Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Prelude to Pain (Open to All OS Members)

Ally Skycrawler

Don't you, forget about me
[member="Zambrano the Hutt"]


Ally yawned something of disinterest, hoodie pushing up slightly as she lifted her head from her nap on the lab table. Lazy-eyes panned to the hutt. Nose took in that fresh, bodily-fluid smell.

She was supposed to be supervising someone or perhaps learning something. In other words: nap time.

"Yo. Slutt-ImeanHutt guy. Could yah turn that down? For the love of..."

Another yawn left her mouth as she let the hood fall back over her face. Was she supposed to be getting something ready for [member="Sage Bane"]? Or meeting James Vader in the cafeteria? Meh, just five more minutes. Teenage angsty girls needed a lot of sleep. Growing. Raging hormones. All that jazz.

It was a good thing she packed those extra sweaters.
[member="Ally Skycrawler"]

Zambrano was just finished dragging the beheaded and delimbed corpse across the floor in his slow Hutt crawl to feed to a wild back of... actually, he wasn't quite sure what these beast were, but they seemed to like the treats he was feeding them! Then something uniquely odd happened, that he wasn't quite sure had ever happened before.

"Yo. Slutt-ImeanHutt guy. Could yah turn that down? For the love of..."
He blinked as he heard the thump of her head fall back on to her desk, punctuating the end of the sentence fragment. She asked to turn that down? That beautiful music? How sad, the child (that somehow was spared from his afflictions, and slept through the shrieking of their teachers and classmates along with construction workers as they were mercilessly murdered and fed to strange Sithspawn locked in cages but recently released from their confinement, if not strung up as gory decorations?) was uneducated in their taste in good music. A pity.

Alas, the psychopath could do little else other than comply, after all, all she asked of him was simply to be quite. She did look quite tired, and the Hutt was not one to be unnecessarily rude. He could still do what he pleased, he just had to be a little... quieter and discreet. So, in response to her query, all the monster said was:

As Sage lead the group back through the Hall of Sorrows, he felt an odd Force signature with a slightly familiar resonance. It filled him with a strange and unfamiliar dread, a feeling which had become foreign to the Sith Lord as of late. There weren't many beings left in the galaxy for Sage to fear, besides perhaps more powerful Sith Lords or the judgement of the Dark Lord himself. Quirking his brow, he sniffed the air like a fox, trying to glean just where he had felt that exact signature. Wait, was that screaming? His footsteps quickened as he hurried to the Laboratories and saw that the floor was slick with red, and cut through the middle was a wide trail of slime. Slime?



The Sith Lord gave off an involuntary animal snarl at the sight of his former enemy. The bulbous, grey slug had captured him as Jedi Padawan. During the few long days that Sage spent chained to Zambrano's throne, the Hutt had starved him, beat him, and defiled his body in ways that could not be forgiven. The overwhelming stench of the slug mixed with the formaldehyde made a pungent cocktail that turned the stomach as it wafted through the Laboratories. The Laboratories which were now in a nightmarish state! Sage's eyes widened at the wanton destruction and gore that Zambrano had brought to the chamber. Bloated, decapitated heads were strewn around like festive balloons. Entrails doubled as streamers, and Sithspawn lay gutted like fish on the tables. It was a disaster, and Force knew how hard it was to going to be get slug slime out of the crevices!

A thick, blood-red haze, clouded Sage's vision as rage overloaded his synapses. How dare he steal the Sith Lord's thunder!

"This circus ends now, Zambrano."

His lightsaber was ignited with a snap-hiss. When they had faced off before, that fateful day at the Shadowport, Sage was an Apprentice and had gone down in a couple of hits. Now, the slug would face off with a Hand of the Dark Lord. A cunning and cruel Sith warrior who purged the Jedi enclaves Dorin and Ruusan, a man who commanded armies and siege beasts on Ord Mirit in the name of the One Sith.

This time, Zambrano the Hutt was in for the fight of his life.

[member="Zambrano the Hutt"] [member="Cath Lorr"] [member="Ally Skycrawler"] [member="Darth Raven"] [member="Athena Heron"] [member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Xiarr Raeth"] [member="Lord Eclipsion"]
Cath's foot slipped suddenly, and she looked down at her feet, finally noticing the slug-trail mixed with blood and bodily fluids. Her first thought was, there is now muck all over the red silk of my embroidered shoes. But with a grimace, she realized that she was standing in someone's entrails. Then she heard a clamor of footfalls coming towards her and saw a group of Sith approaching. A man with dark hair and such pale skin, the Acolyte nearly thought he was Umbaran for a moment, payed her no mind and rushed past her, throwing open the doors to the laboratory. A stench emerged that nearly knocked the Umbaran girl off of her feet, much like the wet floor had.

