Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Quell Rook

Quell Rook


NAME: Quell Rook
OCCUPATION: Pirate/Mercenary
SPECIES: Half-Concordian, Half-Socorran
AGE: Thirties
SEX: Male
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Dark Brown

  • Black Flag
  • Outlander
  • Sword & Pistol
  • Superstitious
  • Wanted in Seven Systems

Quell always wears an agile suit of Mandalorian armor forged by clan smiths in purple and silver. Years spent roaming the Firefist galaxy have seen many Dar'tome additions to his arsenal yet the captain's beskar retains its Skyriver design. Despite what some might consider rugged good looks Quell would rather die than let anyone remove his helm.


Quell was born on Gargon to a Socorran father and Concordian mother. His father was a foundling and adopted into the Way but his mother had been raised a mandalorian of Clan Rook since birth. He was brought up in a life of organized crime training to become a warrior who would run protection for the planetary leadership. The mandalorian cartels provided a valuable black market service to a burgeoning Empire especially in times of war and were tolerated as a necessary evil but afforded little respect.

Disillusioned with life on Gargon he decided to seek honor and fortune as part of a raider crew, privateers for the early Mandalorian Empire that were in practice little more than glorified pirates. Quell rose quickly among the ranks to captain a ship of his own and found that piracy suited him. He convinced his crew to risk the journey to distant Firefist and pillaged several inferior civilizations, acquiring a Tof frigate and accepting many Dar'tome mandalorians into his crew.

Now that he's back in what his people call the Skyriver galaxy he is trying to build something of a legitimate reputation. Hitching his Gambit onto the Mandalorian migrant fleet Echoylir, Rook avoids the real bloody jobs whenever possible. These days his crew operates more as mercenaries for hire but if the credits are right Quell is bound not to ask too many questions.



The Rook's Gambit is a captured Tof Kingdom Royal-class light clipper, crewed by Clan Rook warriors and Tof defectors under Quell's command.
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