Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Quietly Into The Night

Theed- 2200

"Nothing seen on the cameras so far Kahne." A veteran of the old Galactic Alliance spoke to him through his comms as he monitored camera's that Kahne had set up. "No problem, just keep your eyes open."

"Do you think it would be better to gear up and scout out instead of this."

"No, I've asked you guys enough by coming here already." While Theed was a very safe place already before and also now in the occupation of the Confederacy. It was his home for all his life, he was born and raised here for a time. This was always going to be home to him. He knew of the people and they knew of him. "We've been with you through worse though, you realize that."

"That's true, however you guys have grown on me. I'd hate to have you replaced over something as small as this matter here." Kahne mused, his comrades sensing the joking in his voice as he even laughed afterwards.

"Funny guy. You watch your six out there."

"Copy that." Kahne replied as he made a trek through some back alleys, across the next road and through an alley again. He was skipping around hoping to catch whatever had been stalking the streets at night here in Theed. Kahne had yet to catch glimpse of the creature yet, for whatever it was. However as someone had thought it was a sith spawn. Kahne couldn't sense any darkness about during his time here. While he knew that even the Confederacy operated with some Sith under their belt. That was different, this was something else entirely. Kahne walked in the middle of the main street of Thee as there were hardly anyone out at this time. Some Naboo security forces patrolled the area as usual and he saw some confederate soldiers about. The Jedi Master took a deep breath as he made his way back towards the hangar and would loop around and do this again for another hour or so.

Whatever this thing was, it was clever. But Kahne would catch it, he was more than sure of it. As a side note, he hoped Gala wasn't giving his guys to much of hard time. He knew she was spitting wires when he advised her what he was going to be up to this week.

Tallivin Australis

Tallivin Australis

The sultry night air made every inch of the feline languishing on a rooftop purr with pleasure. The night was his time, his human half asleep. Already he had caught a stray beast skuling about and feeding from the waste. Gingerly he set to washing his pristine coat again, one could never be too careful, what if a single drop of blood had been forgotten? He stood up afterwards, stretching every lithe inch of his white, grey and spotted body. His thick tail curled as he surveyed the view. City or no, this was still his territory and he would not suffer any other hunters to haunt what was his.

Tallivin had made it clear he wasn’t to hunt people, even if for a harmless jest, but he smelled the intent to murder. Kaithe went to great pains to keep his human half from nagging him and kept to himself that he felt hunters following him to no avail. Such a thing would only worry the furless one who shared their flesh. He really did dislike being nagged and chided. With a snort he proceeded to stalk along the crowded rooftops, this city was such a joy for one fine hunter as himself. Walkways of sturdy cloth hung between buildings, beams and even shanty things of those too poor for houses of old or new stone.

All set so his paws hardly ever had to touch the ground, which made it easy to avoid the two feets that occasionally prowled the night. Only difference was, they stayed to the light whereas the shadows and above places were his. All his. He casually splashed his scent on a corner, a warning to any creature with keen nose that what was his, would stay that way. He spotted the creature, stalking a woman down an ally. He smelled her fear, smelled his ever growing excitement. He threw himself forward and landed on the hunter-humanoid.

The screaming and tussle soon followed, but then his teeth sunk deep in soft hot flesh and the screams took a new pitch. His thick fur took most of the weak blows, the feline had come from above and behind. A perfect ambush, of course. Claws and teeth splattered blood and when he was done he looked to what would have been prey. The female cowered in a corner, he licked his nose with distaste before turning and leaping upwards. Instinct said he needed to be gone, but this night bloodied prints were left behind.

However the tracks ended as the fresh blood was worn away. Eventually he made it near their den and had to change to the awkward and annoying two foot form. He hated leaving his skin behind, but to pass to the dwelling he had to blend in. Anything following would be preoccupied with the offal he left behind. The bitter sour taste still lingered, but it was also not too long before his human half would wake. Kaithe knew that he was sure to hear of this, but he also knew such words would have little fire for a rabbit was saved instead of slaughtered.