As she followed the entourage into the laboratory, the sights within were abominable, yes. But with clinical detachment, Cath pried her gaze away at what could have caused such carnage. A giant Hutt stood in the center of the room, accompanied by a thick-sweatered apprentice who appeared to have been woken from a nap. Finally, the Umbaran Acolyte gagged, the odor almost burning her nostrils with its putridity. Her use of the Force was nascent, but she called upon it now to dull the smell in the room so she wouldn't vomit.

Cath wasn't technically a Sith Acolyte yet so she had no lightsaber, but she did carry a small vibroblade on her as well as a cyanide capsule in case, she needed to take her own life in some sublimely tragic way. The newcomer did what any self-respecting Umbaran would do. With surprising quickness, she leapt upon the over-dressed girl, who, compared to all other beings in the room from Hutt to Sith Lords and Ladies, appeared to be the weakest link. Putting her blade to the girl's yarn-swathed neck, she hissed, "If you make a sudden move I will slice your neck and drink your blood as if it were a fine wine."

Overdramatic? Why yes, Cath could occasionally be described as such.

[member="Ally Skycrawler"] [member="Sage Bane"] [member="Zambrano the Hutt"]
Lord Eclipsion had sat through most of the tour in silence. Instead of constantly pestering her gracious host with questions and inquiries, Eclipsion gazed upon the halls of the Temple in awe and amazement. Any questions she had would be answered on her own time, not during official One Sith business. However, the Siths interest was peaked when she noticed Zambrano's disappearance, and when Bane angrily slinked off from the group.

Eclipsion trailed Bane, only to enter a room covered in gore, slime, blood, feces and urine. Heads were strewn across the floor, and intestines were piled up in the corners of the room.

What a mess.

However, the Chiss was entertained as she watched Bane challenge Zambrano, and some acolyte jump on a random woman covered in sweatshirts.

"Bane, do you need any aid dealing with the Hutt? If not, I'll just be watching."

[member="Cath Lorr"] [member="Sage Bane"] [member="Ally Skycrawler"][member="Zambrano the Hutt"] [member="Darth Raven"] [member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Athena Heron"] [member="Xiarr Raeth"]

Ally Skycrawler

Don't you, forget about me
Just about to hit a good REM-cycle, Ally was rudely awakened by a voice hissing beyond the fabric of her hoodie in her ear and something poking into her neck. Not that anything could really do any damage with all that clothing she always wore. Something about wine.

Lips smacked absently as a grunt exited the tip of her nose.

Some people woke-up quickly, like flipping on a light-switch. Ally Skycrawler was definitely more of a dimmer. Things were taken nice and slow - including waking up.

"Hnnrrg-wine? Instead of bee-eeEEEEEaaaahhhhh-r?" Another yawn.

One brown eye finally peeked open.

Looked like a sith lord was about to fight the hutt. Really? Could they not see that she was trying to take a good, quality nap?! At least the hutt had tried while he murdered people. Oh yeah, someone was on top of her favorite jacket.

She loudly slurped some of the drool that had gathered on one cheek that was still resting against one of the lab tables as she addressed her...assailant?

"Wanna get something t'eat or somethin?"

More slurping up of naptime drool.

[member="Cath Lorr"] [member="Sage Bane"] [member="Zambrano the Hutt"]
This young girl's lackadaisical response to Cath's trembling knife at her throat was disarming to say the least. So much in fact, that Cath actually backed away from her. It was clear that this sad, human was an unfortunate byproduct of a Sith Alchemical experiment gone wrong!

Her mind appeared to be gone, and she drooled on the table like an infant. And all of those sweaters? Perhaps her Sith minders swaddled her up to protect her from hurting herself.

Not much rattled the haughty Umbaran, but she couldn't abide by this type of grotesque procedure.

"What have you done to her in this laboratory?" asked Cath, her voice rising above the hum of Sage Bane's lightsaber and the Hutt's general bodily noises caused by the strain of his enormous weight on himself and everything around him.

Pity for the creature rose in her, but she wouldn't linger on that emotion long as there was a murderous Hutt to fight.

