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Approved NPC Priests of the Legion of Talos

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Image Credit: Priest
Name: Priests of the Legion of Talos
Intent: To Create the personal Guard of Darth Legion after he attained 'Godhood' in the Dominion of Dubrillion
Affiliation: Darth Legion
Availability: Rare
Type: Infantry
Strength: 1000 Priests +4 Archons
Description: Comprised entirely of Force Using Sephi. The Legion members are named Priests of Talos as so named in the Dom of Dubrillion. Generally wielding Sonic Rifles and vibroswords, the Priests Favor speed over strength. Much like Legion Himself, they are only after power and domination. They preach the word of Talos and offer guidance in life and in combat. (Much like the Commissars of 40K). Any who defy Talos are killed by the Priests and the Force is highly prized amongst the ranks. They exist to spur the belief that Darth Legion is a God and the Primeval are allies to held close and not betrayed by fear of punishment from Talos.

Pulled from the ranks of the Horde from the Primeval, the Sephi Legionnaires are usued as Darth Legion's personal unit. Made to aide the Darth Legion and portray the belief that Darth Legion is a God to the people of Dubrillion. The Legion was made up in the moment while the Force had gone out of whack during the Akala Events when Darth Legion played to the Force's strange movements by portraying a God figure to dominate the populous rather than slaughter them. The Sephi with Talos at the time had been conscripted into the ploy to aide the beliefs that Talos was on a God level. Being the favored sect of the Horde of the Primeval, they were the chosen unit to accompany Legion into battle.

There are two ranks, Priests, the main makeup of the Legion and the Archons, the most powerful priests and leaders beneath Talos. Priests have an Apprentice level grasp of the Force utilizing TK and Force Push/Pull only and limited Telepathy for communication purposes. While the Four Archons are comparable to Knights, grasping stronger versions of the aforementioned abilities and adding Force Weapon and Pyrokinesis on an Adept level of understanding. The Archons abilities can be bolstered through Mind Meld with Legion, as this is his main ability, and his shared connection to the Force can aid his Legionnaires in battle.

[member="Darth Legion"]

Okay, apologies for the delay.

There are a few things here I'd like you to expand upon in the description, just to flesh the submission out somewhat.

- What is their purpose?

- Where did they come from?

- Why do they exist?

Also, I would like for you to change their availability to rare, as in the scope of the galaxy 100 is nothing.
[member="Darth Legion"]

Okay, while you did explain a little bit let's go into this a bit further to see if I can help you fill this out more.

First of all, I want to know why they exist. I realize they're a personal legion, but what did he do to garner them? What did he to do get them? How did he recruit these people? What kind of training do they have? You said they're all Force users, are they Masters, Knights, Apprentices? What? This is very important.

Second, just because you change the number to one thousand doesn't make them any less rare. A personal unit is still considered rare unless they number well into the thousands. I am also not very comfortable with the idea of 1004 totally 100% force using personal guard unit.
[member="Hal Terrano"]

Hey, sorry I thought I had replied, but I elaborated their existence and purpose like you asked and their skill level. It's not going to be anything that I'd use widely. More for Doms and faction RP's. Just to add some fun NPCs
[member="Darth Legion"]

Everything now looks okay, however this one last part is somewhat of a bother.

Darth Legion said:
Their abilities can be bolstered through Mind Meld with Legion as this is his main ability and his shared connection to the Force can aid his Legionaires in battle.
Mind Meld as an ability is very powerful, and the implication here is even more powerful. With a little over a thousand people, and all of them capable of using this ability, I would be extremely wary of having them all know this ability right off the bat. If you want them to know this, I will need another development thread of 15-20 posts regarding the ability. If not, then I'm ready to approve.
[member="Darth Legion"]

Since Hal is currently up in the upper echelons of power, I shall be taking over this sub :) Give me a bit to read over it and I'll see if there is anything outstanding for it.
[member="Darth Legion"]

I'm going to place this as pending approval as you have done everything asked and I see nothing really wrong with the sub as it stands. However I leave you with the caveat that abuse will have this submission pulled out an re-reviewed faster than a Sarlacc spitting out a Hutt.

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
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