Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Prologue: The Strongest Metals


Storm of the Force
[member="Charlyra Araano"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

At first Tempest noticed that everything was going to the usual plan. Lyra was trained in the Force after all, so her lifting the rock was not a particularly exceptional trick. Her throwing the rock too would not be too unexpected.

What was unexpected was the power Lyra displayed. It was, for a moment, like looking into a white-hot reactor core. The power there was astonishing.


The rock vanished, the droid vanished, turned to ash. But then, there was something like a shockwave flowed out, and Tempest had to summon a protective shield to stop herself being bowled over. When she blinked and looked again there was quite a large divot in the floor and wall.

“Well…” Tempest said softly, slowly, as if she was trying to keep herself calm. “That certainly disposed of the droid.”

“Well done, Lyra, that was most impressive.”
[member="Charlyra Araano"], [member="Tempest"]

Charlyra exploded in an outburst of power. It was like a volcano had suddenly erupted. Truth be told, the Padawan exceeded Siobhan's expectations. Her eyes glowed a bright, royal purple that hinted at untapped power, the Force writhed inside her and then was discharged.

At the passage of the beam, both the battle droid and the rock were completely vaporised. The air was filled with the smell of burnt electronics, smoke, circuitry and ozone. Pieces of droid and tiny shards of rock were blown everywhere.

Siobhan anchored herself to the ground and called on the Force to shield herself against the shower and the backlash caused by the singular act of Force destruction. As the smoke cleared, she brushed some dust from her scarlet robes.

Outwardly, Siobhan looked calm, tranquil even. Quite a contrast to the storm that had just been unleashed. "That went well," she commented. There was no sarcasm in her voice. Nor mockery. It was a statement of fact. After all, Charlyra had shown her strength.

"I'm most impressed, Lyra. You're very strong in the Force," her voice was serene and she walked over to the girl. "Would you like something to drink? Did something happen before you launched your attack? Your Force aura felt troubled." Concern could be heard in her tone.
"Th-thank you." Charlyra manages to say before she lost her balance she trips backward but is thankful for her masters catching her. Such power often drained the body of the user, her hand went to her temple while the other out stretched to find some semblance of control over her own muscles. Closing her eyes for a moment she shook her head, blinked hard and then took in a deep breath, exhaling. "There is much I need to tell you." She says to her masters quietly going for the bench, taking her seat she only asks for. "Water, a simple glass of water if it isn't any trouble."

She drinks the entire glass of water in a single sitting, not caring for the dribbles that ran on either side of her mouth. Shakily she sets the glass out of sight, beneath the bench. "What you... Sensed, was Lord Saprus - rather Darth Saprus now." Charlyra says a hand over her heart as she winces from the pain, strength had not been her highest statistic... And what was required to use such a damaging power as force destruction, was far beyond her own physical capability. "Before I fled for Tatooine, I had taken part in the Great War that still rages today between Jedi and Sith, the Republic's offpsring and the Empire's spawns."

​"During those campaigns, I met and fought the dark lord on a few occasions, she." The padawan licks her lips trying to best explain this. "There was a connection established, she can feel me as I can feel her... Like I was once able to feel my own master. The High Council dismissed the idea that a Sith Lord could make such a connection with me, I was just a Padawan." Looking down in shame, she held her head in her hands. "Saprus knew they would say such a thing and wanted me for her own apprentice, and to this day she troubles me, however; my own master, Master Ra. Even from his grave fights her."

Rising from the bench she turns to face her masters. "So you see, when I fled my lover and my clan, I fled because of this... this monster I was becoming - this power that I have..." Shame fell upon her, it was not the first time she had displayed such a power. She had done it before, when Ammee and Khrad's lives were at stake. Having learned from her first encounter with Saprus. "Ammee... Ammee believed that I could fight this darkness, that I could ..." Charlyra's voice broke, the twenty-nine year old padawan turned from her masters taking a moment to collect herself. "I'm sorry." A shaken voice manages to say, a hand over her heart because she knew, she knew the moment she left Ammee's bed that evening it would be the last she saw of her, her beloved.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], [member="Tempest"]


Storm of the Force
[member="Charlyra Araano"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

“The Jedi Council was always really good at dismissing things from what I’ve seen,” Tempest said sourly. “And dismissing that it couldn’t happen just because you were a Padawan is typical of them. So much for egalitarian,” she added.
She paused there. She didn’t want to get into a rant about the Jedi.