[member="Sage Bane"] [member="Lord Eclipsion"] [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] [member="Ally Skycrawler"]
"Silence, queen," An invisible, imaginary pool of ash formulated itself above [member="Cath Lorr"] as she awoke the sleeping woman who told him to be quite, and it rained down upon her, and collected around her neck, building and building until the restrictive force of its pressure would begin to crush around her trachea. The imaginary ash itself, would enter her mouth so as to stimulate her throat to choke. Given a few more moments that ash would pull up as one of Zambrano's tendrilled fingers was brought to his lips. "Shh, don't be rude." His eyes though, those impossibly golden eyes, never deviated from their transfixion from the most honored of guests. A devious smile cut its way through the flesh of his face, and the golden eyes seemed to glow with delight.

"My most honored guest! My my Baney boy, how you have grown since I've been away! Where's your girlfriend? It's been a long time, and I still have a favor to ask of her. Oh, but enough of that now, I think its time we celebrated our reunion!" With that sickly Hutt laugh, the edges of the Hutts eyes began to dim with a crimson glow, inching its way closer to his slitted pupils. Some of the beasts around Zambrano began to stir from their feeding places, their beady red eyes sudden flashing with a strange glint. For now, they merely watched, but they would not watch for long. While [member="Sage Bane"] was away, something... happened to them. He would soon find out that this "circus", had yet to even begin its first act!

A familiar snap sounded off in the air, as that barbed whip of his was uncoiled from its place within the gullet of one of his hands. It was quite a scene really, a room dripping with blooding gore, a monster leading a pack of monsters, a woman being choked by an invisible force, and a brooding newly appointed Dark Lord and his entourage poised to strike. What ever were they waiting for? Maybe the problem, is that they did not have dancing partners. Surely that was the problem.

"Remember this good friend? I call it Bane now, named after you..." The silly Hutt mused, his eyes all but entirely crimson now, indicating his mood for more carnal delights. Suddenly, he outstretched his free hand, writhing in the need to devour flesh, pointed towards Bane.

"Shall I have this dance?"
Darth Venefica never asked questions, she would simply steal the answers or whatever knowledge someone possessed to sate her appetite, it was always her way. Drain Knowledge was an ability she had mastered turning friends into enemies, and enemies into friends on a whim. There were no secrets kept from her, no desires she didn't know others possessed. She was a Mentalist of the first order, and if knowledge could not be gained by her, she simply killed to keep them buried away for all eternity.
However, there seemed to be more here than what she had expected. A history between the Sith Lord and the slug. She didn't hate Hutts because of their famous abuse of slaves; she hated them because they were a blight upon the galaxy, profiting off the backs of the weak. As a Sith, she viewed weakness not as a plague but a problem bred from parent to child. The strong endured and grew from it while the weak simply accepted their lot in life.
Knowing this was not her fight, she called to her left hand the deadly lightsaber that had killed many a Jedi and Sith in the history of her life, igniting it via the Force before the cold metal even touched her hand. The deep blue metallic blade roared into life as she took up a position next to the Beautiful One. One twirl, then another and both killing tool and wielder was ready.
"Hold your tongue slug....stay your hand cretin or I shall cut both from your over bloated body," she spoke adding terror into her voice. "You are but a guest among the Sith.....and I will gladly send you home in bit at a time. Unless of course you are blinded by your own perceptions that you can beat two Lords at once?"
With her blade encouraged to kill by her left hand, her right hand was already swirling the Darkside energy around it. She may never be a famous Sith warrior that tales were weaved after her death, but there were far worse results she could conjure before the eyes of the uneducated.
[member="Zambrano the Hutt"] l [member="Sage Bane"] l [member="Cath Lorr"] l [member="Ally Skycrawler"] l [member="Lord Eclipsion"]​
Sage's focus was momentarily drawn to the two misbehaving Acolytes off to the side of the chamber. A few sparks of lightning began to thread through the fingertips of his masked hand, the one that would very soon transform into a mess of writhing amphistaves. His arm shot out and with a one-two motion, he aimed to zap both female Acolytes. Not enough to incapacitate them, no. It was more of a warning shot.

"Stop that nonsense at once!" shouted the Sith Lord, like an exasperated professor. All of their annoying shenanigans were distracting him from focusing on his murder.