Kahne Porte Kahne Porte
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"Kahne there was a disturbance, North side of the Theed. We've caught a glimpse of something on camera."

"Yes, I've sensed it as well. I'm en route." Kahne declared as he tapped into his athleticism and quickly made his way towards the North east side of Theed and it wasn't before long a few moments later that he was upon a rather gruesome scene. There was blood everywhere and tracks, well paw prints that led away from the scene.

"Upload what you have to my data pad and I'll go from there." Kahne knelt near the girl as she seemed more in shock than anything. "It's okay, I'm a Jedi Master. Everything is going to be alright." She was shaking profusely and Kahne gently placed his hand on the front of her head and moved from their to the side of her face. "Everything is going to be okay." The Jedi using the force to calm her nerves slightly as he didn't want to press to much and knock her out. That might've happened a time or too a few years ago. Security personnel showed up and Kahne filled them on what he believed happened.

"It seems we've got a very interesting creature on our hands." Kahne spoke into his communicator as he overlooked the video feed on his datapad.

"There are bloodied prints, I'm gonna follow them. I've got a feeling the trail is going to go cold though." Kahne felt sorry for the one who was attacked however after learning about those that were being attack and killed. They were for all intents and purposes bad people, so he wondered what was really going on here.

Tallivin Australis

Tallivin Australis

Night could never come fast enough for the feline, even on a good day. When his human half had watched the holo-news, nothing appeared to point its nose in his pristine direction. Which pleased him immensely. Did the cat know why? No. Did he care? Yes, if only to keep from having his luxurious tail chewed.

Kaithe did pay extra careful attention this time however. He doubted after the night before that those who hunted him had given up. Normally he lived very here and now, but on occasion some things did stick. This was one of those things. His hunting range was quite large, on account that so far he hadn’t smelled any big predators like himself. Which was only natural, there was no being a wonderful as himself. Such a thing was impossible and thus, everything that bore his marks was his.

Such was his nature after all, cat’s were rather vain. His territory included a park, a goodly chunk of town and one deep body of water that even he could not swim. The park had a few bodies of water, but all manufactured and all neatly trimmed. It wasn’t wholly wild, which was a shame, but then for now this was where they had their den. He didn’t know why his other half insisted on a place such as this, but he made do.

Heading to the park meant he had to cross where just the night before he had left a pile of trash behind. However he never touched ground again, sneaking carefully he even managed to catch a whiff of a scent that had followed his tracks. Before long he was in the park and up one of the massive old trees. Tonight he wouldn’t hunt, he would just enjoy the night peacefully.

Kahne Porte Kahne Porte
"You picking that up?" Kahne was able to get a sample of blood left behind and was able to put it through this his buddies on the ship to find out what or who exactly they were dealing with. When he got the information back and he couldn't help but be puzzled and even slightly confused. "What do you think Kahne?" The Jedi shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know anymore. Set out some treats." Kahne voiced with a small chuckle. "All kidding aside. This is a creature of quickness and intelligence."

"It's a nice night out, I'm gonna go for a walk."
The Jedi Master left the confines of his ship, ignoring the beeps and loud hums coming from his Astro droid. "I'll be fine Gala, why don't you try and beat Diego at Dejarik." Kahne chuckled lightly as he knew it hadn't happened yet. It wasn't before long that he found himself taking a stroll through the park.

Kahne took a deep breath as he sat at nearby bench. The Jedi cast a small smirk as he knew something was out there. He wasn't sure it wanted to hurt him though. In that event if that wasn't the case. He had the force, and that was enough of a defense. The Jedi reached within the pocket of his robes and pulled out a small flask that held the contents that Eldin had offered him when he was aboard his ship. He took a small swig and let out a satisfied sigh.

"Now that, is a tasty beverage."

Nothing better than being back home, sitting in the park on this cool night. Drinking from a flask, all the while some big animal thing was stalking him.

Tallivin Australis

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