Tempest though then adopted a more sympathetic tone, laid a hand on Lyra’s arm. “Power is never inherently evil, Lyra. It’s how you use it. The ‘Dark Side’ is a name with a lot of baggage attached, it implies evil, but it is merely the use of the Force for personal use rather than for others. The Jedi fear power, and the Sith fetishize it. You are in full control of your destiny, nothing makes you do things other than yourself.”

Tempest firmly believed this, even if she might be wrong.
[member="Tempest"], [member="Charlyra Araano"]

Jedi feared power, but were awfully certain that their leaders were the ones with the wisdom to wield it and knew better than everyone outside of their circle. Sith fetishised power and pursued it as an end in itself. When they were not consumed by sheer sadism and cruelty for the sake of it. There was a path beyond those two. So Siobhan believed at least. While Tempest argued from an ideological perspective, Siobhan chose a different track.

And Jedi wonder why so many ditch them. It's obviously too much to ask for them to have even a moment of self-reflection and wonder whether their own methods might also be at fault, she thought to herself. "What matters is how and what for what cause you use your power. Not the colour scheme, not whether you're angry or serene. You can be in control of your destiny, dear. The darkness isn't a demon that will pounce on you because you're naughty. Sith are evil, you're not," she said softly.

"This may sound tacky, but...I know what it's like to feel out of control, like a pawn, a failure. To be swallowed by evil. See, I had a Sith who was obsessed with me, too. There was a Sith called Darth Shadow. Ancient monster. 5000 years old or so. Adril and I foiled his attempt to create a zombie army. He possessed her, I managed to help her free herself from him...but what no one realised was that he hopped into my mind and lay dormant till after I was knighted. Long story cut short, he made me believe I was hunting down Sith infiltrators, so I ended up killing Jedi and stole a holocron. By the time anyone realised what was up I was prisoner in my own mind and completely nuts. He was forced out, I was treated like the Jedi's dirty little secret, stripped of rank and exiled to a remote colony."

Her tone was rather detached. It was something she'd dealt with, though some bitterness remained. In retrospect, she'd concluded that she should have probably left the Jedi then. Especially after she saved the colonists from pirates but was still treated with scorn and suspicion. "Many, many years later, after a bunch of other encounters and attempts where he tried to end me, I broke him and killed him. He got what he deserved. So you don't have to be helpless against Saprus. You can - and will - resist her. And you're not alone anymore."
Charlyra appreciated Tempest's gesture. There would be no automatic flip of a switch for Charlyra to simply go with the idea that what she was becoming wasn't anywhere near monstrous. When you've been raised, indoctrinated to believe that doing this... Embracing the darkness, was not already inherently evil that you feared it. Punishments given to those who would dare. She slipped out of Master Tempest's touch. Walking toward a secluded corner of the training dojo. "No." She agreed that much, "but you just as I should know the haunting ways of the Jedi. How the dark is presented to us, and to realize that your power lies within its manipulation." She could have told herself that was ready for this on Tatooine, convinced herself of it.

Being here, the application of this power - to truly know and feel that darkness flow through her veins once more. She turns her body to face Master Kerrigan, and stands to listen to her Master's tale. "Saprus." Charlyra begins but doesn't go any further, "Master Ra." She's doing it again, she's holding his death over her head. Her fists clench and now without a restraint, without someone here to tell her to adhere - rather just the opposite, to embrace and allow the darkness to flow? It's easier to tap into those impulses, her fist as it clenched glowed between lavender and magenta.