Bane cast a glance at the Chiss, [member="Lord Eclipsion"], who asked him if he needed any help with the Hutt. Sage felt perfectly capable of fighting Zambrano on his own, but hey, if she wanted to join in the bloodshed, who was he to stop her? There was certainly plenty of Hutt flesh to go around. With a wolfish smirk, the young Hand gave her his answer.

"Let's just say it's open season on Hutts."

Speaking of joining in, [member="Darth Venefica"]'s blade was ignited with a snap-hiss. Sage grinned broadly at her, excited at the prospect of sharing his conquest of the massive, grey slug with such a venerable Sith Lord. He raised an eyebrow at Zambrano the Hutt, as if to say two Sith Lords for the price of one, eh? Not what you bargained for my fine, fat friend.

All things considered, for someone facing down his arch enemy, Sage had been fairly composed. That was about to change. What finally unraveled him was Zambrano's announcement that he had named his barbed, poison whip after Bane himself. The whip that had shredded his flesh, filling his body with its paralyzing poison, and leaving his wounds open for infection as well as Zambrano's questing tongue. A tic danced along Sage's jaw. A tortured cry escaped his lips as the flesh of his left arm peeled away, revealing his Vong biot, three black leathery amphistaves attached at the shoulder blade.

With nothing but blind rage and an animal snarl, Sage struck out in a vicious attack on the Hutt. The Dark Side guided his every move as his body flowed in a blur towards the creature's wide girth. His lightsaber was thrust in short sharp strikes on the creature, the opening move of Ataru an attempt to hack into the armor-like skin of the creature's unarmed hand. If he were lucky, he might lop off a few fingers. His amphistaves, their power glands activating a razor-barbed force-field around their smooth skin, would crack like whips towards the hand that held the slug's precious "Bane," attempting to disarm the weapon right out of his hand.

[member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Ally Skycrawler"] [member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Cath Lorr"] [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] [member="Xiarr Raeth"]
Lord Eclipsion carefully watched as she saw Bane enter in a furious and reckless rage, trying to disarrm Zambrano. While she herself was a practioner of the arts of Ataru, she knew that Bane was in a position of weakness. Zambrano did have a chance to damage the Hand of the Dark Lord, she took it upon herself to not let that happen. With two Sith Lords and a Knight all facing one Hutt,

The Chiss charged the Hutt from his left flank, as she took an offensive stance against the large Sith. Eclipsion tried to make sure that if she was struck at, that she would be able to deflect it, but she left some areas left open to attack. She made a hefty stab at Zambranos side, hoping that the forceful assault would be able to pierce his armor.

[member="Sage Bane"] [member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] [member="Cath Lorr"] [member="Ally Skycrawler"]
With a smile, Zambrano accepted his leap of faith towards the Hutt, and was not in the slightest even paying attention to anyone else right now. [member="Darth Venefica"] was correct in assessing that he was blinded in his perceptions, completely, utterly groundhog blind to reality. Though it did not mean that they would simply pile onto him like vicious attack dogs, and tear him apart. No, the twisted Hutt always had his ways in dealing with interrupters. The hand set forth that challenged Bane to combat, flicked its fingers subtly, and the sithspawn that had raised their heads to watch the procession like hyenas, bolted forth from their feeding places.

For whatever reason, ever since Sarapin, it would seem that the Hutt had garnered an unlikely ability to commune and command senseless animals with quite amazing and often permanent efficiency. In fact, some of these Sithspawn were the Vaapad that had been captured on Sarapin some time ago, changed now into even more vicious beasts than their incredibly fast and agile predecessors. What unknown effects these various beasts held was unknown to him, but should be sufficient in distracting the likes of [member="Lord Eclipsion"], and company, for at least a little while. There was not a small number of these various creatures after all.

As [member="Sage Bane"] closed the distance between them in a furious leap, the whip snapped with a speed that did not suit the Hutts muscular capabilities. Oh how this reeked of old times! Positively reeked! When Zambrano's name was first spoken in fear beyond the world he was born on, on that fateful Shadowport, Zambrano had arrived with servants. Zambrano here held servants in his control to push the interlopers away. When the Hutt had first encountered Sage in his path of destruction, what did the boy do?

