Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Question on Sub details

Hello there. I was wanting to create some submissions and had a few questions I could not really find an answer to. I wanted to make a planet sub, a sentient species sub, and was hoping to make a sub for two animals. The sentient species and the animals are native to the planet I wish to create so here is where my questions start:

How many submissions can I create at one time to the factory?

If I wish to make species for a planet that I am creating, can they be made at the same time or do I need to wait for the planet to be approved?

If I have to do a dev thread for any of the submissions, is it possible to use a single development thread for multiple submissions?

That is all I can think of currently and I apologize if there is a place where all of this information already exists. Thank you for taking a look and for any help that can be offered.

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