Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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prisoner 2218

Darth Banshee had heard they captured a Jedi, at the last battle. This is not what intrigued her, it was the one she saw on coruscant giving birth. She decide she wanted to visit her, as she wanted to know was it a boy or girl. Also what colour it eyes where, had it said first words. As she head towards her force field shield prison cell. She carried a bottle of red wine to share with her. She wanted to show her, she was wrong about the sith. She also had a small holo communicator with her, encrypted and untraceable.

As she finally got to her cell, she dismissed the guards, and used the force to move a seat near the force field. Then she sat down, and asked [member="Avalore Eden"] How you feeling today? She was unsure how to start conversation with a prisoner much less a Jedi.
Avalore had only just managed to find a comfortable spot on her metal slab of a bed and drift off when the dull sound of footsteps and a voice roused her once more. With a grunt and a wince, the Healer rolled to her side and sat up stiffly. No rest for the weary. Or the imprisoned, apparently.

At least her hearing was mostly returned.

She turned tired brown eyes to the woman, color drained from her face weeks ago.

"Fething brilliant," Avalore replied over a flat, humorless tone.

[member="Darth Banshee"]
I brought you wine, and some food She said in a awkward voice, she just wanted to chat the Jedi. She wanted to know more about them, like why did they try and take children from happy homes. This was the only way she find out more about them, well ether that or rip the information from their minds. This how ever seemed a nicer way of doing it.

She then put the small basket down, and opened it in front of [member="Avalore Eden"] to show what was inside. Apart from some nicer looking food than she been getting, and a bottle of wine. She also had a holo communications device, as she did not think was fair on her child not to see it`s mother. Not it`s fault, it`s mother a Jedi who went to war.
A slow, shallow sigh sounded from the young woman as she watched the Sith enter the cell and set down the basket. There was a moment of hesitation, Avalore looking from basket to Sith and back again, but in the end her hunger for a decent meal won out.

"Thanks," slowly moving from the bench to the basket, she took a few things before returning to her seat. The wine she left, "sorry, that's a nice gesture, but I've never much liked wine."

With a frown she stuck a wad of freshly baked bread in her mouth and began to chew, a muffle groan sounding at the taste of something other than grits. Bread - she'd never been so grateful for it.

"Who are you? And how do you know my name?" get some of the obvious out of the way first. Avalore wasn't sure she had much conversation left to her from the weariness, but much like always she preferred company to being alone.

[member="Darth Banshee"]
I am Darth Banshee, we kinda met on coruscant. She paused and then thought, well she may as well know. It was my droids, that came to you. She said trying to treat her as an equal, you never know the roles could one day be reversed. So was it a boy or girl? She asked, it was some thing she wanted yo know since the invasion. She watched the birth, she made sure they got of the planet. After that she new nothing, she always liked children.

Though it was a bit of an enigma to her, how a Jedi could be a mother with the first line of their code. Their is no emotion, theirs is only peace. As from what she could tell motherhood meant the exact opposite. As the emotions of having a child, and then their was no peace with the constant crying.

Then she decide to answer second part question quickly, I know your [member="Avalore Eden"], as it is on your file
"Oh," Avalore did not remark that she couldn't remember anything more of Coruscant other than the walls collapsing around her and giving birth. Everything else was outside of the birthing tunnel vision.

"Thanks....I guess," she stuffed another piece of bread in her mouth, using it as an excuse to not comment any further on that particular subject. But then -

Was it a boy or a girl?

Avalore stopped chewing. At first she didn't want to answer, but knowing that could simply drive more questions than she cared to deal with, she decided to comply.

"A girl," she replied, mouthful of bread, eyes on the food in her lap.

[member="Darth Banshee"]
That`s nice a baby girl, She replied. Then looked at the rate she was eating, and in a little a bit concerned voice. Though not to much, as she was a jedi Erm you know, if you don`t slow down you will give your self ingestion. Also I can always bring more and water, if you need it. She did not have clue why she was here, but she was anyway, and she make the most of it.