He attacked with furious rage, and the Hutt gave him his penance for such reckless behavior. The whip acted more like a prehensile snake this time around, no longer confined to muscular strength or the resistance of the wind, no now it had a more powerful mind to guide it to its location, and with his target in the air he was left entirely vulnerable to its bite. The barbed viper slithered underneath the unveiled attack of his amphistaves with careful precision, and was not at all at risk of his lightsaber. The barbs would strike beneath his arms, low towards his hips and thighs, with such force it was liable to bat him to the side upon connection. His other arm retreated much slower than his amplified whip, and did suffer the loss of a few fingers as the lightsaber passed in its region when the Sith Lord foolishly closed the distance with such poor form.

Unfortunately for Eclipsion, she would not even gather a chance to get that close in her charge, because the young acolyte ([member="Cath Lorr"]) he had been choking from the beginning (and subsequently electrocuted by Bane), was now probably being thrown by her neck... or otherwise, he attempted to grip her and throw her in the path of the would-be interloper. Meanwhile, quick moving Sithspawn would engage both her and the other Voice of the Dark Lord, and any interlopers present. The number of those Sithspawn, was in the order of two dozen by the least, and two and half dozen by the most. An appropriate number for each member attempting to interfere would meet them first.

This was his domain, not theirs. He was the host, and they were the guests. This was his ball room, and he would have his dance.
"Oh chit."

Eclipsion cursed as she saw a table smeared with burnt muscle tissue literally stuck to it, flying towards her. She was slammed against the cold and wet walls, smearing thick blood all across her. It got even worse, as she saw multiple Sithspawn charging towards her. However, one particulary large brute striked at the other two, wounding them. They ran off, and turned towards Darth Venefica, while the "Alpha" charged the pair. "Here you go!" Eclipsion grunted, as she tossed the table, which was surprisingly light, at the beast. The Chiss grinned, as she watched it temporarily stun the large beast. Eclipsion turned back towards Zambrano, only to see more Sithspawn around him.

"Well, this is going to be fun!"

[member="Zambrano the Hutt"] [member="Sage Bane"] [member="Ally Skycrawler"] [member="Cath Lorr"] [member="Darth Venefica"]

Ally Skycrawler

Don't you, forget about me
[member="Cath Lorr"] [member="Lord Eclipsion"] [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] [member="Sage Bane"] [member="Darth Venefica"]

Head finally lifted unkempt bangs falling partially over brown-eyes. Why was there always so much yelling? And they wondered why acolytes were tired ALL THE TIME. As much as Cath stared at her with incomprehension, she stared back at the other girl the same.

She just wanted to know if she wanted a snack, preferably a sandwich with some sugary cereal and that little Pezz powder...or was it spice...smashed in between some peanut butter, jam, and bread. Was it such a hard question to answer? Such an odd thing to say?

She slow-blinked in the girl's direction and put a hand up to her ear as there was more yelling. She offered the hutt a grateful glance at the shushing. More big sithies entered. A woman. No, two women. The pretty boy who was loud.

This was just all too much energy before lunch time.

She felt a jolt that made it through her layers of sweaters and jackets and glared at pretty boy who was making all the fuss. At this point the work to offer a retort was too much on a semi-empty stomach. And suddenly she was craving marshmallows.

Standing in a half-slouch, she shuffled out of the room with hands jammed in her pockets muttering about rude adults these days.

If she found Sage's, Eclipson's, or Venefica's speeder, she would disassemble it and put it on the roof. After lunch, of course. And with TK.
All of a sudden, Cath felt as if she couldn't breathe. With a violent gasp, she clasped both her pale hands to her throat and crumpled to her knees. She felt like she was being covered by a thick coating of something... smothered by dust or ash, as though a mini volcano had erupted somewhere in the laboratory. Hacking and coughing, the Umbaran sputtered and choking, spittle flying from her mouth, a pained expression marring her delicately impish features.

"Don't be rude," she faintly heard as the illusionary ash retreated from her mouth, and she began to feel like she could breathe again.

But she had no time to rise from her knees as she heard Sage Bane chiding both acolytes as if they were misbehaving children. She was hit by a bolt of lightning, which felt distinctly like the time she had been hit by a stun gun during a routine assassination attempt of her ex-lover, Raknar. Groaning, Cath crawled under a metal examination table. Being struck by two strong Force attacks from powerful Sith Lords was a little more than she had bargained for when she envisioned touring the innovative laboratory.

