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Thread Tracker Template
Feel free to copy this template into your own tracking thread, deleting all the italics for your use. One post per rank that your character goes through. Alter the colours as you wish!
This format is highly suggested, but you may sort your threads in whichever way makes the most sense to you, so long as it is not an unsorted list.
Training ReceivedTotal: 0 | Complete: 0
Any training your character has received, please link here, listing abilities learned below each thread.
Training Given
Total: 0 | Complete: 0
Any training your character has given to others. Link threads here, and list what was taught below each thread link, as above.
Total: 0 | Complete: 0
Not Required: Any spars with fellow Jedi or duels with adversaries can be linked here.
Dominions/InvasionsTotal: 0 | Complete: 0
Not required: Dominions can only be completed on behalf of a major faction. Invasions can only be completed on behalf of a major faction, whether you are a member or acting as an ally. Please link any dominions or invasions you have participated in, here.
Faction ThreadsTotal: 0 | Complete: 0
Any other Faction thread that is not a Dominion or Invasion, including ‘Jedi Academy’ faction threads. Please link such threads here.
Development ThreadsTotal: 0 | Complete: 0
Please link any development threads (threads purposed to develop something for the Factory or Codex) here.
Miscellaneous/Character Development ThreadsTotal: 0 | Complete: 0
If it doesn't fit somewhere else, or it’s genuinely just Character Development, please link it here.