much higher level of intimacy when interacting with ports. The droid is able to tell when it had last been used, access the databanks of the system she's connected to, and effortlessly alter any programs intertwined with it. Not only did this give Taffy an insane amount of intel, it also made her an incredibly viable hacker.

Taffy is able to display the inner programs of the port she's hijacking on holographic screens, allowing any slicers working alongside her to better understand what the droid was doing.

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    RECON: Taffy's lifeform scanner has been modified as well. Designed with a heat signature, the droid is able to scan her surroundings every 25 seconds capable of detecting beings around her for up to 76 meters. The scans allows the droid to see enemies through walls, and her advanced photoreceptors were able to lock onto detected targets.

Taffy's scans can detect enemies from behind cover or from within thick layers of smoke.


Taffy's photoreceptors are capable of detecting fresh footprints.


Taffy's secondary mode. The droid has had almost all the equipment that came pre-installed in her back compartments removed in order to hollow out the backside of her chassis so it can make room for a small minigun. When activating this form, the minigun unearths itself and attaches to Taffy's back. When wanting to rev up or fire the minigun, it lowers as to point forwards.

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    MOBILE MINIGUN: Taffy's minigun deals powerful damage. While in use, Taffy can either magnetize her feet to 'bolt' herself to the floor for a more stable aim at the cost of becoming entirely immobile, or she can fire the minigun while mobile, albeit at a much slower walk speed than usual. The minigun has a magazine size of 173, and has a rather generous damage falloff.


The top panel on Taffy's head has been completely removed and instead replaced with a deployable drone she can pilot. While the drone does not detect footprints or targets through walls/smoke like Configuration: Scanner does, it still provides excellent scouting potential and allows Taffy to track enemies through spots she may not be able to get to herself.

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    SURVEILLANCE DRONE: Taffy's drone is small in stature and flies through the air at a moderate pace, and can fly up to 200 meters away from Taffy before she loses connection to it. In order to pilot the drone, Taffy becomes entirely immobile, focusing her neurolink with the drone. While piloting, Taffy can show a holoprojection of the drone's view so her allies can watch.


Taffy's drone can remain stationary in the air while she's doing other things, and will ping her if it detects any enemies.

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    DRONE EMP: While her drone is active, Taffy can use it to perform a large EMP burst, which briefly disables electronics. EMPs are required to charge for thirty minutes at a time, and affect the surrounding area in a 30-meter radius. When activating an EMP, the drone takes three seconds to charge up before it releases it - giving enemies enough time to retaliate if quick enough. EMPs can be activated if Taffy is actively piloting her drone or if she idly has a drone on standby, but cannot be activated if the drone isn't being used.


Data-Probe [MODDED]Signal AmplifierRocket Boosters
Lifeform Scanner [MODDED]Utility ArmAscension Cable
Electro-Shock ProdHoloprojectorAll-Terrain Treads


  • Astromech Intuition: Being an astromech, Taffy is a natural pilot. Her intimate connection with starships allows her to control and/or co-pilot vessels with ease, calculate hyperjumps, and proves to be a reliable mechanic when needing to perform repairs to her ship.
    • In addition to piloting and repairs, Taffy also possesses all other perks that astromechs come with - including the use of the many tools she has equipped, capable of getting her and her squad out of several predicaments.

  • Modded Loader: Taffy's three configurations prove to be incredibly useful in any situation, and make her a droid to be careful of as a result. She's well-versed in several combat protocols and more than capable of handling herself, whether it be relying on her gadgets or by outsmarting her opponents.

  • Low Profile: Unless actively using any of her configurations, Taffy can pass as a simple astromech droid not worthy of any trouble. As such, she's capable of sneaking into places, infiltrating bases, or bypassing guards due to her relatively harmless exterior.

  • Slow and Steady: Like most astromechs, Taffy isn't the fastest droid in the galaxy. Her most effective weapon either slows her drastically or renders her completely immobile, making her preferred method of combat to stick to one spot and hold her ground. She's very easy to outmanoeuvre, and despite all of her upgrades and modifications, it's safe to say that most trained combatants will beat her in a 1v1.
    • Small and Fragile: Also applies to Taffy herself, but mostly applies to her drone. While her drone travels faster than she does, it's hardly fast enough to be a blur whizzing around in the air, and travels slow enough for an experienced gunman to shoot it down. Its small size makes it an easy kill, as one shot is enough to destroy it. Doing so will force Taffy to recharge another drone for 40 seconds.

  • Moments of Opportunity: Taffy's best weapon, her minigun, may be powerful, but it comes with a myriad of downsides. The gun's lengthy spinup time of 2 seconds makes it a poor choice to use in the moment, and its incredibly loud revving makes stealth practically impossible. With a mag size of just 173 and a rapid rate of fire, Taffy frequently finds herself reloading, and with a painfully slow reload time of 10 seconds, there are clear instances where she's vulnerable.
    • Concentrated: When Taffy is piloting her drone, she is entirely vulnerable to the world around her. Attacking her in this state will net an easy victory.

  • Life of Ones and Zeroes: Being an astromech, anti-droid weaponry and tactics prove incredibly effective against Taffy. If she were to fall into enemy hands, her data banks could be accessed for inside knowledge regarding secret strategies. While Taffy is certainly a more seasoned fighter than most astromechs, it is still incredibly risky to let her roam on her own, as she'll almost always need the backup of her handlers.
    • Self-Harm: Taffy's Drone EMP is capable of completely shutting off electronics, making it a powerful ability for disabling large swarms. Due to being a droid herself, however, Taffy's own EMP is just as effective against her. Without proper care, she can very well end up disabling herself and shutting her systems offline, making her incredibly vulnerable.
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