[member="Ally Skycrawler"] [member="Sage Bane"] [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] [member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Lord Eclipsion"]
Slowly she turned her head, her body slowly joining in the process, toward the Sithspawn that emerged from the pits of the deepest horrors one could imagine. The abominations, varying in size and weight, where joined by Vaapaad, those little pesky and annoying creatures she once dealt with on a planet whose named she could no longer recall. Most planets held no place in memory banks since she had been planet hopping through the galaxy; snatching up one world after another for the Dark Lord.
The Sith witch, a named that had been attached to her by Jedi and other enemies that faced off against her, moved toward the creatures; the Darkside energy already swelled up around her like a bloated belly waiting for release. And she would not deny it's release.
A more powerful version of Force Blast shot forth out in front of her, targeting the Vaapad first, knocking them back with a devastating crash keeping their deadly tentacles whipping about and striking each other rather than the Sith Lady or those that would dare to square off against them. Their tentacles moved with blinding speed but Darth Venefica moved faster, something her small body prided itself on. Agility and speed was her forte, using both to kill with utter efficiency. But for now, they lived fighting among themselves to get upright leaving her to deal with the monsters.
Her deep, blue metallic blade slashed at a hand with curved talons belonging to something she never seen before, a new creature for her to eliminate and add it's bones to her collection. The blade sliced through flesh, cauterizing the wound in the process and sending the monstrosity into a fit of rage and pain. With a well calculated high sweeping arc, she severed the head from the main body, moving to the next creature before her previous kill had time to hit the floor.
Killing quickly was a lesson she installed into her Apprentices, and she always practiced what she preached.
[member="Sage Bane"] l [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] l [member="Cath Lorr"] l [member="Lord Eclipsion"] l [member="Darth Ferus"]​
There was all manner of chaos going on around the Sith Lord as he felt his lightsaber slice through the Hutt's extremities. Sithspawn were rising up around the Hutt. Acolytes were being thrown around the room. Sage paid no attention to the circus horrificus going on around him. He only had eyes for Zambrano.

Insane with rage, Sage was blinded to his own vulnerabilities. His amphistaves however, weren't. Loyal and mind-linked, one of the trusty creatures anticipated the tip of Zambrano's barbed whip racing towards its Master's hip. With snake-like reflexes the tentacle batted it away before it could shred his flesh completely, but, unfortunately for the Sith Lord, the whip did make some contact with skin.

It was deja vu when the barbed whip cut into his flesh. Unlike that day he'd been captured at the Shadowport, the wound was just a nick. Sage grimaced, knowing that unless Zambrano had changed his modus operandi, his bloodstream would soon contain debilitating poison. With such a minuscule amount, it would most likely take a while to hit him. This left him plenty of time to main and kill the slug.

Once finished with his rotation, Sage, backflipped out of "Bane's" range. Hitting the Hutt with a glowstick was an exercise in futility and since the two arch-enemies faced off, Sage had a whole new bag of tricks. His saber deactivated and was clipped to his belt. He raised his gaze to Zambrano, locking his eyes on the Hutt's big yellow orbs. Gathering up the Force around him, Sage called upon the Dark Side to swell into a powerful tendril that he shot towards Zambrano. The invisible tendril would seek to penetrate the Hutt's slimy skin, weaving into the creature's rib cage. If the attack was not thwarted, phantom fingers would close around Zambrano's heart and begin to squeeze.

[member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Lord Eclipsion"] [member="Zambrano the Hutt"]
To put it bluntly Darth Ferus was lost. Within his own head, upon reaching the Force area, he had went. Outside interaction went to a standstill as he scurried about the foundation to his favored art of Alchemy. Metallurgy. Golden eyes were alight with joy, something normally unseen within the eyes of a Sith Lord. Yet this was his candy shop, and he was but a child. As [member="Sage Bane"] , [member="Darth Venefica"] , [member="Lord Eclipsion"] , [member="Ally Skycrawler"] and [member="Cath Lorr"] fought on against [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] . Truth be told, this Sith probably wouldn't of even noticed or cared for the fight.

But even his attention was severed when one of these Sith Spawn came for him. During an examination of a blood letting station, one of these feral beasts leaped for his form, snarling loudly. If not for the Force screaming through Ferus's form about the danger, he probably wouldn't of even noticed. But as the alert came, so too did his reaction. A quick step to the side, and both hands reaching out to grasp the head of said Sithspawn ended with a quick slam downwards, and a severed throat.

The blood letting station did it's job well, slicing clean through the neck of the beast and quickly spilling what ever contents of blood was within it. Such a thing was a tragedy though, for it's blood only corrupted the fresh blood that could of been used to create another blade. A dark and feral growl escaped the lips of this Hand of the Dark lord as pale skin turned ashen, then to pitch as he turned.

