Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Quick recolor/avatar request

Could someone do me a huge favor and change the eyes in this picture to a soft red? And while you're at it, if I could have an avatar made from it, that would be great. Nothing extravagant, a simple gold border will do. Thanks in advance!

That's perfect, thanks! Now, you wouldn't happen to know anyone who could make a decent signature, would you? [member="Edward Varric"]

Edit: And sorry to bother again, but could you give me the original image with the red eyes?
Yes good sir, I did! I'm only needing something simple for the moment, and my only real specifications are that the size be around 600x150 in size, and that it have something to do with space exploration. Also, i'd like this design incorporated if you can: link.

It looks great! I only ask that you would drop the name, please. Also, do you think you could give me a copy of the original picture used for the avatar, but with the red eyes? I ask so I have something to put up on my character page. [member="Tirdarius"]

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