There, there as she's not focused one could sense that conflict, the one that had been waging within her for years. On the day she decided to throw the Jedi Code under a speeder, the moment she kissed Ammee and confessed her love. All of this rooted in one decision, rooted in the choice to love. Hand in hand with Ammee, her beloved consular, the balance to her darkness, her temper... "For years I have... and I continue to fight with myself." Her eyes fall to Siobhan, almost asking the same question, have you done this? "The torment inside." Her fists unclenched the aura passed. "To simply allow this to..." Bringing her hand up she looks at the glow of her aura. "It is a change, as welcome as it is - it is not one I have made lightly and I am grateful to you, Mistress Kerrigan and Tempest."

"Darth Saprus seeks a position with some dark council, claiming me as an apprentice would only boost her prestige." Charlyra explains. "The slaying of the now Lord Tabium... Well." A devilish smirk appears. "That's free of charge."

Breathing in her aura, and allowing the darkness to settle. The padawan rotated her neck, it would take a lot to get use to the idea of allowing her darkness to flow; to radiate from within like a beacon, after years of hiding it. Perhaps this wouldn't be as difficult as she thought, she thinks as she looks down at her hands once more. Yes, yes feel the darkness let it flow through you - I shall be waiting, my dear acolyte. I have other matters to attend to my dear don't worry. I shall come for you, soon. So very soon.

[member="Tempest"], [member="Charlyra Araano"]

Siobhan's features hardened. She could not hear the voice of the evil Sith as the dark lord spoke her smug, malicious words. But she could feel a disturbance in the Force. It made her blood boil and brought forth murderous urges. "Then we'll simply find the queen and chop her head off. I've killed Sith Lords before. I'm not letting some would-be dark lord mess with my family," she said bluntly. There, she considered Charlyra family and she was quite unhappy about what the girl had been put through.

Unhappy Siobhan tended to get violent and explode someone's lung. "She's just a woman. A powerful one, but mortal. With enough preparation, you can beat her. Since you have a mental connection, we'll also work on mindl shielding. It's important that you learn how to protect yourself. I'm fairly good at that and know a couple experts. For now, it might be best to abstain from further Force stuff till you're feeling more settled. You and Tempest can have a lightsabre session to hone your skills. I've got some matters to attend to, but I'll back soon. A sparring session should should settle you a bit."

Impulsively she pulled Charlyra into a hug. "We'll take care of you, dear. You won't be weak again. Or become a monster." Feeling a bit awkward, she slowly pulled away.


Storm of the Force
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Charlyra Araano"]

Needless to say, Tempest was in full agreement with all this. “She might be the most powerful Sith in the galaxy, but a lightsabre to the chest still hurts! We take care of our own, and you're one of us now.”

Not as poetic as Siobhan had put, but it conveyed the same point.

“I’ll call you if anything comes up,” she told Siobhan, giving her a smile as her mentor left.

Now facing Lyra she produced her orange bladed lightsabre and set the power level to minimum. She didn’t want to hurt their new apprentice. Though, having seen the girl’s skills, she didn’t want Lyra to hurt her either!

“Duelling has never been an area of great expertise for me. However, I am skilled enough in Forms I and IV that you may learn something. I do have some friends who are extremely talented though and who might well be willing to teach you more advanced forms. Which would you like to start with, and which would you like me to use?”
Charlyra didn't have enough time to react to the hug, although when it was over she looked toward Tempest with pleading eyes. How in the world does one stop a hug from happening? In all her time, the brunette had never been the affectionate type - at least not outside of her clan and even then things were awkward. Ammee was perhaps the only being in this entire galaxy who saw true affection from Charlyra. Still, Siobhan's averse reaction to Darth Saprus was... Welcomed, it felt good to know that there'd be someone else for her to draw from. Even if she felt this was a battle she needed to fight on her own.

Bowing respectfully as her master made her own hasty departure. The padawan turns toward her other master. She withheld her own smirk, knowing that while she might be more skillful in Ataru it would be in her best interest to diversify her forms. "Shii-Cho." She answers Master Tempest with the form's name rather than number. "For both." Charlyra clarifies. "I am more than adept and comfortable with Ataru, but I've never been quite so skilled with Shii-Cho." Or Form I if you wanted to be formal about it.