Sounds of fighting were clear now, with his attention completely off of this new toy that had it to begin with. Like a bullet he shot off, ignoring all the combatants save for one. The Hutt, which Ferus clearly recognized as the intruder given Sage's attacks upon the worm, would find within but a single moment the black fist of the Aspect of War, fueled with the power of the bestial rage coming right for his over sized face. Just when the dark tendrils were writhing there way into Zambrano's chest his fist would connect if not stopped, and a raw blast of the Force strong enough to blow apart flesh, bone, and anything else within even the body of a wookie.

He cared not for any arch rivalry, his toy was spoiled. And this Hutt would pay.
Insane with laughter, Zambrano was blinded to his own vulnerabilities. His Sithspawn however, weren't. Loyal and mind-linked, one of the trusty creatures anticipated the lunging power of the Hand of the Dark Lord racing towards its Master's heart. In an instant, as if the Vaapadspawn had simply materialized from nowhere, a shower of gore rained down upon Zambrano and [member="Darth Ferus"] both, as his Aspect of War vaporized the Sithspawn in Zambrano's place, prompting the Hutt who's only attention was transfixed upon Sage Bane and his acrobatics, to glance at the Sith Lord, and to subtly move his outstretched tendriled hand to point not at Sage, but at the Zabrack that had appeared directly next to him. In a shrieking mixture of pain and laughter, the Hutt roared as his biot hand suddenly exploded from enveloping the slowly growing skeletal hand beneath, to shoot out and grasp the nearby Lord with its acidic tendrils. These pain inducing, and slightly sense numbing, ravenously hungry tendrils would then in an instant attempt to pull the Lord closer to the maw of the biot as well as its enveloped skeletal hand where the force coursed through the Mad Hutt. Upon contact with that skeletal remnant of the beast, whatever pain the Sith felt would be amplified, and added to as he would inflict it upon him through the direct contact of the force... a skill he has been honing since his first inception with and without the force.

However, as he pulled the whip away from Sage Bane in a snap, the dark side manifested itself within the Sith Lord's hands as a threatening tendril. That malevolent shrieking power of the dark side, cut through the space between Sage Bane and his nemesis, and with incredible precision, penetrated through the rotten malleable flesh of the midnight slug, to wrap around that black beating heart... which was slaved to the task of moving the oily sludge like fluids to pass through it, and moved throughout the massive body of lard and decay. Quickly, almost instantly, the malignant cancerous force squeezed its hold upon that lethal organ, and lacerated it into a hundred different pieces of flesh, pulverized by his hate.

A shudder momentarily vibrated the flesh of the beast as the mortal wound was inflicted, and in that instant the personality of Zambrano the Hutt died... and those windows to the soul began to narrow and blacken, as his vision tunneled to see only Sage Bane in his spiteful passion... until all the dear Hutt could see was his face... and the surrounding darkness. Zambrano the Hutt had finally been killed, it would seem, as the life appeared to slip away. For an eternity, it would seem the innocent psychopath just sat there, looking at the singular face as time halted, so that he might admire that beautiful pale yet passionate face that he had defiled what did not seem to be so long ago.

A voice from within the darkness of his vision, whispered into his ear. It sounded familiar, and although cold as ice, comforting to the Hutt whose "life", as he should understand it as thus, slipped away from him slowly within his own perception. Looking around without moving, the deranged mind searched for that whispering.

"Go to sleep."
"Why for, should I sleep, friend? Am I not playing?" The personality asked in its naivety, not realizing the nature of his own perception in this strange twilight between death and life, were both at the same time slipped away from him as time was frozen to thrust him into this calm and peaceful dimension where the features of all things before him were examined for their brilliant beauty... only Zambrano could appreciate the beauty present in all things the universe had to offer one.

"You have played too roughly... now they push you away."
"But are we not friends?" His presence seemed to look backwards, peering at the many beautiful memories he had experienced in this singular life... and the lives of others before him... witnessing and analyzing the many beauties. He saw not in the fascinating and familiar light of one passing from life to death... but as memories experienced by one who was nostalgic, and looking upon a very old life of thrill and adventure and beauty and love. There was a perplexity within him, that inherently could not understand the whispers, as his eyes wandered away from the memories, and back upon the friend he saw in Sage Bane's contorted and twisted face.

