Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Question about staff

Well-Known Member
Sorry, I'm supposed to be on lock down but I saw this post and got excited. Is it possible to customize the restriction to certain numbers? If not than I'm not requesting you temporarily ban me, I'm BEGGING you to. I will always get on for hours and hours unless you do. You have no idea how much I've been trying to restrain myself today.
This is restraint? I am sorely tempted to make you stay but you seriously need to log off. For the sake of sanity. For the sake of not frying your brain and burning out. Meanwhile I will peacefully roast a few more gungans and ewoks in relative happiness.
Jhar, you have to understand that we're the staff here, not your keepers. If you feel it is in your best interest not to be here then don't be. We're not going to impose restrictions on you, that's not our job. :)

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