Rolling her spare lightsabre along the ground, it makes a stop just under the bench. Charlyra's lightsabre opens, glowing it's faintly purple glow.


Lightsabre Form Mastery: Training Session I, Fire Order

[Jar'Kai] |||||
[Shii-Cho] |||
[Juyo] ||||
[Ataru] |||||||

[member="Tempest"], [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Tempest"], [member="Charlyra Araano"]

For all of Siobhan's good qualities, she had an underdeveloped sense of personal space since she was a rather touchey-feely woman. Fortunately for Charlyra, the Force Mistress kept the embrace brief! The door closed behind her, then the two acolytes were alone. Siobhan made her way down the corridor, heading towards her office. However, her thoughts were distracted. She was most vexed by what she'd learned. Her anger at the vile Sith for what she'd put Charlyra through was still seething.

The sound of her cane tapped a rhythm upon the stone floor as she limped, passing various Firemane minions and employees. Unfortunately for Siobhan, she was rather hasty in her stride. Perhaps due to the surge of emotion spreading through her. Moreover, though she adamantly refused to admit it, her body was in far from optimal condition since she kept pushing herself.

So it came to pass that she suddenly slipped. She realised the danger but had no time to regain her balance. The cane fell out of her grasp, Siobhan stumbled and fell. She had the presence of mind to draw upon her power to cushion the impact, but pain surged through her bad leg when it crashed into the floor.

As chance would have it, Siobhan's PA Maerys Medea was close by when her superior fell and quickly rushed towards her. "Are you alright, ma'am? Do you need help?" she exclaimed, hearing Siobhan's cry of pain.

Anger washed over Siobhan, for she hated showing weakness. "No, no, I'm fine," she grunted a bit gruffly. Her breathing was more ragged and her heartbeat elevated. Sweat was dripping down her face. However, she reluctantly let Maerys help her up.

"You don't look fine, ma'am," the aide said matter-of-factly. "Priestess Eileithya is on the Skyport. I can call her. You really should get that leg..."

But Siobhan cut her off and brushed her words aside as if they were buzzing insects. "I'm not an invalid. I'll be fine, Maerys. Nothing to worry about. Give Harmony a call and tell her to come to my office. And while you're at it, call Captain Tevos, too. I have important business with her," she breathed in deeply, sucking in air. Tevos was a senior officer in Firemane's intelligence service.

Maerys felt like arguing the point, but then relented. She just had to work for a willfully stubborn and extremely prideful boss! "Alright, as you wish. But I'll make sure you reach your office first," she insisted firmly.


Storm of the Force
[member="Charlyra Araano"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Tempest for her part just smirked at the hug and aftermath. Siobhan was quite affectionate with those she liked, and Tempest didn’t mind that, but there were those who preferred a bit more personal space!

When Siobhan was gone, Tempest nodded and activated her blade. She settled into the ready stance of Shi-Cho. It was a deceptively simple stance, quite good at many things, but not great at anything in particular.

“We’ll start with some simple drills. I’m going to move my blade in front of you, I want you to part and retract each move. This will show me your hand-eye coordination and your strength.”
Certainly the latter would be greatly enhanced by Lyra’s mechanical arms. Thus this would be a test of those bionics too.

In essence, it was like two kids smacking wrapping paper cardboard rolls together, but much faster and more frenetic.


Meanwhile, Harmony arrived swiftly, getting there soon after Maerys had departed. She saw her Mistress was in pain and came over to help massage her leg.

She was clearly about to gently remonstrate Siobhan, but Captain Tavos entered, and Harmony moved aside a bit awkwardly from Siobhan’s side.

“You wanted to see me, ma’am?” Tavos asked.

"My dear acolyte, how I am pleased to have you at my side once more." Darth Saprus greets Lord Tabium, "you do me great honor by fetching Master Ra'Alon's journals." She takes the item from Tabium. "Now, I have a new task for you."