"You are indeed... but they have forgotten... and I must remind them."
"And what shall I do?" So naive, already having forgotten the kind words of the chilling presence... that emanated from within and behind and without. Already, time began to race from eternity, and the eyes of his presence began to lull... as a tiredness and fatigue fell upon him... he may even have yawned in his exhaustion. When indeed was the last time he had ever slept? Something so mortal had never transpired over him until now, as the Other spoke kindly to him... gently... soothingly. Something cold and twisted transpired over him... and it gave him only the impression of stillness.

"You... shall sleep... young one."
As the eyes fell closed, great arachnid spears exploded through the imaginary flesh of Zambrano's personality, sending black blood and gore out into the sky like dark stars, glittering in the light of Sage Bane's face. Mandibles of unimaginable power emerged from the Hutt's sleeping mouth, and tore apart his flesh into a giant torn smile, and spiders and wasps punctured and cut through every boil and blister of the Hutt, seeping out of him like liquid as they began to fill the empty darkness. His body twisted and contoured with the brutalities upon his psyche, as the blizzard of vile ancient horror stepped from within Zambrano... upon the forefront of his mind. Riding upon a swarm of Eldritch Horrors, of serpents, arachnids, and other living nightmares, the strongest of the Hutts' life emerged from his fallen sleeping flesh. His featureless form stared daggers into the soul of Sage Bane, his hands raising to the air as the cacophony of maggots filled every crevice of the darkness, and slowly ate at the incoming light until all that remained was a single point of light, that let in only the image of his eye... to see if within it... lived...


Eyes black as the midnight, the shuttering body of the supposedly slain Hutt became rigid... and an eerie sense of cold, dark, fear and dread exploded from Zambrano as the final fragments of his heart died in an instant. A deep cackling leaked from the lips of the Hutt like cold air falling from a freezer. In that moment... yellow strings began to exit from the bodies of [member="Sage Bane"] and Darth Ferus, and found themselves attaching to the sickening Hutt, pouring that yellow essence into his heart as the Dark Side sustained him. Like needled threads, those yellow strings would cut through the fragments of his heart, and generate a bloody yellow-black glowing nest of strings, intertwined and threaded through every fragment of his heart, as it was slowly pulled back together through the power of the force.

An unearthly shriek escaped the lips of the horror terror, pronouncing one thing:
"Sage Bane, you have been very... bad."
There were many things happening outside Sage's purview. For example, Zambrano's biot had reached out to strangle Darth Ferus in its skeletal grip, and Sithspawn were crawling around the laboratories, engaging with various apprentices. For the Lord of Thorns, there was only he and Zambrano in this dance. Nothing else mattered to Sage, but total elimination of this eternally-hated foe, one who stolen so many pieces of his dignity. Sage's face grimaced as his Force tendril squeezed through the lardlike innards of the Hutt to squeeze his heart. Through gritted teeth the Sith Lord applied all the pressure he could muster, and with a violent squelch, he felt the organ break apart in his invisible hand like an overripe pomegranate. The slithering mound of grey flesh let out a fatal shudder as his internal organs seemed to malfunction. His big, feline eyes seemed to gaze upon Sage like a long, lost lover, imploring him: Why did you betray me? When all I wanted to do was to love you?

To love you from the inside out...

There was a strange Dark Side presence that howled through the room like a cold wind. A spirit perhaps? Sage wasn't sure. It surrounded the Hutt like a mist. Something was happening. Perhaps a man more obsessed with self-preservation would have simply run. Suddenly, Zambrano's eyes blackened like two pools of oil. Threads as yellow as lichen came streaming out from the Sith Lord. The strings poured into the Hutt, suturing together his mangled organs, fixing him up like a broken doll.

Sage's body began to feel heavy as the power was siphoned out of his pale frame. He knew that using the Force would only strengthen their fibrous tendrils, but somehow, the umbilical-like strings needed to be severed, or he and possibly Lord Ferus would wither and die. Sage's light brown eyes flashed around the room and alighted on three large, black urns high up on the shelf. With a flick of his wrist, he sent all three iron urns flying towards Zambrano, aiming right between the eyes of the slug. Hopefully, the impact would concuss him enough to snap the strings.

"You tainted my flesh once, Zambrano." he hissed.

"And you will forever regret it."

[member="Zambrano the Hutt"] [member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Lord Eclipsion"]

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