She looked at [member="Avalore Eden"], Once you finished, we will see if you catch up with her. Her eyes glanced towards the holo communicator, though she may think this was some sort trap. It was not, she wanted to see the baby as well.
Avalore wasn't about to be told to slow down her eating now that she had some decent food in front of her. After spending 9 months eating for two on a daily basis, she'd come to appreciate her healthy appetite.

And her fast metabolism. The Healer uttered another thanks to the woman in between bites and with a short glance did make the effort to chew with her mouth closed, for posterity. Not that she had much shame.

She did paused however at Sabrina's last words. A blink, a gulp, Avalore cleared her throat a bit, "...what do you mean 'catch up with her'?"

[member="Darth Banshee"]
A brought a holo com unit, so you can see her. She said with a smile on face, the reality was she wanted to see the baby too. She then added, It`s not her fault her mum decide to play at war is it, so why she be punished. Her voice was almost excited, though she was trying to hide it. She been wanting to see how the child was since coruscant, she had no idea why but she did.

She then began setting it up for the Jedi, to make the call. When she finished eating of course, she could after all. Though she did wonder how long it take her to make the call. [member="Avalore Eden"] it is all set up for you when ready, though I am afraid I have stay for security reasons. That bit was true to an extent, she was taking a risk just letting her make the call.
Avalore just barely contained the scowl that threatened to take her expression.

...not her fault her mum decided to play at war?

She nearly bit her tongue.

Play. PLAY at war?

The Healer bit back the need to remind the woman that it was the Sith who instigated the war. The Sith who brought the war to the Republic. The Sith who took the Republic worlds. The Jedi weren't playing at anything, they were reacting to a war-beast that had smashed through their china cabinet. Had this woman spent the last month in a cupboard under the stairs? What delusion so contrived gave her the privilege to believe she was being terribly generous to a purposed war monger.

Brows knitting painfully tight over her forehead, Avalore could only hope she looked as though she were brewing a headache and not a mental Tolkein novel of scorn. Anymore it felt the two were one in the same.

"I-" she began, looking askance while rubbing at her forehead. She forced the war-comment from her thoughts and focused instead on the very well-buried good intentions presented here.

"...uhm," a short, deep breath, "that's very nice of you, really, but ...I don't...have her...anymore," frowning, brown eyes glanced shortly back up at [member="Darth Banshee"], "I adopted her out over a month ago."
A tear ran down her eye as [member="Avalore Eden"] spoke, she could not believe she gave her way own child. This was why she hated Jedi, they could even feel loyalty to their own kin.

She looked at the Jedi, We did not start the war, you started it on me when I was eleven. Your people wanted me to join you. So you came in our lives, in doing so you attracted bounty hunters. My family did not want to give me up, so you lot kept coming back drawing more attention to us.

I had to run away from home, so you stop coming for me. I was had to run and survive on my own, that`s when my war with you lot started. You started it not me. I don`t hate the republic, I hate you lot. You no concept of family, the one sith do.

She started to leave the room, tears ran down her eyes, these where wounds that deep inside her. She forgotten about the com unit.
"Hey feth you!"

Welp, so much for civility. But it wasn't as if Avalore had spoken her thoughts concerning the Sith or the war aloud, but instead of this writer making a big deal over OP writing by her partner, she's just gonna go with the flow. You're welcome.

"You don't get to start crying and run away you sad excuse for a Sith. You don't get to accuse me of all this nerfpoodooe for no reason. Who the feth do you think you are, throwing blame at me, or better yet, throwing me into a lump of people that you clearly have no fething clue about. You think you have it all figured out don't you, well let me tell you, Sith, you haven't got a clue. You don't know me, you have no idea where I come from or what I've been through. You don't know a damn thing and you aren't even bothering to try. Thanks for fething everything."

Force she hated this place.

At least at home she could get away from the ignorance, but here it was forced on her and she had nowhere else to go.

[member="Darth Banshee"]

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