Tabium bows. "Yes m'lord to what is it that you wish of me? Name it, and it shall be done."

Saprus takes a data pad and hands it to her apprentice. "I had a few contacts on Tatooine give me the signature of the vessel, Padawan Araano departed on." She brandishes her lightsabre its tip going toward the front of Tabium's armor. "I want you to track her, and bring her to me."

"Alive?" He questions fearlessly. "Should I not simply dispose of her?"

With a twist of her hand, began to crush his suit. "Why would I wish to dispose of her, when I can do so much more with her alive?"

"Y-yes, master. Forgive me." He bows with respect, and makes his way out of her office.

She smiles and looks at her blade's hilt as the light retracts. Going back to her desk she sits at her seat and closes her eyes. Making the connection with Charlyra. I want you to kill Tabium, and bring his head to me.



Charlyra did as instructed, blade against blade mimicking Tempest's form to the best of her ability. The dojo was now quiet with nothing but the sounds of blades clashing against one another, and perhaps the word, again. No fancy maneuvers here, just your basic stance and form. One blade, with the other. Repetition was a friend to muscles but not so much to cybernetic limbs that could not remember so it required much more concentration for her to actually learn the form.

Hand-eye coordination she had plenty of. Jar'Kai and Ataru were not forgiving if you lacked it but strength, physical strength was a feature she sorely lacked for quite a long time. However, now with new arms, fingers and hands she was able to put more into her blows. Combined with her dexterity, there was a bit of finesse with each cross of blades. Like a dance being taught over and over, your body adapts and learns to adjust to the new steps, the new footing all the while incorporating what it had learned before.

With sweat dripping down her brow, she blocked another blow but as she did so - the padawan could feel the disturbance in the force. She could feel Darth Saprus speak to her. Kill Tabium, and bring his head to me.

"I can hear her, again." Charlyra rose to her feet a hand along her temple. Shaking her head, she sighs.

Within that moment, she could also feel Master Ra's presence. A source of goodness was now flooding the room, and while there was no physical manifestation. The padawan couldn't help but smile looking at the blade beneath the bench, she placed a hand over her heart. Where it was starting to pang with his memory. Tears swelled and threatened to fall, she used the back of her hand to wipe them away. She knew now that if it was Tabium's head that Saprus wanted then she would do the opposite. "Do you wish to go again, or should we see what Mistress Kerrigan has gotten up to?"

Lightsabre Form Mastery: Training Session I, Fire Order

[Jar'Kai] |||||
[Shii-Cho] |||
[Juyo] ||||
[Ataru] |||||||

[member="Tempest"], [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Charlyra Araano"], [member="Tempest"]

"Yes, Captain, come in. Harmony, stay. I'd like a massage," Siobhan spoke. Instead of sitting on her throne-like chair when her subordinate entered, Siobhan was lying on a comfortable couch. It was a lot more comfy for her leg.

"Yes, Mistress," Harmony said submissively, feeling less awkward now. Siobhan wanting a massage during business talks was nothing new, and this time she actually had a good excuse since her leg was hurting like hell. For her part Zenobia Tavos looked rather unfazed. She had purple skin and was one of those rare Twi'leks who wore proper clothes instead of stripper outfits. In her case, she was clad in a grey uniform.

She looked completely unfazed while the Dahomian servant girl massaged and kissed her way up Siobhan's leg, soothing the pains away. "Captain, are you familiar with a Sith called Darth Saprus?" Siobhan queried, sighing softly.

The woman's left lekku twitched ever so slightly. The perceptive eye would notice that it was cybernetic. "I believe the name crossed my desk. A rising hot-shot amongst the One Sith, but fairly young. On record for killing a Jedi Master. She recently became a Darth. Why?"

"I'd like you to find out everything about her. Her followers, power base, resources, location. She's an enemy of the family," Siobhan spoke. There was a predatory gleam in her eye.

