Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Progress for Research


The planet was an interesting place, Jaster had landed on the assigned posistion the goverment gave to him. He landed his Hammerhead Class Cruiser along with 3 Transport Ships, this carried all the construction components along with all his equipment. This would be the sight of the healers guild first research station and resupply outpost. For the healer guild to properly supply this sector of the outer rim, this station was needed. Jaster had spent months on the blueprint of the facility, it housed over 1,000 security guards, 1,500 scientist, and 2 transport freight. The three seperate facilities housed the warehouse, research building, and pharmaceutical manufacturing plant.

Jaster estimated the factory alone would bring 2 million credits to the the healer guild in product of new and improved ways of medicine. The planet providing workers would gain 1.5 million in quarterly profit. The wearhouse would house the largest supplies in Medical Equipment in this sector of the galaxy, with that problem Jaster would need to speak with the local goverment about the protection of the facility and how much it would cost him.
@Jaster of clan Awaud

Ah, business! Chen thrived in its very nature.

"Ma'am," a human male said approaching the Chiss. "The Healer's Guild has arrived per arrangements."

Chen nodded and smiled, "Excellent! Send whoever's in charge to my office." She ordered.

The man bowed his head and left, he would go to get [member="Jaster of clan Awaud "]and lead him to Chen's private office, situated in Roviane's Blue Port. The city was beautifully designed, modern, and clad in whites, silvers, and various neutral colours with aesthetic taste coming in the form of architectural art.

This was Jasters first visit to Roviane, it was a well centered location for a resupply location. For the other facilities, the guild master needed a location other then the Medical Space Station to harvest and produce medical supplys. Jaster had his eyes on one of the flat planes located on the 15 degrees nothe of the equator that would allow many of the medical herbs to grow. Also a prime position for a space port to house and resupply at max 4 diffrent transport frigates.

As Jaster was lost in though about the plans, a fellow walked up to him and told him that a representative of the planet is looking for him. Jaster would of course aprove of this as some of the final agreement were not yet finished. This would hopefully be cleared in this next meeting. Jaster walked into the office and offered his hand in greeting to the miss behind her desk in the office. She had a wonderful view of the surrounding capital.

"Hello, I am Admiral Jaster Awaud, Commander of the Healer Guilds Trandport Fleets, also Quatermaster of same Guild," he seemed a seriouse man, but again he was a 6'7" Madalorian, "it is a pleasure to finally meet a represinative of Roviane."
"More than just a representative, I'm the Administrator for the world...", she smiled. Her hand went out shake his before turning it to offer him a seat, the Chiss may have seemed unusually friendly for one of her species. Of course that is if he's experienced a Chiss before. It seemed few have since the Ascendancy joined the One Sith in their effort to conquer the known galaxy.

Two red eyes looked up and down the rather tall man. A soldier? She wondered. "If there is anything I could get you please say so, otherwise allow us to discuss arrangements.", she continued.

[member=Jaster of clan Awaud]

"Yes, yes," Jaster said with two nods and taking a seat, "Unless you wish to pull a hard bargain for the land we require I see no need for any request." Jaster was a regular to meeting of these types, formal and mostly dancing around ideas of dues and payments. These were how these games were played out, he jokes to break the ice and show she may have the advantage in the talks.

"We'll let me get to the point ma'am," Jaster didn't want to waist there time with grandur or buttering each other up, he needed the land as soon as possible, "I represent one of the largest congregation of medical professionals in the galaxy, yet we are based quite far from this sector of space, we require 50,000 acres of land located at the location given earlier, we are willing to offer you 32,000 credits along with 27% of our production sells if quote is made would meet 1.2 million credits yearly, we will also exclusively hire workers and research assistance from your planet and no imported workers."

Jaster knew this was a lot of infermation, but that how he through off his opponent. They would hear the big numbers thrown around and they would try and raise the negotiation prices. Jaster knew this and held the cards of the game of bussness negotiations.

"Well Administrator, when you reach an agreement please contact me," Jaster received word that his construction transport had just arrived. "I must attend to things before my men become restless, please excuse me." Jaster stood, the meeting was too quick, but he needed to materials for this mission to be a success. He also didn't need any mess ups before he administrator could agree to his terms.

Truth be told he was being too generous to the planet, Jaster was cutting their production a quarter to pay the goverment and its people. Also the employment benefit of the factory would be outstanding to the central government and local city's. Jaster was making a strategic loss for the long term gain of money being spent on sending loaded ships this far out. Using the planet as a frontier staging ground more Supplys could be pumped out to the diffrent nations fighting.
While Jaster was on his flagship he had received word from the goverment that they had received permission to build their agricultural factory. This was good news for Jaster as he was willing to start the building process as soon as possible. He rallied his crew for the large operation for the transport ships to land on the planet and build the factory first, the largest problem was the safe landing of the equipment, this meant that all supplys and equipment had to be checked before landing procedure was possible. Jaster himself readied himself in a landing shuttle to be at the landing site with pre-landing personel.

After the checks were complete Jaster sat back as the 3 transport frigates landed safely on the planets surface. As the docking bay opened, hundreds of thousands of droids and send isn't workers proceeded to unload the equipment. Jaster joined in as he personally handeled 3 large black containers into a healer tent. The special projects division were to keep those under very strict protocol. They carried a kind of hazmat symbols on the sides, but instead of yellow and white, they were red and green. Many of the workers were too busy to notice the cases and even the once that did see didn't mind it all too much.
The planet was very fertile, the placing of the farm was at its most optimal for the foreign farming technique he was going to try, using green house controlled environments. The building itself was build to house a 1,000 scientist and agriculturist to keep the building up to par with the demand. Along with workers from the planets surface and natives, the farming facility was saving Jaster millions then hiring specialist for the job. The plants that were to come out of the faculty were Jasters hand picked plants. The Behot, Grey Gabaki, Guroot, Osera Seeds, Pommwomm, Senoti, and Viptiel. These plants would be processed into herbal packs and transported to Jasters other facility's to made into other supplys.

The factory itself part was to receive special orders of bacta from suppliers Jaster had made on previous planets and stations. Then it would be processed and handled again by the planets natives, this would cost more then making droids do it, but he was to boost the planets economy and this would do that. First aid kits were the quota on this factory, forms of bacta and herbal additives that healers could use in a quick fix, then finish up when the area was less dangerous.

This was just a stepping stone for Jaster as he needed this factory finished as soon as possible.
The main supporting facility was the space port located in the factory's roof, it was flat and capable of holding 3 transport frigates at a time. This was to drop off bacta supplys and take herbal supplements and aid kits to prospected places that they were needed. Jaster was happy to see that that would be the final touch for the facility. It was the crown on top of Jasters project, though it wasn't his first, it was his biggest.

The facility was to take over a large area of the planet and the output alone would make Jaster billions. Though because of the donation from the healer guild, much of the supplys would be given to the healers for 25% profit. That would bring the gain to hundreds of millions instead of the much more needed money gain. This didn't much bother Jaster though, he liked how the healers helped other and with his supply of goods reaching every cornor of the Galaxy, he could gain much more profits in the long run. This was a great acheivment for him, and though he was working under the premise as an agent of the Healer Guild, the factory was acturaly his company's property.

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