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The Death Watch Crusade

Some Mandalorians are Mercenaries or Bounty Hunters. Others, seek to serve a higher purpose. We, the Death Watch, are that higher purpose. Mandalorian Crusaders, Forgemasters, Freelancers, Shipmasters, and more will find themselves welcome here.

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Quest Directorate [ Faction Mission Board. ]


“The greatest warriors are the product of their defeats as much as their victories. Like the strongest of iron, their imperfections are hammered, their weaknesses pierced and battered, until they are forged into an indestructible force capable of standing against the greatest of misfortunes.”
Mandalore the Resurrector
Crusades are the highest calling that any Mandalorian Warrior can answer. There is much honour and glory to be earned on the battlefield, fighting side-by-side with kindred spirits in the name of a righteous cause. However, Crusades require much in the way of valuable personnel and war material; thus are rarely mustered for what many would consider trifling gains. To that end, every addition to the Crusade - no matter how large or small - contributes to the strength of the Cause, and to the disparate peoples of Mandalorian society thereafter. Thus, the Field Marshals within the Death Watch commissioned a Mission Board of sorts, where any and all Mandalorian's may post, or embark upon a Quest of their own. These Quests could range from trivial tasks that revolved around collections, or something as large as a small-scaled expedition in search of a lost heirloom, or a creature’s head.
There are no limits to how many quests can be posted or taken, nor are there any enforced time limits. Please utilize the template below as a guide to help in creating tasks for other members of this faction to accomplish. Embellishments and any additions to the template are welcomed, as the more details that are present, the more likely that your quest will be fulfilled. When there are several quests posted and accepted by our faction members, there will be a log edited into this post detailing their acceptance and if the quest has been completed.

  • Quest Giver: (Any NPC, PC, or Subgroup may place their name here.)
  • Type: (Is this a Solo or Group Quest?)
  • Objective(s): (What is the purpose of this Quest?)
  • Reward(s): (Self-explanatory.)
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  • Quest Giver: The Death Watch; Field Marshals.
  • Type: Solo and or Group Quest(s.)
    • Kill Quest(s) - Assassination.
      • Trophies Required.
    • Gather Quest(s) - Espionage.
    • Hybrid Quest(s) - Sabotage, Salvage, Plundering, Etc.
  • Objective(s): The Sith have grown too complacent as they rest upon their laurels. The time to strike is now. Seek out a worthy foe, be they a Sith Acolyte, Warrior or Lord and slay them. Return with either their Lightsabre or Head as a trophy and you shall be handsomely rewarded. We also require information in regards to Sith supply lines and where our mailed-fist would hurt them the most. Any data that can be collected and returned to the Death Watch shall see respectable returns, especially if that information further hastens the downfall of the Sith's crumbling Empire. And, finally, should any Cohort or Warband be brave enough to venture into Sith-controlled territory and cause as much Chaos as they desire - or can handle - the Death Watch shall see your cause honoured with glory and wealth.
  • Reward(s):
    • Any Reward(s) shall be bequeathed in accordance to the Quest upon completion, the more difficult the Quest the better the Reward.
      • Character Sagas - Deeds being Inscribed in Death Watch, and in turn, Mandalorian History.
      • Beskar Ingots.
      • Plethora of War Spoils taken from Raids.
      • Customized Wargear and Equipment.
      • Etc.


  • Quest Giver: The Death Watch; Field Marshals.
  • Type: Solo and or Group Quest(s.)
    • Gather Quest(s) - Espionage.
    • Hybrid Quest(s) - Plundering, Etc.
  • Objective(s): Ever since the Sith and various other powers within the Galaxy have taken note of our Iron's protective properties, they have sought to lay claim to what is rightfully ours by any means. Countless worlds have been stripped of the precious ore, and what's taken was refined into disgusting technological abominations, devoid of any artistry. Thus, the Field Marshals decreed that any and all Beskar belongs in the hands of the Mandalorian people, not these vile Outsiders. Our objective is to recover what Beskar we can find, wherever we can find it, by any means necessary.
  • Reward(s):
    • Any Reward(s) shall be bequeathed in accordance to the Quest upon completion, the more difficult the Quest the better the Reward.
      • A Portion of the Reclaimed Beskar, bequeathed in Ingot form.
      • Any War Spoils taken from the Raids.
      • Customized Gear and Equipment.
      • Etc.

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