"Is this business or personal, ma'am?" Siobhan shot her a look. "I require all the information to do my job."

"I expect you to treat this confidentially. She's obsessed with one of my acolytes. Charlyra Araano. I expect her to make a move, and I want her head on a platter." There was a fierceness to her tone.

"Of course, As you know, our network has suffered losses due to the Sith's civil war, but there are many disillusioned Sithlings who talk if you give them coin. I suggest using the robot. She's reliable and efficient. How far are we authorised to go in the operation?" The question was not so innocent.

"Do whatever it takes. Anything goes if I get results. You may discuss the matter with my wife, Colonel Valdier and me."

"Understood. Ms Araano will also have to be interviewed. Would you like us to launch direct action against this Sith?" This was an euphemism for dispatching a black ops team to put blaster bolts into someone's body.

Siobhan shook her head. "No, not yet. But keep our girls ready to hit her resources. Lyra will have a date with her one day."

The Twi'lek spook was about to respond when suddenly her hand went to her earpiece. "I hate to cut this short, ma'am, but we've received word from SIGINT. It appears we have a situation on Arkas..."


Storm of the Force
[member="Charlyra Araano"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Tempest deactivated her lightsabre and went to the girl. She had done well. Clearly she was still at least a little unused to all the cybernetics, but her speed and strength was easily up to standard.

However, now knowing she still heard the voice of the Sith gave her pause. It would not be wise to be stressing her out with such a connection. Besides, she wanted to have a chance to plan a series of lessons, and probably bring in another instructor to help out.

“Yes, good idea. We’ll see what she’s been up to.”

Tempest paused. She had an idea for one sort of activity Siobhan might be up to. Should she warn Lyra? She decided against it, she’d just go in first.

“I know some people who might be able to get her out of your head. Or at least stop the communicating.”
Charlyra nods in acknowledgment toward Master Tempest.

Following her lead out of the training dojo, the brunette is finally able to take a moment and see where she is. To really let it all sink in, she walks along with her master listening with one ear, while the rest of her senses take the facility around her in. It's true to the name Fire Order. Warm, pleasant and welcoming all in one go. She felt at ease, at peace really. Her thoughts are interrupted by the mention of getting Saprus out of her head.

It'd be a welcome help for sure.

The young padawan was not fond of the idea that this Dark Lord had access to her mind all the time. In truth, she didn't just want to have the ability to shut Darth Saprus out but to also use it against her. Although she knew that at least, would require a great deal of training. "I would most certainly welcome their aid, Mistress." She reminds herself to use the proper term here, though it would be quite the challenge to work out the rigors of the past life. The constraints and teachings of the Jedi, however antiquated they might be - were almost always drilled in, and were nearly impossible to work out, nearly.

[member="Tempest"], [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Charlyra Araano"], [member="Tempest"], [member="Valiens Nantaris"]

By the time Knight and Acolyte arrived at Kerrigan's office, Siobhan had stopped lazing around. Captain Tavos had concluded her briefing and a Firemane droid had brought the Lady's beskar'gam. A nurse was injecting some sort of syringe into Sio's leg.

"Lyra, Tempest, glad you're here. Unfortunately, we have a situation on Arkas," Siobhan said seriously. "One of the settlements, New Hope, has been attacked. We picked up a distress signal and the militia sent reinforcements. By the time they arrived the village had been put to the torch."

She winced strongly when the syringe pierced her flesh, but then seemed to relax as the pain slowly passed. Then she finally got to her feet, seemingly able to walk unaided without being in pain. "I don't think this was an ordinary pirate raid. Initial reports say that villagers were impaled on pikes. Someone needs to look into this and I think we're the right women for the job." Was this an appropriate assignment for a CEO? Probably not, but the Lady liked direct action more than paperwork. Siobhan looked at the two and frowned. "Did training go well? You two look troubled."
Charlyra entered in behind Master Tempest, paying little mind to those tending to Master Kerrigan. Instead she focused on what it was that her master had to say, she spoke of a rather grievous situation on Arkas. Can't say that she's heard of that before, but then Charlyra paid little mine to general planetary geography. She'd been part of the Republic that was simply set about on places that needed to be reigned in, liberated or otherwise dealt with. So she stood with her hands behind her back in an at-ease stance as Master Kerrigan went on.

She bore no emotion through the briefing, simply listening and making notes of the Master's words. When she asked if training went well, Charlyra decided to allow Tempest to answer. The brunette was still adjusting to proper protocols here. Although, perhaps it would be best if she explained exactly what happened since it would appear that she had been the victim of foul play. "Permission to speak?" She asks, the ways of the old Order and its masters the Republic still lingered within her mind. "It went well enough, however; Darth Saprus made her presence known once you had left." Taking in a deep breath she exhales softly. "She communicated that she wished me to slay her apprentice Lord Tabium. I suspect she's already sent him into motion toward us."

A trap, for Tabium she imagines. It wasn't unlike Dark Lords to send their faithful pets to their death, deeming that only those strong enough could thwart off the trap. While some are able to do so, others are not so lucky - many others in fact. "To quote the dark lord herself, she wished me to cut off his head and present it to her." She waits a moment longer, "in doing so I would become her acolyte." The rule of two, there could only be one Master and one Acolyte and in most dark circles this is not just a rule but how they lived and breathed.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], [member="Tempest"]


Storm of the Force
[member="Charlyra Araano"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Tempest rolled her eyes. “Sith…they’re always trying to gain acolytes, only to kill or be killed by them a short time later. If they actually used their brains they’d see that binding your followers with loyalty wouldn’t make you have to keep restarting the job every few years. Besides, she’s clearly an idiot if she thinks killing her minion will suddenly make her love and serve her.”

Tempest was no historian, but she could see this was not the path to success.

“If she sends this person after you we’ll crush her…together…without you becoming a Sith. And we’ll find someone to help get that voice out of your head.”

Still, Siobhan had other news of importance.

“Yes, let’s check it out. Are you OK with that Lyra? The attackers will be long gone before we get there.”
[member="Tempest"], [member="Charlyra Araano"]

Siobhan was no historian or psychologist, but she always regarded Sith recruitment methods as self-defeating. Inflaming someone with deadly hatred against you and then expecting them to serve you seemed like a recipe for disaster. It probably explained why Sith always turned on each other. Of course, Siobhan naturally thought her methods were better than both Jedi and Sith!

"What Tempest said. Sod the Sith and their asinine management methods. You don't bow to people who've tormented you and made your life hell. You give them a taste of their own medicine, kill them and stay yourself. Ideally I'd like Tabium alive so that he can answer questions," she finally said, while one of her minions helped her into her heavy looking armour.

Of course, it was doubtful that he'd be alive for long if that happened. But there were more immediate concerns. Her tone softened a bit. "I can give you instruction on how to shield your mind and I have some friends who are good at offensive mentalism if you want to learn how to strike back." [member="Nima Tann"] and Coryth would be the best candidates. There was also Sumiko, but Siobhan neither liked nor trusted her. "Anyhow, you're welcome to come to Arkas if you think you're up for it. May be safer if Sith are gunning for you."
If it were only so easy, Charlyra ponders as she listens to her masters. "So long as I am not the one to slay him." Simply because it was exactly what Darth Saprus wanted. "Tabium knows of the Sith, of their ways - what they plan to do." They could use him, drain him and then maybe dispose of him once he had outlived his usefulness. Sio's idea sounded better the more she spoke of it aloud. Her hands flexed with glee, a cheeky smile along her face. "He can live, so long as he is useful."

Turning toward Master Tempest, she bows in acknowledgment. "Indeed, let us depart. I am eager flex my new muscles." She says referring to her arms and the motors whir as she rotates them. Taking in a deep breath her eyes flicker with their lavender glow. The force flowed through her unlike it had before, she delighted in how it moved through out her body now - how it fed her. She adjusts her tunic and is ready to go on the moments notice.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], [member="Tempest"]

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